【直播】兰州大学兰州理论物理中心(筹)| Thermodynamic geometry and black hole ...
主 题:Thermodynamic geometry and black hole microstructures
Thermodynamic geometry can be constructed analogue to the Riemannian geometry. Via the corresponding scalar curvature, the microscopic properties of the system can be revealed. In this talk, we shall introduce a special kind geometry, Ruppeiner geometry. The interpretation and empirical summaries of the geometry will be given. At first, we shall apply it to the Van der Waals fluid system. Combining with the liquid-gas phase transition, the microscopic properties between the fluid molecules will be examined. At the critical point, the critical phenomena of the scalar curvature will be investigated. Then, we shall construct the Ruppeiner geometry for the black hole systems. For the black hole systems, the critical phenomena of the scalar curvature can also be observed. In particular, we can test black hole microstructures by employing the Ruppeiner geometry. The properties of the black hole microstructures are uncovered. Therefore, such approach can provide an alternative way to examine the microstructures of black hole. This shall shed new light on the nature of black holes.
魏少文,兰州大学教授,主要从事广义相对论,引力理论,黑洞物理等方面的研究。2012年获兰州大学理论物理博士学位;2014年获甘肃省优秀博士学位论文;2016年获中国引力与相对论天体物理学会青年学者优秀论文奖一等奖。2018年7月至2019年7月赴加拿大滑铁卢大学学术访问。目前主要关注黑洞热力学相变和强引力效应的研究,已在PRL, PRD等国际知名学术刊物上发表论文80余篇。
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