

KouShare 蔻享学术 2022-07-02



Creation of GHZ states with thousands of atoms by entanglement amplification


2021年6月25日  9:30


Professor Wenlan Chen

The maximally entanglement states, so called Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states, are important resources in quantum science. GHZ states with large qubit size are desired for applications in quantum communication, quantum computation and quantum metrology. However, as the fidelity of created GHZ states decreases exponentially on the qubit size, the size of the experimentally achieved GHZ states grows slowly with the improved technology, and is limited to 30 right now. We propose an entanglement-creation scheme in a multi-atom ensemble trapped in an optical cavity, creating GHZ states whose fidelity is logarithmically dependent on the atom number and robust against common experimental noises. With this scheme, 2000-atom GHZ states can be created with a fidelity above 80% in an experimentally achievable system, making resources of ensembles at Heisenberg limit practically available for quantum metrology. I will also talk about our experimental progresses toward creation of GHZ state with a large number of qubits.


图 | Wenlan Chen
Wenlan Chen received her Ph.D. in physics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with the award of Martin Deutsch prize in 2015. She continued the postdoctoral research at MIT from 2015 to 2018. From January 2019, she has been a principal investigator at department of physics, Tsinghua University with a new experimental team focusing on quantum physics with the tools of cavity QED and ultracold atoms. Her research interest is currently in the fields of cavity quantum electrodynamics, many-body phase transition, quantum devices and quantum entanglement.

Many-body quantum dynamics under external ramping


2021年6月25日  10:30


Professor Jiazhong Hu

The dynamics of many-body physics is one of the most fascinating yet challenging questions in quantum physics. Here we focus on the ramping dynamics of Bose-Hubbard models in optical lattices with our atoms. Based on our improved band-mapping method, we observe the critical behaviors of quantum many-body phase transition in both steady-state-relaxation and phase oscillations, which is currently beyond the description of universal critical scalings. Meanwhile, we extend the ramping dynamics into the integrability of many-body systems. And we find path-independent dynamics in quantum many-body systems.


图 | Jiazhong Hu
Jiazhong Hu is an associate professor in Tsinghua University. He received the bachelor degree from Tsinghua University in 2011 with the highest honor, and he obtained his Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2017. Later he continued a postdoctoral research in the University of Chicago. In January 2019, Jiazhong started his own lab in Tsinghua physics department while his research interest is focusing on the quantum simulations with ultracold atoms and optical lattices.


复旦理论物理报告会,每周五上午9:30举行,报告时间为一到两个小时。报告会旨在加强国内外理论物理前沿研究进展的互动,着重凝聚态物理、量子信息和原子分子光学等学科中重要的理论物理方面的最新进展和发展方向。通过加强交流,促进不同物理学科的交叉互通, 启发新的研究角度和新科学思想。提高研究生对前沿理论物理研究动向的敏感度和思考新物理问题尤其是交叉学科问题的积极性。







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