【预告】土壤生态学系列学术讲座(二):The dark side of biodiversity
主题: The dark side of biodiversity
报告人:Nico Eisenhauer 教授
时间:2020年12月11日 16:00-18:00
Environmental change is altering the composition and functioning of the earth’s ecosystems. My team aims to embrace the complexity of terrestrial ecosystems by considering interactions among organisms above and below the ground as well as within and across trophic levels. We study the global distribution and drivers of (soil) biodiversity, global change effects on biodiversity, and the ecosystem consequences of biodiversity change. Our main questions are: How does environmental change affect the composition and biodiversity of ecosystems? How are shifts in community composition and biodiversity related to the functioning and service provisioning of ecosystems?
Nico Eisenhauer 教授
(German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig)
土壤生态学家、DFG研究项目“Jena Experiment”发言人、iDiv Ecotron负责人、MyDiv实验负责人、Soil Organisms杂志主编。致力于通过地上-地下、不同营养级之间和营养级内部的相互作用来揭示陆地生态系统的复杂性及其成因,主要关注环境变化如何影响生态系统的组成和生物多样性、群落组成和生物多样性的变化与生态系统的功能和服务提供有何关系等科学问题。近年来在Nature, Science, PNAS, Nature Communications, Nature Climate Change, Science Advances, eLife, Global Ecology & Biogeography等国际期刊发表论文300余篇。
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