
【学术视频】Recent Progress in Relativistic Astrophysics

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



 | Sourabh Nampalliwar

题   目:eXtreme gravity with X-rays

报告人:Sourabh Nampalliwar

单   位:University of Tuebingen

时   间:2019-05-06

地   点:复旦大学



  • Better modeling

    lamp post

    thick disk

    atomic data

    magnetic field

  • Better date(analysis)

    new telescopes

    suitable sources

    right model combo

    control systematic errors

  • Better metrics:

    more top down metrics

    nicer bottom up metrics

  • Better synergy: GWs, Shadows.


Sourabh Nampalliwar, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Post-Doc, University of Tuebingen.

Experience: 2017 – current, Post-doctorate research scholar, Excellent Young Researcher program, Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany.

2015 –2017, Post-doctorate research scholar, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Dec Sep. HPC cluster administrator, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Feb.

2014– 2015, at the University of Texas, Brownsville: Adjunct Instructor. 

Research Interests: Black hole astrophysics, Gravitational waves, Gravitational collapse, General Relativity.

—— ——往期精彩回顾—— ——

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