
【预告】悉尼大学龚璞林副教授 | Cortical spatiotemporal activity patterns...

KouShare 蔻享学术 2022-07-02



主题:Cortical spatiotemporal activity patterns: dynamical properties and computational roles

主讲人:龚璞林 副教授


时间:2020年8月5日 10:00-11:30


Experimental studies have begun revealing essential properties of the structural connectivity and the spatiotemporal activity dynamics of cortical circuits. To integrate these properties from anatomy and physiology, we develop a novel cortical circuit model that captures a range of realistic features of synaptic connectivity. Based on this circuit model, we reveal a dynamical working regime of the cortex, in which propagating activity patterns with complex spatiotemporal dynamics emerge. Such propagating patterns provide a mechanistic explanation for a great variety of neurophysiological data measured at different neural levels, including balanced excitation and inhibition, variable spiking dynamics and high-frequency oscillations with bursting properties. We develop a new theory to gain a fundamental understanding of how this dynamical regime emerges from cortical circuits. In addition, we demonstrate that propagating activity patterns with complex dynamics provide a framework for understanding the neurophysiological mechanisms of cognitive functions such as attention.


Dr Pulin Gong is an Associate Professor at The University of Sydney (USyd). He is the Head of the Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Group. Before joining USyd, he was a staff scientist at RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Japan. Dr Gong is interested in better understanding the self-organizing mechanisms of brain spatiotemporal dynamics and the principles underlying how these dynamics implement neural computations.

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