
偶木 | 巴黎街头的精神丰碑

O&M 偶木景观 2022-12-08

What is the role of the Monument in 2020?



Built in the 17th century during the reign of Louis XIV of France, Porte Saint-Denis was originally used as a physical boundary to ward off foreign enemies and to levy taxes. Over the next 300 years, Paris expanded. Some different urban living areas formed around Porte Saint-Denis. Great differences existed among the people from different regions, such as status, race, wealth,occupation etc., which makes Porte Saint-Denis a symbol of social boundary. At this point, the function as a boundary disappeared. Porte Saint-Denis becomes an abstract spiritual concept.

We think the significance given to Porte Saint-Denis, whether it is physical or spiritual, actually represents the boundary inside people’s mind. For better or worse, right or wrong, it depends on people's position andchoice.

Our design aims to remind people the existence of Porte Saint-Denis. Meanwhile, it pushes people to rethink the significance of the boundary.

We designed a set of glass mirrors to cover Porte Saint-Denis and Porte Saint-Martin. To reinforce the old boundaries, we connected these two arches to each other by the form of a virtual wall. In the daytime, the glass mirror makes Porte Saint-Denis invisible in modern Paris. At night, Porte Saint-Denis appears because of the transparent nature of glass by projecting light from the inside of the installation. We want to show that the boundaries are both objective and subjective by the visual change of our design.

At the same time, we designed an interesting light interactive installation around Porte Saint-Denis. When people walk into this area, a light circle would be formed around their bodies. As the light circle changes with distance, the color and shape changes. Participants can break their light circles and interact with others, or remain in place to maintain independence. The interaction means to reflect the invisible boundary in people’s deep heart.

The concept of boundary itself could be huge as universe, or tiny inside human’s mind.  The definition of boundaries is constantly evolving in different times and regions. Therefore, previous boundaries will eventually be replaced by emerging meanings. The constancyis that boundaries would exist permanently, whether tangible or intangible, physical or spiritual.


“People Is The Future Of People."
——Jean Paul Sartre

The public participate in design,also think of the daily life of everyone and every moment in the block as a memory of the future. Through the designer's unique thinking framework for understanding the world, Porte Saint-Denis is used as a medium forpassing history, thoughts and emotions into the physical space. By guiding vision and behavior,  enhancing the discovery and exploration of environment, public problems would be solved in public space, interaction between citizens and city promoted, and the growth potential of the city explored.

The artistic installation uses Porte Saint-Denis as the "screen" and projects numerous light spots to form a"pointillism" graphic, which conveys the novel beauty to the public.

Each "light spot" is provided by the residents of the second and tenth districts by scanning the QR code: group photos, smiles, objects, life ...etc. These images contain all the real, ongoing stories in this neighborhood.

External experiencers can also improve the understanding of people from different backgrounds and city blocks through the image of each light spot, make the city more friendly as well. Show tourists the details of the blocks, different perspectives, and diverse scenes, in order to form a warm-heart city exploration landmark.

This is caused by the design, but design itself does not terminate in regular neighborhoods creative collection. Forminga cultural "consensus" with the New Impressionist School, which was founded in France, gathering people from different backgrounds and cultural differences to excite a unified sense of local honor. And it will continue to respond to the public, continue to update, exert the power of integration, and cope with uncertain future.

Vision: The courage to face reality & The expectations of wonderful surprises.

“If There Is Any Power In Design, That Is The Power Of Synthesis.”
——Alejandro Aravena



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