
【大学频道】合肥大师论坛 | 美国科学院院士Michael L. Bender教授

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25

图 | Michael L. Bender 教授

题   目:2 Million Years of  Global Climate Change Captured in Ice Cores

报告人:Michael L. Bender

单   位:Princeton University

时   间:2019年1月17日

地   点:中国科学技术大学



For the past 3Myr (million years), Earth's climate has switched between glacial periods, when continents were covered by ice sheets as far south  as the latitude of New York, and interglacial periods like today. These switches are caused by changes in Earth's orbit around the sun, which occur with periods of 100 kyr (thousand years), 40 kyr, and 20 kyr. The changes influence how much of the annual flux of sunlight comes in summer, when ice sheets are most likely to melt. The period of glacial-interglacial climate change has been about 100 kyr for the past 1 Myr. Climate is fairly well known during this period, partly because cores of ice drilled through the Antarctic ice sheet allow us to characterize Antarctic climate and atmospheric chemistry for the past 800 kyr. This talk will summarize studies of Earth's climate over the past 800 kyr, and attempts to extend the ice core record of climate change in Antarctica to times earlier than 1 Myr, when the period of glacial-interglacial cycles was 40000 years.



Michael L. Bender,普林斯顿大学教授,国际著名海洋地球化学家,他开创了测量冰芯包裹气体性质的古气候研究领域:建立了冰期与间冰期生物圈生产力与大气二氧化碳含量的关系,发展了海盆全球尺度碳通量与生态系统生产力的检测系统,为进一步认知和预测未来气候变化作出了开创性的贡献。共发表130多篇学术论文,其中27篇发表于《Science和《Nature,曾获国际地球化学学会Patterson奖章和美国地球物理学会Revelle奖章,南极命名委员会更将其在南极研究的冰川命名为Bender glacier

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