
【直播】Nanomaterials and Biomedical applications

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-26


Nanomaterials and Biomedical applications

Speakers:Lloyd Lumata、Anton NaumovTime in Dallas : April 24, Saturday, 8:00-9:00 PMTime in Beijing : April 25, Sunday, 9:00-10:00 AMSponsors:Nanomaterials MDPI、KouShare

Welcome to A Series of Webinar on Nanomaterials and Applications

We would like to invite all the Scientific Community to participate in a Series of Webinar on Nanomaterials and Applications from April to July 2021, which is sponsored by MDPI Nanomaterials and propagated by Koushare. The Webinars were scheduled at the last weekend of each month from April to July 2021 for the convenience of audiences and the speakers.   Aim and ScopeThis series of Webinars are mainly designed to offer diverse sessions that address the Theme of ‘Nanomaterials and their applications’ for the purpose of sharing new thoughts and new advances among the experts, industrialists and understudies from look into topics of Nanomaterials to share their on-going developments and applications for Better tomorrow. The scope of the webinar series is to support global research communities by empowering clusters of Professor, Scientists, Researchers, Students and Business Delegates to meet and discuss topics of Nanomaterials with frontrunners in the field. These webinars cover diverse top-ranked specialties and budding aspects of important and relatively broad subject areas including nanomaterials design and synthesis for cancer detection, drug delivery, therapeutics, sensing and safety as well as security for our better life tomorrow. The talks are aimed for public with lay languages and are open to everyone in the world!
Sincerely yours
Wei Chen, Ph.D, ProfessorDepartment of PhysicsThe University of Texas at ArlingtonArlington, Texas, USA
Special website:koushare.com/topicIndex/i/nanomaterials-application

Dr. Chen Wei

陈伟 (Wei Chen) 博士,本科毕业于吉林大学地球科学院,硕士毕业于中南大学,博士毕业于北京大学化学学院,北京科技大学材料物理系博士后。1994年-1998年在中国科学院半导体研究所工作,任副研究员、研究员和材料开放实验室副主任。获科学院院长杰出基金和科学院青年科学家奖。1998年8月-1999年5月瑞典隆德大学材料化学系高级访问学者;1999年6月-2000年3月任加拿大西安大略大学化学物理中心高级研究员。2000年-2006年,任职于Nomadics公司(现Flir系统公司),纳米技术研究组组长。2006年9月陈伟加入德州大学阿灵顿分校物理系,现为纳米生物物理专业终身正教授。三次获得德州大学科研优秀奖及德州杰出科学家两次提名。2017年获得美国科技出版社的最佳论文奖。2020年获德州大学杰出成就奖,当选美国发明科学院Senior Member、国际先进材料联合会Fellow和欧洲材料科学技术Vebleo Fellow。现担任生物医学纳米技术杂志 (Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology) 副主编,美国科学出版社JNN副主编,纳米科学与技术评论杂志 (Reviews in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology) 主编。还担任著名刊物Cancer Nanotechnology, Journal of Nanomedicine, ACS Applied Biomaterials和Nanomaterials的编委。

陈伟博士多年来一直从事纳米技术的尖端研究,系国际著名纳米药物和癌症纳米技术专家。在癌症纳米靶向治疗和深部癌症光动力治疗研究方面取得了优异成果。目前在PNAS, Nano Letters, Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy (Nature), Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Materials Today Physics等著名学术刊物发表论文288篇,主持编写专著1部(三册),参与编写专著13册,论文引用超过11300次,论文H指数是56,其中单篇引用最高达678次,引用超过200次的有13篇,引用超过100次的有27篇,授权发明美国专利20项;主持了30多项重大科研项目,总科研经费超过900万美元。Charles P. Poole Jr. 与Frank J. Owens在2003所著的美国第一本纳米技术教科书《纳米技术介绍》中介绍了他的开创性工作和重要贡献。陈伟的科研工作广受关注, 受到美国电视节目CBS的报道。

(1)率先提出“纳米粒子自发光光动力疗法”治疗深部癌症的概念。两篇代表性论文:JNN (2006) 被引用540多次, 2017年获得美国科技出版社的最佳论文奖。Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (2008) 成为2008和2009年的热点文章,目前被引用638次。

(2)发明了第四代光敏剂——半胱胺酸铜,这种新型光敏剂可以在紫外光、X射线、微波和超声波产生活性氧用于癌症和感染病的治疗, 目前获得美国、欧洲和亚洲专利8项。

(3)开辟CuS用于癌症纳米治疗技术的新研究方向,成为光热治疗领域热点。代表性论文‘用于肿瘤细胞光热消融治疗的硫化铜纳米颗粒’(Nanomedicine, 2010, 5:1161) 在2010-2014年‘生物技术应用微生物学’类123573篇文章中排名384(Web of Science)。

(4)发明新型癌症治疗方式——微波诱导光动力治疗 (MIPDT) ,获美国专利, 也已经成为一个重要的研究热点。


13C Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhanced by Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Doping


We report on the use of a superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle (SPION) MRI contrast agent Feraheme (ferumoxytol) as a beneficial dopant in 13C samples for dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP)—a technique that enhances the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and imaging (MRI) signals by >10,000-fold. Our hyperpolarized NMR data at 3.35 T and 1.2 K reveal that the addition of 11 mM elemental iron concentration of Feraheme in trityl OX063-doped 3 M [1-13C] acetate samples resulted in a significant improvement of 13C DNP signal by a factor of almost three-fold. W-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy data suggest that these two prominent effects of SPION doping on 13C DNP can be ascribed to the shortening of trityl OX063 electron T1, as explained within the thermal mixing DNP model. Liquid-state 13C NMR signal enhancements as high as 20,000-fold for SPION-doped samples were recorded after dissolution at 9.4 T and 24 deg C, which is about three times the liquid-state NMR signal enhancement of the control sample.  Our overall results suggest that the commercially available and FDA-approved Feraheme is a highly efficient DNP enhancer that could be readily translated for use in clinical applications of hyperpolarized magnetic resonance.

Brief introduction

Lloyd Lumata obtained his BS in Physics at the Western Mindanao State University, Philippines in 2002. He went to graduate school at Florida State University (FSU) in 2004 wherein he studied nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of organic conductors under the supervision of Prof. James Brooks at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. He earned his PhD in Condensed Matter Physics at FSU in 2008. In 2009, he moved to Dallas for a postdoc position at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW). At UTSW, he assembled an MRI signal-enhancing instrumentation called hyperpolarizer that amplifies the MRI signals by >10,000-fold. This machine was used for high resolution cardiac and cancer imaging. In 2014, he moved to the neighboring University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) as a faculty in the Department of Physics where he is now an Associate Professor, leading a research group that applies this hyperpolarization technology for non-invasive diagnostic assessment of cancer.


Graphene Quantum Dots: Synthesis and Applications


Carbon nanomaterials are leading the field of nanotechnology for over 30 years due to their unique physical and electronic properties. They are now used in microelectronics as a basis for nanoscale transistors, they serve as counter electrodes in solar cells or as reinforcement for polymeric materials. Recently carbon nanomaterials have gained a significant attention in the field of biotechnology acting as drug delivery vehicles, therapeutic moieties or nanoscale biosensors. We explore the most prominent applications of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) in biotechnology and optoelectronics.Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) synthesized top-down from graphitic carbon precursors or in bottom-up from simple sugars can be designed to perform a number of functions desired from the nanomaterials in biomedicine. GQDs developed in our work are highly biocompatible (up to several mg/mL) and biodegradable in cell culture at 36h for most of the structures. They can be doped or pre-designed to exhibit bright (with 60% quantum yield) fluorescence in the visible and in near-infrared (with 7% quantum yield). GQDs successfully internalize in vitro and, as targeting agents are attached to their platform, show preferential accumulation in cancer cells and successful delivery of a variety of cancer therapeutics. Injected intravenously, GQDs are used for in vivo imaging, as their near-infrared fluorescence is detected from the organs of live sedated mice. This introduces a unique imaging modality that can utilized to trace therapeutics in animal models without the need of sacrificing those.Finally, the versatility of the GQD platform allows to utilize those in a wide variety of device geometries, from low cost solar cells and multicolor LEDs to nanothermometers assessing temperatures in cellular microenvironments as well as pH sensors for acidic and cancerous environments.

Brief introduction

Dr. Anton Naumov received B.S. in Physics from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where he started nanotechnology research separating chiral carbon nanotubes. He received his M.S. and Ph.D in Applied Physics from Rice University studying optical properties of carbon nanotubes and graphene. After his Ph.D. Dr. Naumov joined Ensysce Biosciences Inc. as a Research Scientist developing nanomaterials-assisted cancer therapeutics. Later on, he joined Central Connecticut State University as an Assistant Professor. In 2015 Dr. Naumov joined TCU and in 2018 - also TCU/UNTHSC Medical School, continuing his bio-nanotechnology research focusing on nanomaterials that perform drug delivery imaging and diagnostics.

Nanomaterials (ISSN 2079-4991,IF 4.324) 是由MDPI出版的国际性开放获取期刊,聚焦纳米相关领域最新研究进展。主题涵盖纳米材料 (纳米粒子、薄膜、涂层、有机/无机纳米复合材料、量子点、石墨烯、碳纳米管等)、方法 (合成、表征、模拟等) 以及在生物医药、能源、环境、电子信息等领域的应用。期刊采取单盲同行评审,一审周期约为13.2天,文章从接收到发表仅需2.8天,文章总处理周期约为33天。





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