
【学术视频】第五届全国统计物理与复杂系统学术会议 | 厦门大学陈金灿教授

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



图 | 陈金灿

题   目:三热源热管理系统:从经典到量子理论

报告人:陈金灿单   位:厦门大学时   间:2019-07-28地   点:中国科学技术大学



We briefly introduced the fundamental principles of three-heat-source cycles in classical thermodynamics, the relationship between the two-heat-source cycles and the three-heat-source cycles, and the practical applications of three-heat-source cycles. Moreover, we elaborated the basic operation principle of several quantum thermodynamic systems such as three-terminal thermal electron reservoir engines and refrigerators, three-terminal thermal electron-tunneling devices, three-terminal quantum dot refrigerators, three-terminal quantum dot thermal management devices, and thermal transistors, and discussed how to optimize the performances of these systems, and supplied the optimum selection criteria of key parameters for these systems. The results obtained may provide some guidance for the developments and applications of three-terminal quantum devices.


Jincan Chen obtained his Ph. D from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands and now is a professor of Department of Physics, Xiamen University, People's Republic of China. He has published about 400 papers in 80 international journals and more than 100 papers in Chinese. His research fields mainly include quantum thermoelectric devices, quantum thermodynamic cycles, confined quantum systems, Brownian heat engines and refrigerators, energy selective electron devices, Bose-Einstein condensation theory, non-extensive statistics, solar cells, electrolyzer systemsfor hydrogen production, fuel cells and their hybrid systems, thermionic generators, semiconductor thermoelectric devices, alkali metal thermoelectric converters, irreversible heat engines, magnetic refrigeration theory, solar thermal power generation, chemical engines and pumps, etc.



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