
设计重庆国际双年展 | 参展艺术家:朱锫建筑朱锫

金瓦奖 设计重庆双年展 2023-09-06

朱锫  Zhu Pei

©朱锫建筑事务所Studio Zhu Pei


Zhu Pei Biography


Zhu Pei founded Studio Zhu Pei in Beijing in 2005, and from there he has produce dan extraordinary corpus of cultural works that have made him one of the leading figures of his generation. Marked by his American experience, which include steaching at Harvard and Columbia, he is the current dean of the School ofArchitecture at Central Academy of Fine Arts. He was recognized with Honorary Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in 2020 for his contribution toarchitecture and society. He was an architecture jury member for Mies van der Rohe Award in 2011.

△景德镇御窑博物馆 Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Museum

鸟瞰 Aerial view

 ©田方方 Tian Fangfang

△景德镇御窑博物馆 Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Museum

主入口 The main entrance 

©是然建筑摄影 schranimage

△景德镇御窑博物馆 Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Museum

自御窑遗址观博物馆 View from the Imperial Kiln Ruins to the museum

©朱锫建筑事务所Studio Zhu Pei

△景德镇御窑博物馆 Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Museum

开放的拱券 View to open vaults 

©是然建筑摄影 schranimage

△景德镇御窑博物馆 Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Museum

拱、窑砖、光线 Vault, brick, and light

©是然建筑摄影 schranimage

他曾荣获众多国际奖项,如:被美国Architectural Record杂志评为“全球设计先锋”,美国建筑师协会(AIA)国际“建筑设计荣誉奖”,意大利THEPLAN“文化建筑最高奖”,美国Architizer A+“年度最佳项目”及“博物馆奖”,加拿大AZ“建筑设计奖”,英国The Architectural Review“未来建筑奖”,“2019-2020中国建筑学会建筑设计一等奖”,香港DFA“亚洲最高荣誉设计大奖”,“亚洲文化优异设计大奖”,亚历山大图书馆国际竞赛被国际建筑协会、联合国教科文组织评为“设计特别奖”。景德镇御窑博物馆被Dezeen评为2020年全球十佳博物馆及美术馆,被designboom评为2020年全球十佳博物馆及文化中心。

Zhu Pei has been recognized with architecture’s most prestigious awards and honors, such as Design Vanguard Award from Architectural Record, Design Honor Award from AIA International, Culture Winner from THE PLAN Award 2021, Project of the Year and Museum Winner from 2021 Architizer A+Awards, Architecture Winner from 2021 AZ Awards, The Architectural Review Award, the first prize of Architectural Design Award (2019-2020) of ASC, Grand Award and Special Award for Culture from Hong Kong DFA, and Special Merit Award by UIA and UNESCO. Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Museum has been recognized as Top 10 Museums and Galleries selected by Dezeen in 2020, and Top 10 Museums and Cultural Venues selected by designboom in 2020.

△寿县文化艺术中心 Shou County Culture and Art Center

鸟瞰Aerial view


△寿县文化艺术中心 Shou County Culture and Art Center

主入口 The main entrance


△寿县文化艺术中心 Shou County Culture and Art Center

主入口与桥The main entrance and the bridge


△寿县文化艺术中心 Shou County Culture and Art Center

前院 Front courtyard


△寿县文化艺术中心 Shou County Culture and Art Center

空中庭院与蛇形环廊Aerial courtyard and the corridor



In 2006 and 2007, Zhu Pei was commissioned by Guggenheim Foundation to design Guggenheim Art Pavilion in Abu Dhabi, the Guggenheim Museum in Beijing. His built works include Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Museum (Jiangxi, 2020), Yangliping Performing Arts Center (Yunnan, 2020), Zibo OCT Art Center (Shandong, 2020), 798 CUBE Art Center (Beijing, 2020), Shou County Cultural and Art Center (Anhui, 2019), Minsheng Museum of Modern Art (Beijing, 2015), Taimiao Art Museum (Beijing, 2015), Pace Art Museum (Beijing, 2009), Digital Beijing, Olympics Control Center (Beijing, 2008), Caiguoqiang Courtyard House Renovation (Beijing, 2007), etc. 

△杨丽萍表演艺术中心 Yangliping Performing Arts Center

鸟瞰Aerial view

©金伟琦 Jinweiqi

△杨丽萍表演艺术中心 Yangliping Performing Arts Center

室外剧场 Outdoor theater

©金伟琦 Jinweiqi

△杨丽萍表演艺术中心 Yangliping Performing Arts Center

茶室、树屋 Teahouse

©金伟琦 Jinweiqi

△杨丽萍表演艺术中心 Yangliping Performing Arts Center

屋顶及室外剧场 Roofscape and outdoor theater

©金伟琦 Jinweiqi

△杨丽萍表演艺术中心 Yangliping Performing Arts Center

表演艺术中心夜景 Lights lit up the theater

©金伟琦 Jinweiqi


His works have been exhibited at world important museums such as MoMA, Venice Biennial, GA Gallery, Centre Pompidou, Victoria and Albert Museum, Kassel, Dresden State Art Museum, Sao Paulo Art Biennial, the solo exhibition at Aedes, Harvard University, Rome MAXXI Museum and so on. His works have been collected by MoMA, Pompidou Art Center, the Victoria and Albert Museum and M+.

淄博华侨城艺术中心 Zibo OCT Art Center

©夏至 Xia Zhi

798CUBE美术馆 CUBE Art Museum at 798

©金伟琦 Jinweiqi


He has been invited by many internationally renowned architecture schools to give lectures, such as Harvard GSD, Columbia GSAPP, Yale University, UC Berkeley,University of Cambridge, Cooper Union, UCLA, Rhode Island school of Design, Syracuse University, University of South California, University of Texas at Austin, University at Buffalo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Architecture School at Taliesin West, University of Auckland, Tsinghua University and so on.




The Awakening of Design in a City



Salute to the “City of Design” Application of United Nations for Chongqing



Curatorial Prologue of

Design Chongqing Biennale 


Mankind is experiencing a wave of “R-EVOLUTION”, which has not been seen in hundreds of years! The birth of metaverse, the overwhelming influence of carbon neutrality and peak carbon dioxide emissions, are both micro epitomes and macro narrations of this wave.


The original meaning of “EVOLUTION” in the Oxford Dictionary is to open the things rolled together (involution). It also refers to the growth, change and development of anything from simplicity to complexity, from low-level to high-level. What will design encounter in this evolutionary wave of the community with a shared future for mankind.


Undoubtedly, these are both good and bad times of the design industry. The rampant pandemic and the storm of real estate have hit the radical design industry. Chaos, involution, confusion, powerlessness, and hesitation are full of the whole industry.


Now, “R-EVOLUTION” has become an inevitable thinking. The passive slowing down of the whole industry provides the best opportunity for self-reflection given by the “law”. After   reflections on the original intention of design, the starting point and future of the design industry, we will r-evolve. Starting from people and the noumenon of design culture, we can re-examine the due value and cultivation of design, re-think the R-EVOLUTION of beautiful villages, cities, design clusters and lifestyles. This is the original intention for holding Design Chongqing Biennale.


After determining “R-EVOLUTION” as the theme of Design Chongqing Biennale, it is amazing to find that removing the “-” is the EVOLUTION, which means significant or radical changes.


Yes, the first Design Chongqing Biennale is a revolution of “awakening the design in a city”. It calls on all designers with humanity, attitude and ideals to stand up, in this critical time when Chongqing applies for the “City of Design” of the United Nations. Based on the “city of landscape, land of beauty ” and the theme of R-EVOLUTION, with an open vision, the original intention of practicing and the belief of natural beauty, it will track the social change and design trend of Chongqing in the global context, planning to start from the new era issues such as globality and locality, time and space, humanity and vision, concept and technology, protection and development, ecology and aesthetics, tradition and pioneer, diversity and community.Through exhibitions, installations, summit forums, literature collection and other forms, it intends to achieve cross-domain, multi-dimensional and high-level design integration, and re-discover the life of design, re-define the value of design, and re-evolve the life of design.


What's past is prologue! William Shakespeare, considered the greatest English-speaking writer in history wrote:Love all, do wrong to none. In gray days, don't let the ruthless fate secretly rejoice. Since fate has come to insult us,we should stay calm. Wise men never sit and wail their loss, but cheerily seek how to redress their harms.


Salvation starts from “RE-PURIFICATION”and “R-EVOLUTION”, which leads the inevitable victory of mutual achievements.



This is the curatorial prologue.



Directing Organization


Chongqing Municipal Culture and Tourism Development Commission


China Design Museum


Chongqing Federation of Industry and Commerce

Sponsored Organization金瓦奖JINWA AWARD旁观者智库Watch Think-tank
联合主办    Co-Create Organization重庆市建筑室内设计联合会 Chongqing Architectural Design Association 英国皇家建筑师学会Royal Institute of British Architect设计脊梁研究院  Design Superstar Institute重庆大学建筑城规学院 School of Architecture and Urban Planning Chongqing University四川美术学院Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
首席协办单位    Chief Associate Organization重庆城市规划学会历史文化名城专委会 / 悦来投资集团 / 重庆设计集团 / 汤桦建筑事务所 / gad杰地设计 / 长厦安基 / 日清设计 /向北设计 / 道远设计 / 蓝调国际 / 海力空间  / 兄弟装饰 / 雨树设计 / 五洲书店  / 刘开渠艺术中心 /艺山中心等
战略合作单位     Strategic Cooperative Organization中冶·铜锣台 / 灯巢高端灯饰连锁 / 第六空间国际家居 / TOTO卫浴 / 德国高仪 / 图森整体木作(两江天地旗舰店) / 汉斯格雅 / 台达电子/ 恒弘办公、教学家具 / 聚盛和美
战略合作媒体    Strategic Cooperative Media《id+c室内设计与装修》杂志 / 《WATCH旁观者》设计评论杂志 / 青年建筑公众号 / ABBS建筑论坛 / 造学设计会
承办单位    Executive Organization旁观者文化产业智库  九街文化产业集团 北仓文创集团











