【周五十点】《分子光电科学》系列讲座 | Chen Zhong of NTU
主题:Materials Science in Microelectronics: Case Studies
主讲人:Prof. Chen Zhong
单位:Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
A brief introduction will be given first on the development of semiconductor industry with a focus on the impact of the Moore’s law. The continuous size reduction poses a great challenge to the production yield and device reliability. Innovative solutions are required for more effective and reliable materials at decreasing feature sizes. Along with this background, I will also explain some relevant fundamental sciences to help understand the subsequent examples. Two case studies will be explained in details illustrating how materials science principles are applied to formulate new solutions. In first case study, amorphous metallic thin films are prepared as the diffusion barrier for copper interconnect in the BEOL chip manufacturing. In the second case study, electrolessly plated ternary Ni-X-P (X = metal element) alloys are designed to improve the long-term reliability of solder joints in electronic packaging.
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