心理学类 SSCI 期刊影响因子正式发布
编号 | Journal name | Edition | 2023 | 分区 |
1 | Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior | SSCI | 14.3 | Q1 |
2 | Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice | SSCI | 11.5 | Q1 |
3 | Journal of Applied Psychology | SSCI | 9.4 | Q1 |
4 | Journal of Management | SSCI | 9.3 | Q1 |
5 | Leadership Quarterly | SSCI | 9.1 | Q1 |
6 | Organizational Research Methods | SSCI | 8.9 | Q1 |
7 | Psychology & Marketing | SSCI | 8.9 | Q1 |
8 | Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health | SSCI | 8.0 | Q1 |
9 | International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology | SSCI | 6.4 | Q1 |
10 | Journal of Organizational Behavior | SSCI | 6.2 | Q1 |
11 | Human Resource Management | SSCI | 6.0 | Q1 |
12 | Journal of Occupational Health Psychology | SSCI | 5.9 | Q1 |
13 | Work and Stress | SSCI | 5.6 | Q1 |
14 | Journal of Vocational Behavior | SSCI | 5.2 | Q1 |
15 | Behavioural Public Policy | ESCI | 5.1 | Q1 |
16 | Applied Psychology-An International Review-Psychologie Appliquee-Revue Internationale | SSCI | 4.9 | Q1 |
17 | Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology | SSCI | 4.9 | Q1 |
18 | Personnel Psychology | SSCI | 4.7 | Q1 |
19 | Group & Organization Management | SSCI | 4.0 | Q1 |
20 | Journal of Consumer Psychology | SSCI | 4.0 | Q1 |
21 | Human Resource Development Quarterly | SSCI | 4.0 | Q1 |
22 | European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology | SSCI | 4.0 | Q1 |
23 | Organizational Psychology Review | SSCI | 3.9 | Q1 |
24 | Applied Psychology-Health and Well Being | SSCI | 3.8 | Q1 |
25 | Journal of Counseling Psychology | SSCI | 3.8 | Q1 |
26 | Journal of Business and Psychology | SSCI | 3.7 | Q1 |
27 | Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour | SSCI | 3.5 | Q1 |
28 | Media Psychology | SSCI | 3.4 | Q1 |
29 | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes | SSCI | 3.4 | Q1 |
30 | Career Development International | SSCI | 3.4 | Q1 |
31 | Personnel Review | SSCI | 3.3 | Q2 |
32 | German Journal of Human Resource Management-Zeitschrift Fur Personalforschung | SSCI | 3.3 | Q2 |
33 | European Journal of Psychological Assessment | SSCI | 3.2 | Q2 |
34 | Psychology of Sport and Exercise | SSCI | 3.1 | Q2 |
35 | Applied Ergonomics | SSCI | 3.1 | Q2 |
36 | Journal of Managerial Psychology | SSCI | 3.1 | Q2 |
37 | Organizational Dynamics | SSCI | 3.1 | Q2 |
38 | Research in Organizational Behavior | SSCI | 3.1 | Q2 |
39 | Stress and Health | SSCI | 3.0 | Q2 |
40 | Small Group Research | SSCI | 3.0 | Q2 |
41 | Performance Enhancement & Health | ESCI | 2.9 | Q2 |
42 | Human Factors | SSCI | 2.9 | Q2 |
43 | Human Performance | SSCI | 2.9 | Q2 |
44 | Journal of Career Assessment | SSCI | 2.8 | Q2 |
45 | Work Aging and Retirement | SSCI | 2.7 | Q2 |
46 | Journal of Experimental Psychology-Applied | SSCI | 2.7 | Q2 |
47 | Journal of Applied Sport Psychology | SSCI | 2.7 | Q2 |
48 | Journal of Interpersonal Violence | SSCI | 2.6 | Q2 |
49 | Journal of Career Development | SSCI | 2.6 | Q2 |
50 | Sport Exercise and Performance Psychology | SSCI | 2.6 | Q2 |
51 | International Journal of Selection and Assessment | SSCI | 2.6 | Q2 |
52 | Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology-Revista De Psicologia Del Trabajo Y De Las Organizaciones | SSCI | 2.4 | Q2 |
53 | International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology | SSCI | 2.3 | Q2 |
54 | Journal of Applied Behavioral Science | SSCI | 2.3 | Q2 |
55 | Journal of Counseling and Development | SSCI | 2.3 | Q2 |
56 | Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making | ESCI | 2.2 | Q2 |
57 | Journal of Personnel Psychology | SSCI | 2.2 | Q2 |
58 | Journal of Organizational Behavior Management | SSCI | 2.2 | Q2 |
59 | International Journal of Stress Management | SSCI | 2.1 | Q3 |
60 | Career Development Quarterly | SSCI | 2.1 | Q3 |
61 | Journal of the Association for Consumer Research | ESCI | 2.1 | Q3 |
62 | Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology | SSCI | 2.0 | Q3 |
63 | Ergonomics | SSCI | 2.0 | Q3 |
64 | Counseling Psychologist | SSCI | 1.9 | Q3 |
65 | Journal of College Student Psychotherapy | ESCI | 1.9 | Q3 |
66 | Journal of Behavioral Decision Making | SSCI | 1.8 | Q3 |
67 | International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance | SSCI | 1.7 | Q3 |
68 | Psychology of Music | SSCI | 1.6 | Q3 |
69 | Counselling Psychology Quarterly | ESCI | 1.6 | Q3 |
70 | Journal of College Student Development | SSCI | 1.6 | Q3 |
71 | Journal of Employment Counseling | SSCI | 1.6 | Q3 |
72 | Sport Psychologist | SSCI | 1.6 | Q3 |
73 | Occupational Health Science | ESCI | 1.6 | Q3 |
74 | International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching | SSCI | 1.5 | Q3 |
75 | Sa Journal of Industrial Psychology | ESCI | 1.5 | Q3 |
76 | Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology | SSCI | 1.4 | Q3 |
77 | Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport | SSCI | 1.4 | Q3 |
78 | Counselor Education and Supervision | ESCI | 1.4 | Q3 |
79 | Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development | SSCI | 1.4 | Q3 |
80 | Journal of Educational Measurement | SSCI | 1.4 | Q3 |
81 | Australian Journal of Career Development | ESCI | 1.4 | Q3 |
82 | International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology | SSCI | 1.3 | Q3 |
83 | Journal of Sport Psychology in Action | ESCI | 1.3 | Q3 |
84 | European Review of Applied Psychology-Revue Europeenne De Psychologie Appliquee | SSCI | 1.3 | Q3 |
85 | Behavioral Sciences & the Law | SSCI | 1.0 | Q4 |
86 | Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling | ESCI | 1.0 | Q4 |
87 | International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling | ESCI | 1.0 | Q4 |
88 | International Journal of Aerospace Psychology | SSCI | 1.0 | Q4 |
89 | Zeitschrift Fur Arbeits-Und Organisationspsychologie | SSCI | 1.0 | Q4 |
90 | British Journal of Guidance & Counselling | SSCI | 1.0 | Q4 |
91 | Psychology of Leaders and Leadership | ESCI | 0.9 | Q4 |
92 | Coaching-An International Journal of Theory Research and Practice | ESCI | 0.9 | Q4 |
93 | Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health | ESCI | 0.9 | Q4 |
94 | Consulting Psychology Journal-Practice and Research | ESCI | 0.9 | Q4 |
95 | International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring | ESCI | 0.9 | Q4 |
96 | Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling | SSCI | 0.8 | Q4 |
97 | Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development | SSCI | 0.8 | Q4 |
98 | Journal of Humanistic Counseling | ESCI | 0.8 | Q4 |
99 | Journal of Lgbtq Issues in Counseling | ESCI | 0.7 | Q4 |
100 | Tpm-Testing Psychometrics Methodology in Applied Psychology | ESCI | 0.7 | Q4 |
101 | Revista De Psicologia Del Deporte | SSCI | 0.7 | Q4 |
102 | Counseling and Values | ESCI | 0.7 | Q4 |
103 | Revista Espanola De Orientacion Y Psicopedagogia | ESCI | 0.7 | Q4 |
104 | Negotiation and Conflict Management Research | SSCI | 0.5 | Q4 |
105 | Social Psychology and Society | ESCI | 0.5 | Q4 |
106 | Travail Humain | SSCI | 0.5 | Q4 |
107 | Revista Iberoamericana De Psicologia Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte | ESCI | 0.5 | Q4 |
108 | Canadian Journal of Career Development | ESCI | 0.4 | Q4 |
109 | Zeitschrift Fur Sportpsychologie | SSCI | 0.4 | Q4 |
110 | Organizatsionnaya Psikologiya | ESCI | 0.4 | Q4 |
111 | Organisational and Social Dynamics | ESCI | 0.4 | Q4 |
112 | Gedrag & Organisatie | SSCI | 0.3 | Q4 |
113 | Psychologie Du Travail Et Des Organisations | ESCI | 0.3 | Q4 |
114 | Revista Chilena De Neuropsicologia | ESCI | <0.1 | Q4 |
115 | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | SSCI | 16.6 | Q1 |
116 | Neuroscience of Consciousness | ESCI | 3.1 | Q1 |
117 | Evolution and Human Behavior | SSCI | 3.0 | Q1 |
118 | Psychophysiology | SSCI | 2.9 | Q1 |
119 | Biological Psychology | SSCI | 2.7 | Q2 |
120 | International Journal of Psychophysiology | SSCI | 2.5 | Q2 |
121 | Physiology & Behavior | SSCI | 2.4 | Q2 |
122 | Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology | SSCI | 2.4 | Q2 |
123 | Learning & Behavior | SSCI | 1.9 | Q2 |
124 | Learning and Motivation | SSCI | 1.7 | Q3 |
125 | Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior | SSCI | 1.4 | Q3 |
126 | Behavioural Processes | SSCI | 1.3 | Q3 |
127 | Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Learning and Cognition | SSCI | 1.2 | Q3 |
128 | Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology | ESCI | 1.2 | Q3 |
129 | Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science | SSCI | 1.1 | Q4 |
130 | Journal of Psychophysiology | SSCI | 0.9 | Q4 |
131 | Cuadernos De Neuropsicologia-Panamerican Journal of Neuropsychology | ESCI | 0.3 | Q4 |
132 | International Journal of Integrative Psychotherapy | ESCI | <0.1 | Q4 |
133 | Rivista Di Psicologia Dell Emergenza E Dell Assistenza Umanitaria | ESCI | <0.1 | Q4 |
134 | Revista Clinica Contemporanea | ESCI | <0.1 | Q4 |
135 | Annual Review of Clinical Psychology | SSCI | 17.8 | Q1 |
136 | Clinical Psychology Review | SSCI | 13.7 | Q1 |
137 | International Journal of Transgender Health | SSCI | 10.5 | Q1 |
138 | Child and Adolescent Mental Health | SSCI | 6.8 | Q1 |
139 | Health Psychology Review | SSCI | 6.6 | Q1 |
140 | Psychological Medicine | SSCI | 5.9 | Q1 |
141 | Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review | SSCI | 5.5 | Q1 |
142 | Neuropsychology Review | SSCI | 5.4 | Q1 |
143 | International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology | SSCI | 5.3 | Q1 |
144 | Body Image | SSCI | 5.2 | Q1 |
145 | Journal of Anxiety Disorders | SSCI | 4.8 | Q1 |
146 | Clinical Psychological Science | SSCI | 4.8 | Q1 |
147 | Depression and Anxiety | SSCI | 4.7 | Q1 |
148 | International Journal of Eating Disorders | SSCI | 4.7 | Q1 |
149 | Clinical Psychology-Science and Practice | SSCI | 4.7 | Q1 |
150 | International Psychogeriatrics | SSCI | 4.6 | Q1 |
151 | Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology | SSCI | 4.5 | Q1 |
152 | Journal of Clinical Psychiatry | SSCI | 4.5 | Q1 |
153 | Cognitive Behaviour Therapy | SSCI | 4.3 | Q1 |
154 | Behaviour Research and Therapy | SSCI | 4.2 | Q1 |
155 | Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology | SSCI | 4.2 | Q1 |
156 | European Journal of Psychotraumatology | SSCI | 4.2 | Q1 |
157 | European Eating Disorders Review | SSCI | 3.9 | Q1 |
158 | British Journal of Clinical Psychology | SSCI | 3.8 | Q1 |
159 | Addictive Behaviors | SSCI | 3.7 | Q1 |
160 | Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment | SSCI | 3.7 | Q1 |
161 | Internet Interventions-The Application of Information Technology in Mental and Behavioural Health | SSCI | 3.6 | Q1 |
162 | British Journal of Health Psychology | SSCI | 3.5 | Q1 |
163 | Assessment | SSCI | 3.5 | Q1 |
164 | Journal of Eating Disorders | SSCI | 3.5 | Q1 |
165 | Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science | SSCI | 3.4 | Q1 |
166 | Behavior Therapy | SSCI | 3.4 | Q1 |
167 | Psychological Assessment | SSCI | 3.3 | Q1 |
168 | International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction | SSCI | 3.2 | Q1 |
169 | Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy | SSCI | 3.2 | Q1 |
170 | Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science | SSCI | 3.1 | Q1 |
171 | Health Psychology | SSCI | 3.1 | Q1 |
172 | Mindfulness | SSCI | 3.1 | Q1 |
173 | Clinical Neuropsychologist | SSCI | 3.0 | Q1 |
174 | Personality Disorders-Theory Research and Treatment | SSCI | 3.0 | Q1 |
175 | European Journal of Investigation in Health Psychology and Education | ESCI | 3.0 | Q1 |
176 | Eating Disorders | SSCI | 3.0 | Q1 |
177 | Archives of Sexual Behavior | SSCI | 2.9 | Q1 |
178 | Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology | SSCI | 2.9 | Q1 |
179 | Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis | SSCI | 2.9 | Q1 |
180 | Cognitive and Behavioral Practice | SSCI | 2.9 | Q1 |
181 | Journal of Mental Health | SSCI | 2.9 | Q1 |
182 | Psychology Research and Behavior Management | SSCI | 2.8 | Q2 |
183 | Journal of Behavioral Medicine | SSCI | 2.8 | Q2 |
184 | Journal of Personality Assessment | SSCI | 2.8 | Q2 |
185 | Cognitive Therapy and Research | SSCI | 2.8 | Q2 |
186 | Psychological Trauma-Theory Research Practice and Policy | SSCI | 2.7 | Q2 |
187 | Journal of Sex Research | SSCI | 2.7 | Q2 |
188 | Journal of Family Violence | SSCI | 2.7 | Q2 |
189 | Psychological Injury & Law | ESCI | 2.7 | Q2 |
190 | American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse | SSCI | 2.7 | Q2 |
191 | Family Process | SSCI | 2.6 | Q2 |
192 | Psychotherapy | SSCI | 2.6 | Q2 |
193 | Psychotherapy Research | SSCI | 2.6 | Q2 |
194 | Psychology and Psychotherapy-Theory Research and Practice | SSCI | 2.6 | Q2 |
195 | Neuropsychology | SSCI | 2.6 | Q2 |
196 | Journal of Health Psychology | SSCI | 2.5 | Q2 |
197 | Perspectives on Behavior Science | SSCI | 2.5 | Q2 |
198 | Journal of Clinical Psychology | SSCI | 2.5 | Q2 |
199 | Psychology of Violence | SSCI | 2.4 | Q2 |
200 | Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology | SSCI | 2.4 | Q2 |
201 | Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine | ESCI | 2.4 | Q2 |
202 | Journal of Traumatic Stress | SSCI | 2.4 | Q2 |
203 | Eating Behaviors | SSCI | 2.4 | Q2 |
204 | American Journal of Psychotherapy | ESCI | 2.3 | Q2 |
205 | Journal of Family Psychology | SSCI | 2.3 | Q2 |
206 | Mental Health and Physical Activity | SSCI | 2.3 | Q2 |
207 | International Journal of Art Therapy | ESCI | 2.3 | Q2 |
208 | Traumatology | ESCI | 2.3 | Q2 |
209 | American Behavioral Scientist | SSCI | 2.3 | Q2 |
210 | Journal of Trauma & Dissociation | SSCI | 2.3 | Q2 |
211 | Clinica Y Salud | SSCI | 2.3 | Q2 |
212 | International Journal of Sexual Health | SSCI | 2.2 | Q2 |
213 | Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback | SSCI | 2.2 | Q2 |
214 | Behavioral Disorders | SSCI | 2.1 | Q2 |
215 | Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy | SSCI | 2.1 | Q2 |
216 | Sexual Abuse-A Journal of Research and Treatment | SSCI | 2.1 | Q2 |
217 | Criminal Justice and Behavior | SSCI | 2.1 | Q2 |
218 | Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology | SSCI | 2.1 | Q2 |
219 | Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology | SSCI | 2.1 | Q2 |
220 | Journal of Latinx Psychology | SSCI | 2.1 | Q2 |
221 | Journal of Psychoactive Drugs | SSCI | 2.1 | Q2 |
222 | Transgender Health | SSCI | 2.1 | Q2 |
223 | Cognitive Behaviour Therapist | ESCI | 2.1 | Q2 |
224 | Behavior Analysis in Practice | ESCI | 2.1 | Q2 |
225 | International Journal of Behavioral Medicine | SSCI | 2.0 | Q3 |
226 | Behavior Modification | SSCI | 2.0 | Q3 |
227 | Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy | SSCI | 2.0 | Q3 |
228 | International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis | SSCI | 2.0 | Q3 |
229 | Health Psychology Research | ESCI | 2.0 | Q3 |
230 | European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation | ESCI | 2.0 | Q3 |
231 | Rehabilitation Psychology | SSCI | 1.9 | Q3 |
232 | Psychological Services | SSCI | 1.9 | Q3 |
233 | American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research | SSCI | 1.9 | Q3 |
234 | Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health | ESCI | 1.9 | Q3 |
235 | Journal of Psychotherapy Integration | ESCI | 1.8 | Q3 |
236 | Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology | ESCI | 1.8 | Q3 |
237 | Journal of Marital and Family Therapy | SSCI | 1.8 | Q3 |
238 | Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology | SSCI | 1.8 | Q3 |
239 | Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry | SSCI | 1.8 | Q3 |
240 | Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry | SSCI | 1.7 | Q3 |
241 | Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy | ESCI | 1.7 | Q3 |
242 | Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy | SSCI | 1.7 | Q3 |
243 | Health Psychology Open | ESCI | 1.7 | Q3 |
244 | Research in Psychotherapy-Psychopathology Process and Outcome | ESCI | 1.6 | Q3 |
245 | Journal of Aggression Maltreatment & Trauma | SSCI | 1.6 | Q3 |
246 | Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings | SSCI | 1.6 | Q3 |
247 | Journal for Specialists in Group Work | ESCI | 1.6 | Q3 |
248 | Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy | ESCI | 1.5 | Q3 |
249 | Arts in Psychotherapy | SSCI | 1.5 | Q3 |
250 | International Journal of Cognitive Therapy | SSCI | 1.5 | Q3 |
251 | Journal of Dual Diagnosis | SSCI | 1.5 | Q3 |
252 | Sexual and Relationship Therapy | SSCI | 1.5 | Q3 |
253 | Behaviour Change | SSCI | 1.5 | Q3 |
254 | Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions | SSCI | 1.4 | Q3 |
255 | Spirituality in Clinical Practice | ESCI | 1.4 | Q3 |
256 | Journal of Child Sexual Abuse | SSCI | 1.4 | Q3 |
257 | International Journal of Mental Health | ESCI | 1.4 | Q3 |
258 | European Journal of Health Psychology | SSCI | 1.3 | Q3 |
259 | Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment | SSCI | 1.3 | Q3 |
260 | Art Therapy | ESCI | 1.3 | Q3 |
261 | Counselling & Psychotherapy Research | ESCI | 1.2 | Q3 |
262 | Clinical Psychologist | SSCI | 1.2 | Q3 |
263 | American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis | SSCI | 1.2 | Q3 |
264 | Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology | ESCI | 1.2 | Q3 |
265 | Psychosis-Psychological Social and Integrative Approaches | SSCI | 1.2 | Q3 |
266 | Journal of Family Therapy | SSCI | 1.1 | Q3 |
267 | Behavioral Interventions | SSCI | 1.1 | Q3 |
268 | Psychoanalytic Psychology | SSCI | 1.0 | Q3 |
269 | Psychotherapie | SSCI | 1.0 | Q3 |
270 | Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology | SSCI | 1.0 | Q3 |
271 | Contemporary Family Therapy | ESCI | 1.0 | Q3 |
272 | Residential Treatment for Children & Youth | ESCI | 1.0 | Q3 |
273 | Journal of Experimental Psychopathology | SSCI | 1.0 | Q3 |
274 | International Journal of Group Psychotherapy | SSCI | 1.0 | Q3 |
275 | Journal of Emdr Practice and Research | ESCI | 1.0 | Q3 |
276 | Journal of Constructivist Psychology | SSCI | 1.0 | Q3 |
277 | American Journal of Family Therapy | SSCI | 0.9 | Q4 |
278 | Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology | ESCI | 0.9 | Q4 |
279 | Zeitschrift Fur Psychosomatische Medizin Und Psychotherapie | SSCI | 0.8 | Q4 |
280 | Advances in Dual Diagnosis | ESCI | 0.8 | Q4 |
281 | Zeitschrift Fur Sexualforschung | SSCI | 0.8 | Q4 |
282 | Terapia Psicologica | SSCI | 0.8 | Q4 |
283 | Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies | SSCI | 0.8 | Q4 |
284 | Clinical Case Studies | SSCI | 0.8 | Q4 |
285 | Journal of Creativity in Mental Health | ESCI | 0.8 | Q4 |
286 | Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy-Innovations in Clinical and Educational Interventions | ESCI | 0.7 | Q4 |
287 | Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie | SSCI | 0.7 | Q4 |
288 | Behavioral Psychology-Psicologia Conductual | SSCI | 0.7 | Q4 |
289 | Acta Colombiana De Psicologia | ESCI | 0.7 | Q4 |
290 | Verhaltenstherapie | SSCI | 0.7 | Q4 |
291 | Zeitschrift Fur Klinische Psychologie Und Psychotherapie | SSCI | 0.6 | Q4 |
292 | Sexual Health & Compulsivity | ESCI | 0.6 | Q4 |
293 | Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy | SSCI | 0.6 | Q4 |
294 | Revista Iberoamericana De Diagnostico Y Evaluacion-E Avaliacao Psicologica | SSCI | 0.6 | Q4 |
295 | Diagnostica | SSCI | 0.6 | Q4 |
296 | European Journal of Mental Health | ESCI | 0.6 | Q4 |
297 | Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies | ESCI | 0.5 | Q4 |
298 | Ansiedad Y Estres-Anxiety and Stress | ESCI | 0.5 | Q4 |
299 | Konsultativnaya Psikhologiya I Psikhoterapiya-Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy | ESCI | 0.5 | Q4 |
300 | Body Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy | ESCI | 0.4 | Q4 |
301 | Child & Family Behavior Therapy | SSCI | 0.4 | Q4 |
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重磅 !2024QS世界大学语言文学专业排名正式公布
重磅!语言研究全球前2%顶尖科学家“年度影响力”榜单正式发布申丹教授、聂珍钊教授入选文学研究全球前2%顶尖科学家“年度影响力”榜单重磅!2023年QS世界大学排名正式发布重磅!CiteScore™ 2021 语言学期刊影响力排名正式发布重磅!中科院2022年语言学期刊分区表正式公布!
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