
Kavli ITS Workshop-Majorana Modes | 葛军饴

蔻享学术 2020-11-15

The Kavli ITS workshop on “Majorana Modes in Topological Superconductors” was held at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (Kavli ITS) at UCAS in Beijing from January 8-11, 2019. The workshop mainly focuses on the realization and application of elusive Majorana modes in topological superconductors.

Majorana particles, which are their own antiparticles, have been of consider able interest for quantum computing in solid state systems since the zero-bias peak of the conductance was observed in the semiconductor nanowires. Now there are multiple experimental hints to support the potential existence of the Majorana states possessing zero energy. Since Majorana states can form qubits for quantum computation, once the Majorana states are able to be fully controlled and manipulated, the number of the Majorana qubits can be scalable to accelerate the speed of the quantum computation.

The scope of this workshop is to discuss the recent topics in Majorana bound states and Chiral Majorana edge modes in class D, aiming at promoting new collaborations among participants and seeking practical implementations to use Majorana modes for quantum computation. Furthermore, in the workshop, there will be a discussion session focusing on Majorana physics in the vortices of the topological superconductors.


题目:Nanoscale assembly of superconducting vortices with STM tip







Vortices play a crucial role in determining the propertiesof superconductors as well as their applications. Therefore, characterization and manipulation of vortices, especially at the single vortex level, is ofgreat importance. Among many techniques to study single vortices, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) stands out as a powerful tool, due to its ability todetect the local electronic states and high spatial resolution. However, localcontrol of superconductivity as well as the manipulation of individual vortices with the STM tip is still lacking. Here we report a new function of the STM, namely to control the local pinning in a superconductor through the heating effect. Such effect allows us to quench the superconducting state at nanoscale, and leads to the growth of vortex-clusters whose size can be controlled by thebias voltage. We also demonstrate the use of an STM tip to assemble single quantum vortices into desired nanoscale configurations.



葛军饴,教授、博士生导师。2014年获得比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)博士学位。2015年受聘为比利时弗拉芒政府科学基金会FWO 学者。2017年获得上海市东方学者特聘教授称号并加入上海大学材料基因组工程研究院。2018年被欧洲研究委员会(ERC)聘为项目特约评审。研究方向主要包括纳米结构超导体、超导体磁通涡旋结构及其动力学、新型超导体材料制备及物性研究、人工自旋冰等。截至2018年共发表SCI文章35篇。其中以第一作者和通讯作者在Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Physical Review B, New journal of Physics, Applied Physics Letters 等国际著名期刊发表文章25篇。受邀分别为Springer 和Degruyter 出版社两部英文学术专著撰写章节。


1. Kavli ITS Workshop-Majorana Modes | Ching-Kai Chiu:Majorana lattice with disorder

2. Kavli ITS Workshop-Majorana Modes | 闻海虎:Vortex bound states and Majorana modes in FeTe0.55Se0.45 and Bi2Te3 / FeTe0.55Se0.45

3. Kavli ITS Workshop-Majorana Modes | Tianci Zhou:Dynamics of Entanglement in Random Unitary Circuit

4. Kavli ITS Workshop-Majorana Modes | 封东来:Clean and robust Majorana zero modes in an iron selenide

5. Kavli ITS-APW-Tsinghua-RIKEN Workshop 学术报告视频--周兴江:Orbital Origin of Extremely Anisotropic Superconducting Gap in Nematic Phase of FeSe Superconductor

6. Kavli ITS-APW-Tsinghua-RIKEN Workshop 学术报告视频--Yuval Oreg: Spin liquids from Majo Zero Modes

7. Kavli ITS-APW-Tsinghua-RIKEN Workshop 学术报告视频--Jiangping Hu:High Te Superconductivity By Two eg Orbitals

8.  Kavli ITS-APW-Tsinghua-RIKEN Workshop 学术报告视频--2018.11.26


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