
【预告】Kai-Min Chung:How well can a classical ...

KouShare 蔻享学术 2022-07-02



主题:How well can a classical client delegate quantum computation?

主讲人:Kai-Min Chung


时间:2020年7月17日 10:00-11:00


In a recent breakthrough, Mahadev (FOCS 2018) constructed the first classical verification of quantum computation (CVQC) protocol that allows a classical client to delegate the computation of a BQP language (i.e., a decision problem) to an efficient quantum server.In this talk, we present several generalizations of Mahadev s work. In particular, we initiate the study of CVQC protocols for quantum sampling* problems and construct the first such protocol that allows a classical client to verifiably obtain a sample drawn from a quantum computation from a quantum server. We also construct the first protocol with efficient verification, i.e., the client's runtime can be sublinear in the quantum time complexity of the delegated computation. Finally, we present a generic compiler that compiles any CVQC protocol to achieve blindness, i.e., the server learns nothing about the client's input, which leads to the first constant-round blind CVQC protocol. Based on joint works with Nai-Hui Chia, Takashi Y amakawa, Yi Lee, Han-Husan Lin, and Xiaodi Wu 


Kai-Min Chung is a researcher at Institute of Information Science (IIS), Academia Sinica. He obtained his Ph.D. degree at Harvard University supervised by Salil Vadhan. After that, he joined Cornell University as a postdoc working under the supervision of Rafael Pass and supported by Simons Postdoctoral Fellowship. His research interests are in the fields of (quantum) cryptography, complexity theory, and pseudorandomness.

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