1. 新型自旋电子材料及其输运特性
New spintronic materials and their transport properties
2. 光、声、电多场耦合效应的多尺度模拟
Multi-field simulations on the coupling effects of light, phonon and electricity
3. 多体系统的量子理论与计算
Quantum theory and computation of many-body systems
Advanced materials and devices for energy conversation
High-performance structural materials
Topological states and topological magnetism
Machine learning and its applications in the prediction and design of new materials
报告题目:Negative Force Constant Manifested by Topological Phonons
Feng Liu, Distinguished and Ivan B. Cutler Professor of Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Utah. He received his PhD in Chemical Physics from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1990. Prof. Liu is a fellow of American Physical Society and recipient of Senior Humboldt Award. His research interest lies in theoretical and computational studies of low-dimensional nano and quantum materials, with a most recent focus on topological and flat-band materials.
Phonons as bosons have notably fundamental differences from electrons as fermions. Unlike interatomic electron hopping that can be either positive or negative, interatomic force constant must be positive, otherwise the atomic structure would be unstable without restoring forces. Strikingly, we demonstrate that multi-atom cluster-mode vibrations can be coupled with a negative force constant (NFC), which is in fact a direct physical manifestation of topological phonons. Using the spring-mass lattice model, we show that topological phonon flat band (FB), in analogy of topological electron FB hosted in line-graph lattices, can have either a positive or negative Chern number manifesting a positive FC or NFC, respectively; while a phononic topological insulator, characterized with “mode inversion” around a phonon Dirac point, implies always an NFC. Guided by this fundamental correspondence between NFC and nontrivial phonon topology, we perform first-principles calculations and model analyses to elucidate the existence of phonon FB of NFC in a real material of 2D Kagome-BN. Our work presents a conceptual advance in understanding topological phonons in association with NFC, which can be generalized to meta-materials to generate topological mechanical and sound waves by engineering negative compressibility.
报告题目:New Functionalities in Low-dimensional Magnetic Materials
Ruqian Wu, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of California, Irvine (UCI). His primary research area is condensed matter physics.He gained a Ph.D. at the Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica. He was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after he was nominated by their Division of Computational Physics in 2001, for contributions to the understanding of magnetic, electronic, mechanical, chemical and optical properties of compounds, alloys, interfaces, thin films and surfaces using first-principles calculations and for development of the methods and codes for such components.
Using density functional approach and model simulations, physical properties of many systems can be reliably predicted and explained. In this talk, I will discuss examples of our recent theoretical studies of low-dimensional magnetic materials, from quantum spin states of magnetic molecules to the magnetic topological materials. More explicitly, I will discuss the effect of spin-vibration coupling on spin decoherence in small systems such as single magnetic molecule or atom. For topological materials, I will focus on the manipulation of corner states of high order topological insulators with magnetic and electric fields. Some results will be discussed along with experimental data from collaborators.
报告题目:Ab Initio Quantum Dynamics in Nanoscale Materials
Excited state dynamics play key roles in numerous novel molecular and nanoscale materials designed for optoelectronics and energy applications. Controlling these far-from-equilibrium processes and steering them in desired directions require understanding of material’s dynamical response on the nanometer scale and with fine time resolution. We couple real-time time-dependent density functional theory for the evolution of electrons with non-adiabatic molecular dynamics for atomic motions to model such non-equilibrium response in the time-domain and at the atomistic level. The talk will describe the basics of the simulation methodology and discuss exciting applications among the broad variety of systems and processes studied in our group, including metal halide perovskites, transition metal dichalcogenides, semiconducting and metallic quantum dots and films, polymers, molecular crystals, graphene, carbon nanotubes, etc. Photo-induced charge and energy transfer, plasmonic excitations, Auger-type processes, energy losses and charge recombination create many challenges due to large differences between molecular and periodic, and organic and inorganic matter. Our simulations provide a unifying description of quantum dynamics on the nanoscale, characterize the timescales and branching ratios of competing processes, resolve debated issues, and generate theoretical guidelines for development of novel systems.
报告题目:In the quest for excited states, from machine learning to non-adiabatic dynamics
Sergei Tretiak is a T-1 deputy group Leader in the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and a Los Alamos National Laboratory Fellow. He received his Master’s degree in Physics in 1994 from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia) and his Chemistry doctorate in 1998 from the University of Rochester (US). He was then a Director-funded postdoctoral fellow (1999-2001), and subsequently became a staff scientist at LANL and a member of the DOE-funded Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT). Tretiak also serves as Adjunct Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) (2015-present). He became an American Physical Society Fellow (APS) in 2014 and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, (RSC) in 2019. He has also received the Humboldt Research Award (2021), the Los Alamos Postdoctoral Distinguished Mentor Award (2015) and the Los Alamos Fellow's Prize for Research (2010). His research interests include development of electronic structure methods for molecular optical properties, nonlinear optical response of organic chromophores, non-adiabatic dynamics of electronically excited states, optical response of confined excitons in conjugated polymers, carbon nanotubes, semiconductor nanoparticles, mixed halide perovskites and molecular aggregates, the use of Machine Learning and Data Science toward modeling electronic and chemical properties. Tretiak has published nearly 400 scientific publications cited more than 22,000 times (h-index=71, WebOfSci) and he has presented more than 300 invited and keynote talks in the US and abroad.
Machine learning (ML) is quickly becoming a premier tool for modeling chemical processes and materials. Designing high-quality training data sets is crucial to overall model accuracy. I will describe the active learning strategy, in which new data are automatically collected for atomic configurations that produce large ML uncertainties. The locality approximation underpinning favorable computational scaling of the ML models, is another severe limitation that fails to capture long-range effects. I will discuss how ML models can overcome nonlocality (via introduction of interaction layers, self-consistent cycles, or charge equilibration schemes) and exemplify their performance for chemical problems. All these advances are exemplified by applications to molecules and materials. Exciting new method development and explosive growth of user-friendly ML frameworks, designed for chemistry, demonstrate that the field is evolving towards physics-based models augmented by data science. I will further overview some applications of Non-adiabatic EXcited-state Molecular Dynamics (NEXMD) framework developed at several institutions. The NEXMD code is able to simulate tens of picoseconds photoinduced dynamics in large molecular systems. As an application, I will exemplify ultrafast coherent excitonic dynamics guided by intermolecular conical intersections (CoIns). Both simulations and time-resolved 2D electronic spectroscopy track the coherent motion of a vibronic wave packet, a process that governs the ultrafast energy transfer dynamics in molecular aggregates. Our results suggest that intermolecular CoIns may effectively steer energy pathways in functional nanostructures. In the second example, we use NEXMD simulations to compute X-ray Raman signals, which are able to sensitively monitor the coherence evolution. The observed coherences have vibronic nature that survives multiple conical intersection passages for several hundred femtoseconds at room temperature. These spectroscopic signals are possible to measure at XFEL facilities. Our modeling results allow us to understand and potentially manipulate excited state dynamics and energy transfer pathways toward optoelectronic applications.
报告题目:Large scale atomistic material simulations:the challenges and opportunities.
Chief scientist in Semiconductor Institute, CAS, and chief scientific advisor in LongXun Kuang Teng Inc. Senior Staff Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, U.S. 1999-2021. Dr. Wang has 30 years of experience in large scale electronic structure calculations. He has worked in O(N) electronic structure calculations in early 1990s. Worked with Alex Zunger, he invented the folded spectrum method which pushed the limit of nonselfconsistent electronic structure calculations from 100 atoms to thousands of atoms. He developed a linear combination of bulk bands (LCBB) method for semiconductor heterostructrure electronic structure calculations, which allows the calculation of million atom devices. He developed generalized moments method which calculates the density of state and optical absorption spectra of a given system without explicit calculation of its eigenstates. He also developed a popular parallel total energy plane wave pseudopotential program (PEtot). He invented a charge patching method, which enables the ab initio accuracy thousand atom calculations for nanosystems. He has developed a linear scaling three dimensional fragment method (LS3DF), which can be used to selfconsistently calculate systems with tens of thousands of atoms. Recently, he developed a new algorithm for real-time time-dependent DFT calculations which accelerates the traditional algorithms by hundreds of times.
The ab initio material simulation based on quantum mechanics has been developed for more than forty years. With the maturity of the methods, the developments of user friendly codes, and the increase of high performance computer power, the atomistic ab initio methods, especially the methods based on density functional theory, have been used in every aspects of material researches. It is now a common practice to simulate systems with hundreds of atoms. However, since the computational cost scales as the third power of the number of atoms, new strategies are needed to go beyond this barrier. Furthermore, hug gap exists between the computable systems and many of the experimental systems, both in size scale and temporal scale. How to bridge this gap is a main challenge in order to bring the ab initio computation into industry. To overcome such challenges, we need to use multiple methods, including linear scaling method, machine leaning method, as well as kinetic Monte Carlo schemes to overcome the time scales.
报告题目:Skyrmion Size in Skyrmion Crystals
Professor Wang obtained his BA degree (1980) from Wuhan University and his ScM (1986) and PhD (1990) degrees from University of Rochester. He was awarded Minnesota Supercomputer Institute Fellow (1991) for post-doctoral studies at the University of Minnesota. He joined the Physics Department of HKUST in 1992.
Professor Wang is interested in revealing the physics principles behind the novel physics phenomena in condensed matter physics. Currently, he is working on the interplay of charges, spins, and phonons in interesting materials and devices. One particular question is how the interactions of charge, spin, and phonons affect the spin dynamics and electron transport. The current research topics include magnetic domain wall motion under electric and magnetic fields, thermal gradient, and spin current of electrons and magnons; domain wall pinning theory; theories for large magnetoresistance in nonmagnetic systems; and electronic properties of novel systems.
A magnetic skyrmion can be in an isolated form or in a condensate form. Each skyrmion in a condensed phase takes a stripe shape at low skyrmion density and a circular shape at high skyrmion density. Skyrmions at high density form a skyrmion crystal (SkX). In this talk, we will see that skyrmion size in a SkX has a different parameter dependence as those for isolated skyrmions and stripes. A size formula and a good spin profile for skyrmions in SkXs are proposed. These findings have important implications in searching for stable smaller skyrmions at the room temperature.
报告题目:The design of topological states under light irradiation
The investigation of the topological phase of matter has been a major subject in condensed matter physics. Beyond static topological systems, the exploration of topological phases has been dynamically extended to systems that are driven periodically out of equilibrium. The periodic driving breaks the time-translation symmetry and thus leads to unique nonequilibrium Floquet engineering of topological phases. Here, based on Floquet theory, effective model approach, and first-principles calculations, we introduce our recent studies on the design of promising topological states in a periodically driven system, such as photoinduced quantum anomalous Hall states and higher-order topological states .
报告题目:Polaron Dynamics in Metal Oxide Photocatalysts from a Theoretical Perspective
Polarons are formed by a local distortion of the lattice that creates a self-trapping potential for the charge carrier, which play a major role in changing the charge carrier mobility and chemical reactivity of transition metal oxides. Using a combination of ab initio molecular dynamics, time-dependent density functional theory, and nonadiabatic molecular dynamics, we have demonstrated that polaron formation and recombination in Fe2O3 [1], how the interaction between CO and polarons alters the TiO2 photoacitivity [2], and how polarons regulate the desorption and dissociation of an adsorbed O2 atop a reduced TiO2(110) surface [3]. The detailed atomistic knowledge obtained from the explicit time-domain modeling generates comprehensive understanding of charge-phonon dynamics in metal oxides photocatalysts, and leads to valuable guidelines for improvement of novel systems for photocatalysts.
报告题目:Twisted magnon frequency comb and Penrose superradiance
严鹏,电子科技大学, 电子科学与工程学院(原微电子与固体电子学院), 校百人计划特聘教授。长期担任Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Physical Review Applied, Physical Review B, New Journal of Physics等国际学术期刊审稿人。2015年担任国际磁学会议(IEEE Intermag)分会主席。2013年担任戈登会议"Spin Dynamics in Nanostructures"海报分会主席。2012年担任德国雷根斯堡大学"热激发自旋电子学学术研讨会"大会组织者兼大会主席。德国科学基金会(DFG)优先项目"热激发自旋输运"指委会委员。研究方向为:自旋电子学 (Spintronics)与热激发自旋电子学 (Spin caloritronics), 自旋波 (Spin wave), 微磁学与磁动力学 (Magnetization dynamics), 腔量子电动力学 (Cavity quantum electrodynamics), 非平衡态热力学与统计 (Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and statistics), 生物磁性与磁导航(Biomagnetism and navigation)
Quantization effects of the nonlinear magnon-vortex interaction in ferromagnetic nanodisks are studied. We show that the circular geometry twists the spin-wave fields with spiral phase dislocations carrying quantized orbital angular momentum (OAM). Meanwhile, the confluence and splitting scattering of twisted magnons off the gyrating vortex core (VC) generates a frequency comb consisting of discrete and equally spaced spectral lines, dubbed as twisted magnon frequency comb (tMFC). It is found that the mode spacing of the tMFC is equal to the gyration frequency of the VC and the OAM quantum numbers between adjacent spectral lines differ by one. By applying a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of a thick nanodisk, we observe a magnonic Penrose superradiance inside the cone vortex state, which mimics the amplification of waves scattered from a rotating black hole. It is demonstrated that the higher-order modes of tMFC are significantly amplified while the lower-order ones are trapped within the VC gyrating orbit which manifests as the ergoregion. These results suggest a promising way to generate twisted magnons with large OAM and to drastically improve the flatness of the magnon comb.
报告题目:Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene as a topological heavy fermion problem
Magic-angle (θ = 1:05◦) twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) has shown two seemingly contradictory characters: the localization and quantum-dot-like behavior in STM experiments, and delocalization in transport experiments. We construct a model, which naturally captures the two aspects, from the Bistritzer-MacDonald (BM) model in a first principle spirit. A set of local flat-band orbitals (f) centered at the AA-stacking regions are responsible to the localization. A set of extended topological semi-metallic conduction bands (c), which are at small energetic separation from the local orbitals, are responsible to the delocalization and transport. The topological flat bands of the BM model appear as a result of the hybridization of f- and c-electrons. This model then provides a new perspective for the strong correlation physics, which is now described as strongly correlated f-electrons coupled to nearly free c-electrons - we hence name our model as the topological heavy fermion model. Using this model, we obtain the U(4) and U(4)×U(4) symmetries as well as the correlated insulator phases and their energies. Simple rules for the ground states and their Chern numbers are derived. Moreover, features such as the large dispersion of the charge ±1 excitations, and the minima of the charge gap at the ΓM point can now, for the first time, be understood both qualitatively and quantitatively in a simple physical picture. Our mapping opens the prospect of using heavy-fermion physics machinery to the superconducting physics of MATBG.
具有一定带隙的半导体材料在光电领域中被广泛应用,例如太阳能电池、光电探测、发光二极管及光催化等。随着超级计算机计算能力的显著增强以及人工智能、机器学习算法的不断发展,人们通过材料模拟,只需花费实验研究所需时间的一小部分,就可以探索巨大数量候选功能材料的特性。这使得功能导向的新材料设计在计算机模拟中得以实现。在这里,我将主要汇报我们近期在新型半导体光电材料的优化设计方面开展的工作。具体内容包括我们发展的具有自主知识产权的材料设计方法与软件JAMIP(全称Jilin Artificial-intelligence aided Materials-design Integrated Package,http://www.jamip-code.com,软件著作权:2021SR0349238)及应用其在太阳能光伏材料、透明导体材料、光电探测材料、光催化材料等光电半导体体系开展的新材料设计研究;部分理论设计的材料已得到实验证实并应用于光电器件。
Spatial dimensionality of systems and energy dispersion of carriers play a central role in determining most kinds of physical properties. In this talk, we report the effects of spatial dimensionality and energy dispersion on the longitudinal optical conductivities (LOCs) in tilted Dirac materials. Both the LOCs of tilted Dirac cone in arbitrary spatial dimension and the relation between LOCs and joint density of state are analytically obtained. The dimensional dependence of LOCs on the frequency and chemical potential are presented. The characteristic features of LOCs can be taken as signatures of Lifshitz transition therein. The results are expected to be qualitatively valid for a great number of interesting tilted Dirac materials due to the underlying similarities in tilted Dirac bands.
报告题目:Understanding light-induced efficiency enhancement in hybrid-perovskite solar cells
It was observed in recent experiments that light exposure could induce pronounced lattice expansion of hybrid perovskites, which in turn enhances the power conversion efficiency of perovskite solar cells by a few per cent. However, the mechanism behind the efficiency enhancement is still unclear. Employing our recently developed methodology for computing defect-assisted nonradiative recombination rates to hybrid perovskite FAPbI3, we show that 1% lattice expansion could decrease the nonradiative capture coefficient by one order of magnitude, drastically extending the carrier lifetime. More interestingly, the decrease is actually not caused by changes in the band gap or defect transition level a result of lattice expansion, but stems from enhanced defect relaxations in the expanded lattice. Our insights not only rationalize the puzzling experimental observation, but also offer a widely applicable pathway to tune nonradiative recombination through light-matter coupling.
报告题目:First-principles study of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and topological magnetism in 2D magnets
杨洪新,中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所研究员,量子功能材料团队负责人。获国家海外高层次引进人才计划支持,于17年加入宁波材料所。杨洪新研究员一直致力于自旋电子学理论计算研究,主要研究磁随机存储器以及磁斯格明子应用中涉及到的基本物理学现象。在自旋电子学领域主要贡献有:(1)发展了基于第一原理的投影轨道特征谱分析垂直磁各向异性,原子层分辨和轨道杂化分辨计算分析垂直磁各向异性的方法,阐明了铁磁材料/金属氧化物界面的巨大垂直磁各向异性的物理机制,预言了在MgO基磁隧道结可以同时实现巨大TMR和PMA,并获实验验证,解决了STT-MRAM的一个关键问题。(2)发展了基于DFT计算界面Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (IDMI)的方法,从而在第一性原理层面阐明了铁磁金属/重金属界面DMI的物理机制;预言多种界面DMI材料并提出多种调控方法,被大量实验所验证,获得同行的认可,为基于手性磁畴及Skyrmion的磁存储应用提供重要理论指导。已发表论文70余篇。Nature等杂志审稿人。在APS March Meeting等学术会议作邀请报告30余次。主持多项国家及省部级项目。
The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) has attracted significant interest because it plays a tremendous role for fast domain wall motion and allows the creation of topological quasi-particles, e.g. magnetic skyrmions, chiral domain walls, and bimerons, etc., which are very promising for ultra-dense/ultra-low energy consumption information storage and logic devices.
Spin-orbit coupling and absence of inversion symmetry are the two ingredients for the existence of DMI. Most state-of-the-art experiments and devices of today use the interface between two crystals to break the inversion symmetry and create DMIs, such as DMI in heterostructures between ferromagnetic metals and heavy metals or heterostructures between ferromagnetic metals and graphene. In those heterostructures, it is known that intricate adjustment of the layer thicknesses, stacking sequences, or chemical composition, etc., are often necessary to control the strength and/or chirality of DMI [Nat. Mater. 16, 898 (2017); Sci. Rep. 8, 12356 (2018)]. More interestingly, how to induce DMI in 2D magnets actually can even scale down the spintronics devices using topological spin textures. Basically, one can use Janus magnets, or intrinsic p-4m2 symmetry protected 2D magnets, etc.
At the same time, it is a long-desired expectation to realize topological magnetism and its electric control for applications in information storage and logic technologies. Here, we propose that both can be achieved in two-dimensional (2D) magnetoelectric multiferroics simultaneously. We demonstrate that the obtained significant DMI is switchable and can promote tunable sub-10 nm skyrmions in 2D multiferroics with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy such as in a CrN or Co(MoTe2)2 monolayer.
Based on the electrical switchable DMI [5], we designed one single nanotrack with complete logic functionality, which can be programmed via voltage-switched DMI. By reconstructing DMI chirality barriers, we successfully realize the annihilation, fusion and pinning of skyrmions, and then the complete Boolean family including AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR are implemented in one single nanotrack. We believe that this work represents an important step towards the development of all-electric manipulation of skyrmion-based logic and memory, paving the way for future skyrmionic in-memory computing.
报告题目: A micromagnetic simulation package based on COMSOL Multiphysics
Micromagnetic simulation is a numerical method widely used in studying magnetization dynamics and spin wave by treating the magnetization as a semi-classical quantity with coarse grain average in space. We developed a micromagnetic simulation package based on the widely used simulation app COMSOL Multiphysics. This new micromagnetic simulation tool can efficiently compute magnetization dynamics in several different types scenarios, including i) the static magnetization profile stabilization such as magnetic domain walls, magnetic skyrmions , ii) computing in time domain for the spin wave behavior excitation and propagation, and the dynamics of magnetic textures such as the magnetic domain wall or skyrmion motion, iii) computing in frequency domain for spin wave dispersion in trivial or non-trivial magnetic textures, and more importantly, iv) coupled to other physical fields such as the electromagnetic fields, thermal fields, mechanical fields that have already been embedded in COMSOL.
报告题目:Optical control of multi-stage phase transitions in condensed matters
The temporal characters of laser-driven phase transitions have been investigated using time-dependent first principles simulations in prototype materials including MoTe2, VO2 and liquid water. The process is found to be induced by fundamental electron-phonon interactions, with an unexpected phonon excitation and coupling pathway closely related to the nonequilibrium relaxation of photoexcited electrons. The order-to-order phase transformation is dissected into three substages, involving energy and momentum scattering processes from optical to acoustic phonon modes in sub-picosecond timescale. Intermediate states along the nonadiabatic transition pathway is also identified. These results have profound implications on nonequilibrium phase engineering.
报告题目:Magnetic anisotropy dominated spiral to antiferromagnetic transition from bulk to monolayer NiI2
Mono- and few-layer NiI2 were recently evidenced to be two-dimensional type-II multiferroic materials. Such assessment is, however, based on an assumption that the spiral magnetic configuration of NiI2, experimentally found in its bulk counterpart, persists to the monolayer (1L) limit and it does not significantly contribute SHG signal. Here, we found that such hasty assumption is flawed at the monolayer limit where freestanding 1L NiI2 prefers to striped antiferromagnetism using density-functional-theory calculations. This configuration offers an intralayer antiferroelectricity. Thus, the NiI2 monolayer is, indeed, a type-I multiferroic material with both antiferromagnetism and antiferroelectricity. Such a magnetic groundstate variation from bulk to 1L NiI2 originates from the competition between in-plane single ion anisotropy of Ni atoms and out-of-plane contribution of interfacial I atoms to magnetic anisotropic energy (MAE). These theoretical results not only unveil the magnetic groundstate of 1L NiI2, but also enlighten us the role of layer-stacking induced change of magnetic anisotropy in thickness-dependent magnetic transitions of two-dimensional magnets.
报告题目:Ultrafast Charge Transfer Coupled to Quantum Proton Motion at Molecule/Metal Oxide Interface
Jin Zhao received her B.S. degree from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in physics in 1998. After that, she joined the research group of Prof. Hrvoje Petek at the University of Pittsburgh in 2004. In March 2010, she returned to USTC as a Professor. The focus of her research is ab initio investigations on the electronic structure and excited carrier dynamics in condensed matter systems. Her group has developed ab initio nonadiabatic molecular dynamics code Hefei-NAMD (http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~zhaojin/code.html).
Understanding how the nuclear quantum effects (NQEs) in the hydrogen bond (H-bond) network influence the photoexcited charge transfer at the semiconductor/molecule interface is a challenging problem. By combining two kinds of emerging molecular dynamics methods at the ab initio level - the path-integral based molecular dynamics and time-dependent nonadiabatic molecular dynamics, and choosing CH3OH/TiO2 as a prototypical system to study, we find that the quantum proton motion in the H-bond network is strongly coupled with the ultrafast photoexcited charge dynamics at the interface. The hole trapping ability of the adsorbed CH3OH molecule is notably enhanced by the NQEs, and thus, it behaves as a hole scavenger on TiO2. The critical role of the H-bond network is confirmed by in-situ scanning tunneling microscope measurements with UV light illumination. It is concluded the quantum proton motion in the H-bond network plays a critical role in influencing the energy conversion efficiency based on photoexcitation.
报告人简介:侯玉升,中山大学“百人计划”副教授,2016年6月复旦大学物理系博士毕业, 2016年9月至2020年10月在美国加利福尼亚大学尔湾分校从事博士后研究, 2020年11月作为百人计划引进人才加入中山大学物理学院,是广东省磁电物性分析与器件重点实验室和中山大学物理学院中子科学与技术中心固定研究人员。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目和广东省自然科学基金面上项目,参与国家自然科学基金重大研究计划。主要研究方向是计算凝聚态物理,近年的工作涉及磁性拓扑材料和二维磁性研究等。相关成果发表在Nature, Science Advances, Nano Letters, Nature Communications, npj Computational Materials,Advanced Functional Materials等国际一流学术期刊上。
自从2017年在范德瓦尔斯材料Cr2Ge2Te6和CrI3中发现二维磁性以来,二维磁性体系及其异质结在自旋电子、能谷电子和光电子器件中的应用前景引起了人们的巨大兴趣。在本报告中,我将介绍我们在新型二维磁性体系理论设计及其功能异质结方面的一系列研究。我们发现铁磁体CrI3单层能磁化三维拓扑绝缘体表面态,提出在CrI3/Bi2Se3/CrI3异质结中实现较高温度的量子反常霍尔效应。我们设计了范德瓦尔斯层状反铁磁体Mn2Bi2Se5,提出了在实验上容易实现轴子绝缘体态的MnBi2Se4/Bi2Se3/Mn2Bi2Se5异质结。利用二维范德瓦尔斯雅努斯材料不同面阴离子高度可调性,我们设计了高居里温度的、外层阴离子具有目前报道的最大自旋极化的的铁磁半导体铬基硫卤化物CrSX (X=Cl、Br、I)。我们发现大带隙的量子反常霍尔效应和较大的能谷劈裂可以分别在范德维尔斯异质结CrSBr/Bi2Se3/CrSBr和MoTe2/CrSBr中实现。此外,CrTeX (X=Cl、Br、I)则可以实现磁斯格明子。最后,我们在Co2CF2中预言了室温下的铁磁铁电态,在Co2CF2/MoN2异质结中提出了电控磁序相变。
报告题目:Anomalous Hall Effect in Non-collinear Anti-Ferromagnetic L12-type Mn3Ir
The anomalous Hall effect is generally treated as a direct response to the injecting charge current with spin-orbit interaction in magnetic materials. Recently, many works on the anomalous Hall effect in non-collinear anti-ferromagnetic materials are reported from both theoretical and experimental groups. And the physical origin of this anomalous Hall effect is mainly attributed to the Berry curvature.
In this work, using a first-principles-based scattering wave function approach, we study the anomalous Hall effect in non-collinear anti-ferromagnetic L12-type Mn3Ir and find that the corresponding anomalous Hall conductivity can be as large as 3.4×〖10〗^4 [Ω∙cm]^(-1) at low temperature, which is two orders of magnitude larger than that from Berry curvature calculations, indicating that the Berry curvature may not enough for this novel anomalous Hall effect.
With a detailed analysis of the anomalous Hall effect therein, we found that the scattering process dominates. We propose that the anomalous Hall current is coming from the combination of the Ir induced conventional/inverse spin Hall effect and the spin reorientation when the corresponding spin current passes through the local magnetic moments of Mn in L12-type Mn3Ir. This indirect anomalous Hall effect should be universal in non-collinear anti-ferromagnetic materials and needed further study in the future.
报告题目:Topological PhotoElectric Effect in Topological Phase Transition