
“拓界”读书会|第一季“Deep AI+” 第一期讲座预告


Part 1:第一季“Deep AI+”发布会


Part 2:第一期讲座


 第一季发布会 概况先知

主讲人:马腾 博士研究生


第一期讲座 精彩导览

“拓界”读书会第一季Deep AI+ 第一期讲座

求解张量环格式的张量补全问题的一阶方法A First Order Method For Tensor Completion with Tensor Ring Format2022年10月23日(星期日)晚18:30-20:45腾讯会议:504 195 263会议密码:22101418:30 pm-20:45 pm, 23rd Oct. 2022 (Sun.)Tencent Meeting ID: 504 195 263

Password: 221014

主讲人:彭任锋 博士研究生同济大学2021届毕业生中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院直博二年级学生中国科学院-美国工业与应用数学联合会 (SIAM) 学生分会主席PHD Student Renfeng PengTongji University, Class of 2021Second year student of Mathematics and Systems Science Academy of Chinese Academy of SciencesChinese Academy of Sciences - American Federation of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Student Branch President主持人:高翔宇Host:Gao Xiangyu



      This talk investigates the tensor completion problem, which aims to recover a tensor from limited observed data. It has been widely applied to many areas, such as recommendation systems, signal processing, data analysis, financial mathematics, etc. We will give a brief review of the models, theories, and algorithms of tensor completion. The task could be divided into three steps. First, a low-rank tensor model should be carefully considered. There are several popular tensor decomposition methods, such as canonical decomposition, and tensor train decomposition. Second, a well-posed optimization problem is formulated based on the special properties of the processed tensor. Finally, it is necessary to propose an effective optimization algorithm to find the optimal solution rapidly and accurately. Specifically, we consider the gradient descent method, based on the tensor ring format, such as stochastic gradient descent and ADAM. Numerical experiments verify the convergence of those methods.



Preliminaries of tensor.


Tensor decomposition.


Tensor completion, models and algorithms.


First-order algorithms to solve tensor completion


张量补全, 高维问题, 低秩逼近,

 张量环格式, 梯度下降

tensor completion, high-dimensional problems, low-rank approximation, tensor ring format, gradient descent


[1] Kolda T G, Bader B W. Tensor decompositions and applications[J]. SIAM review, 2009, 51(3): 455-500.

[2] Kolda T G, Hong D. Stochastic gradients for large-scale tensor decomposition[J]. SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 2020, 2(4): 1066-1095.

[3] Zhao Q, Sugiyama M, Yuan L, et al. Learning efficient tensor representations with ring-structured networks[C]//ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2019: 8608-8612.

[4] Zhao Q, Zhou G, Xie S, et al. Tensor ring decomposition[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.05535, 2016.



     第一季“拓界”读书会的主题为“Deep AI+”,希望能通过本季读书会,一起探讨和交流“How to make AI+ deeper”。能够让做AI理论研究的老师和同学们理解传统行业场景和深入了解基础理论研究,并且能够让大家理性认知AI工具:它们既不是万能钥匙,也不是毫无理论支持的拟合工具。




潘   琪 土木工程学院博士研究生 


高翔宇 数学科学学院博士研究生

手机号:19921251356 / 微信号:CH3COCl

编辑|李佩颖 潘琪

校审|潘琪 郭宇婷  霍钧资

海报设计|蒋天逸 周奕辰

责编|张绣宇 孙羽捷 


编辑|李佩颖 潘琪校审|潘琪 郭宇婷  霍钧资海报设计|蒋天逸 周奕辰责编|张绣宇 孙羽捷 


