
“多铁材料的电学和磁学性质国际研讨会” | Athinarayanan Sundaresan 报告视频

KouShare 蔻享学术 2020-11-15

国家自然科学基金委员会与金砖国家科技创新框架计划合作研究项目“多铁材料的电学和磁学性质国际研讨会”于2019年1月16日在上海大学召开。研讨会为参会学者提供多铁性材料研究工作交流的机会,报告理论计算和实验工作的最近前沿进展。基于国家自然科学基金委员会与金砖国家科技创新框架计划合作研究项目,探讨多铁物质的结构、磁性、电学、 光学等物性。研讨会还将介绍中国、俄罗斯、印度等国家地区的材料研究趋势。研讨会面向材料科学、凝聚态 物理学领域里的研究生和青年学者,紧密围绕对于磁电多铁材料在基础科学中的广泛应用。

图 | Athinarayanan Sundaresan

题目:Pyroelectric magnetic oxides for magnetoelectric multiferroicity

报告人:Athinarayanan Sundaresan

单位:Chemistry and Physics of Materials Unit Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research

时间:2019 年1月16日




Type-I multiferroics are polar magnetic materials where the electric polarization comes from the displacement of nonmagnetic cations and the magnetism is associated with the partially filled transition metal ions. Thus, the electric and magnetic orderings occur at two different temperatures. Consequently, they exhibit a weak coupling between the magnetism and ferroelectricity. On the other hand, type-II multiferroics are nonpolar in the paramagnetic state and the inversion symmetry is broken below the magnetic ordering temperature due to certain type of spiral or collinear spin structures, resulting in spin induced electric polarization. Thus, these materials exhibit strong coupling between magnetism and ferroelectricity. However, such unusual magnetic structures occur at low temperatures because of magnetic frustration. Our approach to magnetoelectric multiferroics is to explore polar magnetic oxides where the polar distortion arises from the magnetic ions and its surrounding oxide ions. In this talk, I will present structural and multiferroic properties of two families of polar magnetic oxides, namely ordered aeschynites RFeWO6 and doubly ordered perosvskites NaRNiWO6 (R = Rare-earth).  These oxides are pyroelectric in the paramagnetic state and exhibit a change in polarization at the magnetic ordering temperature. We propose that these materials may be classified as type-III multiferroics.   



Athinarayanan Sundaresan serves as an Associate Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore, India. He received his Ph.D. degree in chemistry from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, in 1994. Sundaresan served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Laboratoire CRISMAT in France during 1995–1997. He served as an Invited Researcher at LEPES and CNRS, Grenoble, and as a Researcher of CREST-JST at AIST, Tsukuba before joining JNCASR as an Assistant Professor in 2004. His current research interests are in chemistry and physics of oxide materials with particular emphasis on superconductivity, magnetism and multiferroism in bulk, thin films, and nanomaterials.


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