

独到英语Emma 独到英语 2020-10-27



8月17日开幕的为期四天的民主党全国代表大会(Democratic National Convention),已于18日晚正式提名前副总统乔·拜登为2020年民主党总统候选人(formally nominate Joe Biden as their party's 2020 presidential nominee ) 。


镜头前,这位年过七旬的前总统,依旧硬朗矍铄,铿锵有力,怒斥特朗普把白宫搞得一片混乱(total chaos):

At a time like this, the Oval Office should be a command center. Instead, it’s a storm center.

command center是指挥中心的意思。commander 就是指挥官的意思。而storm center就是暴风眼,暴风中心的意思。引申义是混乱和麻烦的中心。这个比喻不仅押韵还很形象哦。



Either elect a “go-to-work president” Joe Biden or reelect Donald Trump, who would use a second term to “blame, bully and belittle.” 


现在我们经常说的甩锅一词,可以直接用blame,比如blame sb. for sth. 怪罪某人某事。也可以用shift the blame 或者pass the buck 都表示推卸责任,也就是甩锅。

belittle sb./sth.表示轻视、贬低、低估...的重要性。在这里根据语境,我们认为克林顿批评的是特朗普belittle the pandemic,即特朗普低估了疫情的严重程度。



Good evening.


A presidential election is the world's most important job interview. At the end we hire a leader to help us solve problems, create opportunities, and give our kids better tomorrows.


That's a tall order this year, with the COVID-19 outbreak on a path to killing 200,000 people and destroying millions of jobs and small businesses.


How did Donald Trump respond? At first he said the virus was under control and would soon disappear. When it didn't, he was on TV every day bragging on what a great job he was doing, while scientists waited to give us vital information. When he didn't like the expert advice he was given, he ignored it.


Only when COVID exploded in even more states did he encourage people to wear masks. By then many more were dying. When asked about the surge in deaths, he shrugged and said, "It is what it is." But did it have to be this way?

只有当疫情在美国更多州爆发时,他才鼓励人们戴上口罩。那时又有更多的人死去。当被问及死亡人数激增的问题时,他耸耸肩说:"就酱吧。" 但真的只能这样吗?

No. COVID hit us much harder than it had to.


We have just 4 percent of the world's population, but 25 percent of the world's COVID cases. Our unemployment rate is more than twice as high as South Korea's, 2 1/2 times the United Kingdom's, and more than three times Japan's.


Donald Trump says we're leading the world. Well, we are the only major industrial economy to have its unemployment rate triple. At a time like this, the Oval Office should be a command center. Instead, it's a storm center. There's only chaos


Just one thing never changes—his determination to deny responsibility and shift the blame. The buck never stops there.


Now you have to decide whether to renew his contract or hire someone else. If you want a president who defines the job as spending hours a day watching TV and zapping people on social media, he's your man. 


Denying, distracting, and demeaning works great if you're trying to entertain and inflame. But in a real crisis, it collapses like a house of cards.


COVID doesn't respond to any of that. To beat it, you've got to go to work and deal with the facts.


Our party is united in offering you a very different choice: a go-to-work president. A down-to-earth, get-the-job-done guy. A man with a mission: to take responsibility, not shift the blame; concentrate, not distract; unite, not divide.


Our choice is Joe Biden.


Joe helped bring us back from a recession before, and he can do it again.


In 2009, Barack Obama and Joe Biden started with the worst economy since the Great Depression and when they were done, they had delivered more than six straight years of job growth. What did Joe do? He accepted responsibility for implementing the Recovery Act. His work created a lot of new jobs and started many new companies in communities across America.


Now Joe is committed to building America back again.


How? He's given us smart detailed plans to invest in areas vital to our future: innovative financing for factories and small businesses; good jobs in green energy and conservation to combat climate change; a modern infrastructure that brings small town and rural America the connectivity and investment others take for granted; and a plan to ensure that Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, women, immigrants, and other communities left behind are full participants in the economy and our society.


Joe Biden wants to build an economy far better suited to our changing world. Better for young people. Better for families, working and raising their kids. Better for people who lost jobs and need new ones. Better for farmers tired of being collateral damage in trade wars. Better for workers caring for the sick, elderly, and people with disabilities.


Better because of a living wage, and access to affordable higher education and health care, including prescription drugs, childcare, a secure retirement, and paid family and medical leave. 


Joe won't just put his signature on a check and try to fool you into thinking it came from him. He'll work to make sure that your paycheck reflects your contribution to, and your stake in, a growing economy. In this job interview, the difference is stark. 


You know what Donald Trump will do with four more years: blame, bully, and belittle. And you know what Joe Biden will do: build back better.


It's Trump's "Us vs. Them" America against Joe Biden's America, where we all live and work together. It's a clear choice. And the future of our country is riding on it.

一边是特朗普的 "我们VS他们 "分化对立的美国,另一边是乔·拜登的美国,在后者中,我们大家共同生活和工作。选择该怎么做已经很明确了。而我们国家的未来就取决于这个选择。

Thank you.





bully 霸凌

shift the blame 甩锅

belittle 轻视、低估

command center 指挥中心

a tall order 任务艰巨

fool sb. into doing 骗人做某事

ride on 取决于

chaos 混乱

take sth. for granted 







