
心碎香辣汤 Broken Heart Spicy Soup

Eve VoS 小步VEGAN 2022-04-13


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Don't have money to travel back home? Don't have money to travel anywhere? All friends gone for CNY? You are stuck in the city and feeling lonely and broke?


Fear not, these recipes, will boost your mood & metabolism and soon you shall be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.


Cabbage Pepper Soup

时间 | Time: 20-25 minutes
适合食用人数 | Servings: 3人 | 3 people

主要材料 | Main Ingredients:

200克黄色卷心菜 | 200g Yellow Cabbage

250毫升水 | 250ml Water

50克红甜椒 | 50g Red Bell Pepper

50克黄甜椒 | 50g Yellow Bell Pepper

50克青椒 | 50g Green Bell Pepper

3汤匙芝麻酱 | 3 tbsp Sesame Paste

1茶匙豆瓣酱 | 1 tsp Soybean Paste

4个小红辣椒 | 4 small Red Chilli Peppers

20毫升鲜榨柠檬汁 | 20ml Lemon Juice, freshly squeezed

1茶匙酱油 | 1 tsp Soy Sauce

1茶匙醋 | 2  tsp Vinegar

2茶匙米酒 | 2 tsp Rice Wine

2茶匙食用油 | 2 tsp Cooking Oil

其他 | Optional:

20克的洋葱,切碎 | 20g Onion, chopped

3瓣大蒜,去皮 | 3 Cloves Garlic, peeled

步骤 | Directions: 

1. 把所有的蔬菜切成丁,我知道切丁是最难的部分,但切丁能激发很多积极性,[我过一会儿再说这个]。

Dice all the veggies. I know dicing is the hard part but dicing boosts lots of positivity. [Shall talk about it a bit later]. 

2. 用少许油把所有的蔬菜炒软,加酱油,再炒2-3分钟,加入水和醋。小火煮至卷心菜熟透,加入芝麻酱搅拌至融化,添加大豆酱, 煮到水都有点稠。

Saute ALL veggies with a little bit of oil until soft. Add Soy Sauce. Sautee for another 2-3 minutes. Add water and vinegar. Simmer until cabbage is cooked. Add Sesame Paste and stir until melted. Add SoyBean Paste. Cook till all the water is a bit thick.


Wait for it to cool a bit and add lemon juice when the soup is not too hot. [if you can stick your finger in and it stings only after 2 seconds, it is not too hot.]

其他方案 | Optional:


Optional: Run the cooled down soup through the blender until smooth and then add the lemon juice.

如果你用的是高压锅的话 | If you are using a Pressure Cooker

放高压锅里 | In a Pressure Cooker:


Place all ingredients, except lemon juice, in the Pressure Cooker for 15 minutes. If it is a rice cooker, you may want to keep it partially open. 


When done, let everything cool for a few minutes, then add lemon juice.

其他方案 | Optional:


Run the cooled down soup through the blender until smooth and then add the lemon juice.

有奖问答 | Prize Question:


Why should we add lemon juice only after the soup has cooled down?


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English: Eve

Chinese: Monica


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