
尝一口未来 | Taste the Future

维根咨询PBC 维根咨询PBC 2019-12-12


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* 天猫国际旗舰店开业美味食品纷呈

* 京沪著名食肆助推 OmniPork新猪肉菜肴

* 林嘉欣吃素拯救地球,身体力行支持发展


* Green Common debuts Tmall Global flagship store with 40+ plant-based items available for purchase, many more to come

Renowned restaurants in Beijing and Shanghai will launch new "green"' menu items featuring the 100% plant-based OmniPork

* Actress Karena Lam reaffirms her support for plant-based movement, encourages consumers to adopt a greener, more sustainable lifestyle

(北京,2019年11月6日) Green Common公司今天宣布通过天猫国际的平台正式登陆内地市场,并希望对广大消费者传递一个信息:素食可以兼顾健康和美味。践行素食不仅能独善其身,而且可以兼善天下,为减少碳排放、防止全球变暖添砖加瓦。Green Common为推广健康素食潮流而创立,是一家一站式集合超市、餐厅、厨艺教室的绿色美食生活馆。

(Beijing, November 6, 2019) Green Common, a social enterprise promoting sustainability and plant-based living, unveiled its Tmall Global flagship store serving Mainland Chinese customers today. A one-stop green lifestyle brand comprising retail outlets, restaurants and culinary education, Green Common strives to empower Chinese consumers with a simple message: Plant-based food is nutritious, delicious, and can positively impact personal health and the environment.

Green Common是一家在香港特别行政区成立的社会企业,创始人杨大伟 (David Yeung) 在北京东方君悦大酒店举行的 “未来肉联盟品牌” 媒体发布会上介绍说,Green Common 的未来食品旗舰店将于11月下旬天猫国际的黑五活动全面上线并开售,现阶段已有约40款来自美国及加拿大的植物食品品牌及Green Common 自家品牌的健康素食精品供消费者选购,随后也会陆续增添更多产品。

During the "Future Food Alliance" launch event and media briefing held at Grand Hyatt Beijing, David Yeung, founder of Green Common, said the Green Common TmaII Global flagship store will officially launch in late November during Tmall' s Black Friday event. At this current stage, the store already features around 40 different plant-based food items from popular U.S. and Canadian brands, as well as Green Common's own line of products. Additional exciting offerings are already in the pipeline.


Grand Hyatt Beijing is the first hotel partner of OmniPork in Mainland China, and its world-class chef team has developed innovative menu items incorporating the plant-based product.

在发布会上,现场来宾品尝到了来自北京东方君悦大酒店宴会厨师团队使用OmniPork新猪肉精心制作的果汁肉脯及炸藕盒,酒店中厨房总厨师长金强师傅也进行了现场示范,为来宾演示用OmniPork新猪肉制作炸藕盒,炸稿盒金黄酥脆,以OmniPork 新猪肉代替猪肉毫不油腻.

At the press event, Grand Hyatt Beijing's Chinese Head Chef Kent Jin introduced two of the team's creations, OmniPork Chops with Fruit Sauce and Deep-Fried OmniPork-stuffed Lotus Root Cake. Chef Jin prepared a live demo of the Lotus Root Cake, noting that using OmniPork as the filling makes the dish healthier and less greasy.

此外,多家位于北京及上海的著名酒店及餐厅今后亦将引进Green Monday 旗下食品科研公司 Right Treat 所研发的未来肉产品OmniPork新猪肉,以此为食材精心创作多道特色菜肴并举办有关推广活动,销售点多达180个,让食客可以一尝OmniPork新猪肉无穷的烹调可能性。

In the next two months, renowned hotels and restaurants with over 180 total outlets in Beijing and Shanghai will join forces to promote a collection of creative dishes that features the 100% plant-based OmniPork, a product from Green Monday's subsidiary Right Treat. These partners will showcase the unique culinary versatility and delicious taste of OmniPork to local customers.

此次,著名演员林嘉欣以Green Monday大中华大使及绿色生活策展人的身份出席活动,她一直提倡环保概念,践行素食,与现场来宾分享她支持环保及健康素食的体验。

Acclaimed actress Karena Lam, Green Monday's Greater China Ambassador and Chief Eco Curator, also shared her experience adopting a more sustainable vegetarian lifestyle with the audience.

Green Common 天猫国际旗舰店美食琳琅满目

Green Common Makes China Debut on Tmall Global Platform

杨大伟表示:“植物肉在全球掀起热潮,一直以来,我们收到了很多内地朋友的问询,关于OmniPork 新猪肉或其它食物科技食品到底什么时候引人内地。我们此次和天猫国际合作,内地朋友们可以方便快捷地将Green Common产品买回家,尝试最新的未来食物。这是我们一个极度重要的里程碑。 我们希望今次的合作能够引领一个健康、可持续发展、对身体好及对地球好的新潮流。”

"As the popularity of plant-based meat soars globally, we have been receiving lots of enquiries in the mainland on when OmniPork, as well as our other food offerings, will be available here," David Yeung said "Our collaboration with Tmall Global is a milestone development in the China market, enabling local consumers to get a taste of the future. With our store's inauguration on November 29, we are going to start a new page in leading a healthy and sustainable food consumption trend in China."


According to a market research report published by Euromonitor, from 2015 to 2020, China's vegan market has a predicted compound annual growth rate of 17.2%.

著名演员林嘉欣表示:“我吃素,是因为我想参与到拯救地球的行动,捋每一口放进嘴里的食物,都能为地球带来正面的影响。作为一个小人物 ,我从来没有想过自己可以拯救地球,直到近年,我发觉原来多吃素可以为地球减少碳排放,以延缓全球变暧的问题。我自2015年开始与Grecn Monday合作在香港推动素食运动,我认为Green Monday 创始人杨大伟所做的事非常有意义,跟我的价值观亦相当接近,所以我决定要身体力行,开始踏出第一步,由当初每周只有一天吃素,到现在每天都吃,甚至非常享受素食带来良好的感觉。”

Karena Lam said: "I want to make a contribution to saving the planet through adopting a plant-based diet. It is an empowering feeling when you realize that every bite of food can have a positive impact. In the past, I never thought that I, as just one person, could help save the Earth. But in recent years, my opinion has changed after learning that a plant-based diet can significantly reduce carbon emissions and help curb climate change. I believe every individual has the opportunity to create meaningful change."

"I have been working with Green Monday to drive the plant-based movement in Hong Kong SAR since 2015. David has embarked on a very meaningful initiative that is in line with my values. Phasing out meat has positively influenced my personal health and wellness. In the beginning, l ate a plant-based diet only once a week. Now I am 100% vegetarian and get to fully enjoy the many benefits of a plant-based diet." Karena Lam continued.

林嘉欣接着说:“以美食拯救地球是一个轻松又容易达成的方法,希望有更多人可以参与。我很高兴Green Common 能够通过天猫国际的平台,将美味又多样化的未来食品介绍给大众,让大家可以跟我一样享受素食带来的乐趣。”

"When plant-based food tastes so good, it's easy to do your part in saving the planet. I do hope more people will join to make change happen and make green common. With the launch of the new Green Common Tmall Global shop, plant-based food will be more accessible for mainland consumers than ever before. We hope this will encourage more people to enjoy plant-based food like I do," she added.

Green Common 天猫国际旗舰店初期售卖的健康素食食品包括: OmniPork新猪肉、美国热卖的 Alpha Food 植物鸡块、美加著名植物肉品牌Gardein、Daiya纯素芝士、Califia 植物奶(杏仁奶及燕麦奶)、Green Common 自家品牌即食素汤及素粥品,以及其它健康饮料及小吃。

For its debut, the Green Common Tmall Global flagship store will offer the following plant-based food items: critically-acclaimed OmniPork, America's best-selling Alpha Foods Original Chik'n Nuggets, famous North American meat-free brand Gardein, dairy-free cheese products from Daiya Foods, plant-based beverages from Califia Farms (Barista Blend Almond Milk and Oat Milk), Green Common brand Ready-Made Vegetarian Soups and Congees, and other healthy snacks and drinks.


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杨大伟表示:“我们在天猫国际店所提供的商品都是经过Green Common专业团队严格挑选的,在养分、色、香、味及口感方面都达到极高的水平。我们会不断寻觅优质素食食品,陆续壮大商品阵容以供消费者选择。”

"The food items offered by our store are rigorously selected by Green Common's professional team. Their nutrition, colors, aroma, taste, and texture have met exceptionally high standards, We will keep on identifying quality plant-based food items to enrich our store's product portfolio." David Yeung said.

舌尖上的 OmniPork新猪肉

Taste of OmniPork: Redefining Alternative Protein in Asia

OmniPork新猪肉是Green Common 的重点商品,是杨大伟创立的食品科研公司Right Treat的产品,由加拿大资深食物科研团队历时两年研发。OmniPork新猪肉的纯素蛋白质配方主要来自豌豆、非转基因大豆、香菇和米 ,提供人体所需的优质氨基酸,而且零胆固醇、无抗生素、无激素、零残忍,与真猪肉相比,其饱和脂肪远低86%,热量低66%,却能同时提供更多膳食纤维、260%钙质和127%铁质,其外观和口威上可媲美真正的猪肉。目前,OmniPork 新猪肉已经被香港、澳门、台湾、泰国及新加坡超过1,000多家知名饭店和餐厅使用。

OmniPork is jointly developed by food-tech company Right Treat, led by David Yeung and a team of experienced food scientists in Canada. After two years of research and experimentation, they created OmniPork: a 100% plant-based product, comprised of a proprietary blend of plant-based protein from peas, non-GMO soy, shiitake mushrooms and rice for complete protein. It contains Omg cholesterol, is antibiotic-free, hormone-free, cruelty-free, and 86% lower in saturated fat and 66% lower in calories than traditional pork, while being much higher in fiber, 260% higher in calcium and 127% higher in iron. OmniPork is rich in protein and has a taste, texture, and appearance very similar to traditional pork. Over 1,000 restaurant partners in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore have already launched OmniPork­ specific menus.

为了向内地消费者展示OmniPork 新猪肉的烹调多样性,Green Common与北京、上海多家著名酒店及餐厅合作,他们将以OmniPork新猪肉为食材,配合厨师的丰富创意推出一系列不同风味的佳肴:

The following leading hotel and restaurant brands will showcase OrnniPork's gastronomic versatility by launching their respective OmniPork creations:


* Grand Hyatt Beijing as the first hotel partner to launch OmniPork in Mainland China, from November 7 to November 30, OmniPork Chops with Fruit Sauce and Deep-Fried OmniPork-stuffed Lotus Root Cake will be on rotation at the Grand Café lunch buffet. OmniPork dishes can also be specially requested on their Banquet menu.

* Wagas是率先在国内推出健康轻餐概念的连锁西餐厅,一直致力于影响中国年轻人 “健康饮食,开启美好生活”。11月6日起,Wagas旗下4个姐妹品牌将同步上市含有OmniPork新猪肉的新菜式,并命名为 “沃未来系列”,其中包括:Wagas沃未来意式肉酱面,LOKAL沃未来意式肉丸意面,FUNK & KALE沃未来塔可,以及BAKER & SPICE沃未来能量碗。

* Wagas is a well-known healthy café chain that has popularized light, nutritious fare in Mainland China. From November 6 onwards, Wagas will introduce the following dishes under their new 'Flexitarian Future' series at their four sister brands: Flexitarian Future Bolognese (Wagas), Flexitarian Future Spaghetti Meatball (LOKAL by Wagas), Flexitarian Future Taco (Funk & Kale) and Flexitarian Future Power Bowl (Baker & Spice)

* OmniPork新猪肉菜式也将陆续在上海多间酒店及餐厅推出,包括:上海柏悦酒店、上海朗廷酒店、上海虹桥康得思酒店、Taco Bell及翠华餐厅等。

* OmniPork dishes will soon be available at select hotels and restaurants in Shanghai, including Park Hyatt Shanghai, The Langham Shanghai, Cordis Shanghai Hongqiao, Taco Bell and Tsui Wah Restaurant.


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关于Green Common

About Green Common

Green Common是一家一站式集合超市、餐厅、厨艺教室的绿色素食生活馆,并捋“Food 2.0”概念带到香港,引入以植物为本的食材,注重创新及可持续发展。我们的理念是运用创新方式达致“Make Change Happen, Make Green Common”,将绿色生活还原基本,以可持续方式及素食习惯为地球带来改变。

Green Common is a retail and lifestyle brand that aims to revolutionize the plant-based experience. The brand's overall mission is to "Make Change Happen, Make Green Common" by providing innovative food solutions and empowering the world with sustainable, wholesome plant-based choices.

关于OmniPork 新猪肉

About OmniPork

OmniPork新猪肉为食品科研公司Right Treat的产品,由加拿大资深食物科研团队历时两年研发。其独有纯素蛋白质配方主要来自豌豆、非转基因大豆、香菇和米,提供人体所需的优质氨基酸,而且零胆固醇、无抗生素、无激素、零残忍,与真猪肉相比,其饱和脂肪远低86%,热量低66%,却能同时提供更多膳食纤维、260%钙质和127%铁质。OmniPork新猪肉刚推出已获不同地区多名国际性餐厅的星级厨师采用,如香港康德思酒店「明阁」、香港君悦酒店「港湾一号」、香港沙田凯悦酒店「沙田18」、泰国曼谷君悦酒店「You & Mee」和由米其林星级大厨主理的泰国餐厅「Baan Thai Family Recipe Restaurant」,以及在新加坡及台湾等多家酒店及餐厅均被星级厨师制作成各地特色美食。

OmniPork was developed by food-tech company Right Treat, a subsidiary of Green Monday. An established food science team in Canada spent two years of comprehensive research to create this nutritionally superior pork substitute, comprised of a proprietary blend of plant-based protein from peas, non-GMO soy, shiitake mushrooms and rice for complete protein. It contains Omg cholesterol, is antibiotic-free, hormone-free, cruelty-free, and 86% lower in saturated fat and 66% lower in calories than traditional pork, while being much higher in fiber, 260% higher in calcium and 127% higher in iron. Since its launch, OmniPork has won support from renowned chefs around the globe. Numerous restaurant partners have launched dedicated OmniPork menus, including: "Ming Court" at Cordis Hotel Hong Kong, "One Harbour Road" at Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, "Shatin 18" at Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Shatin, "You & Mee" at Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok and "Baan Thai Family Recipe Restaurant", headed by a Michelin-starred chef. OmniPork has also launched in Singapore and Taiwan with tremendous success, with many hotels and restaurants redesigning their local dishes with OmniPork.

复制以下淘口令进入Green Common店铺,欢迎购买纯素食品!

Copy the below link into Taobao to enter the Green Common shop+buy vegan goodies!


Green Common





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