【学术视频】第五届全国统计物理与复杂系统学术会议 | 昆明学院郭伟博士
图 | 郭伟
题 目:Ergodicity breaking in systems with quenched disorder and heterogeneous diffusivity
报告人:郭伟单 位:昆明学院时 间:2019-07-29地 点:中国科学技术大学扫码观看精彩报告视频
In this talk, we report our recent works on ergodicity breaking inone-dimensional systems either with quenched disorder or in heterogeneous environments.
For an underdamped Brownian particle under the action of quenched disorder, the transiently anomalous diffusion and ergodicity breaking, spanning several orders of magnitude in time, have been obtained. The ageing nature of the system weakens as the dissipation of the system increases for other given parameters. Its origin is ascribed to the highly local heterogeneity of the disorder. Two kinds of approximations (in the stationary state), respectively, for large bias and large damping are derived.
For an overdamped Brownian particle in diffusing in heterogeneous environments subject to Lévy noise, the ergodicity breaking are investigated, by both the analytically theory and the numerically simulating schemes.Within the tailored parameter, the competition of the power-law exponent α and the Lévy index μ ensures the long tail of probability density function with the form P(x) ∼1/(|x|μ/p+1) with p = 2/(2−α), which falls rapidly when μ/p > 2. Meanwhile, we observe the weak ergodicity breaking, quantified by the weak ergodicity breaking parameter which follows the from ∝ (Δ/T )(1/2− 2p/μ ), in the long time limit.
These results mentioned above may be helpful in further understanding the nontrivial response of nonlinear dynamics, and also have potential applications to experiments and activities of biological processes.
郭伟,理学博士、硕士研究生导师。2015年7月毕业于云南大学理论物理专业,2015年8月进入昆明学院工作。在教学方面,他主讲热学、光学、力学、计算物理学、概率统计等课程。其主要从事理论物理研究。当前,研究兴趣为无序系统的遍历性破缺和拓扑绝缘体。已在SCI收录刊物Journal of Statistical Mechanics, Europhysics Letters, The European Physical Journal B, Physica A和Chinese Physics B上发表论文14篇,已被国内外同行引用100余次。担任Nonlinear Dynamics, Physica A等国际SCI杂志的审稿人,担任国际期刊American Journal of Physics and Applications和SCIREA Journal of Physics的编委(Editorial Board Members)。已主持、并结题国家自然科学基金项目“几何受限下布朗粒子的反常扩散及相关问题研究”;主持昆明学院科学研究重点项目项一项、昆明学院人才引进项目一项;曾以骨干成员完成四项国家自然科学基金项目和一项云南省高校科技创新团队项目;2017年7月入选“昆明学院青年骨干教师培养工程”。2017年获统计物理领域国际知名SCI杂志Physica A杂志编委会颁发的“Certificate of Outstanding Contributionin Reviewing”(杰出评阅贡献奖);2017年10月获云南省教育厅颁发的“2017年度云南省优秀博士学位论文奖”;2016年获“‘高等教育杯’第二届全国高等学校物理基础课程青年教师讲课比赛‘云南赛区二等奖’”;2018年11月,获“高教社杯”高等师范院校物理学教师教学技能大赛“优秀奖”;曾获“博士研究生国家奖学金”(2014年)、“云南省博士研究生学术新人奖”(2014年)、“云南大学优秀博士学位论文培育基金”(2013年)、“云南省优秀硕士学位论文奖”(2013 年)、“云南大学岳虹研究生奖学金一等奖”3次和“东陆英才奖学金学术科研奖”3次等。