On the 28 of May 2021, 2021 Hangzhou Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for Overseas Talent, called IEC·S is launched in Hangzhou. Guests from the Xiaoshan government, local businesses, and overseas gathered in Hangzhou to attend the launch ceremony of this competition. Inline to gather talent, share the global trend of innovation and entrepreneurship, witnessed the new journey of entrepreneurial development.
自2015年以来,创客大赛已连续成功举办六届,共征集到来自20多个国家和地区的近6000多个项目参赛。下午1点,叶茂东局长进行了大赛的开场介绍,欢迎创业大赛海外高层人才来此路演,鼓励高端人才来杭参赛。The competition has been successfully held six times in a row since 2015, with nearly 6,000 entries from more than 20 countries and regions. At 1 p.m., Director-general Ye Maodong made the opening presentation of the contest, welcomed and encouraged talents to participate in this competition in Hangzhou.
在本次2021创客大赛中,飞仕伯乐Fishburners作为海内外知名、澳大利亚第一的创投孵化器成为了此次大赛的官方合作创业服务机构。共同促进15-20个以上参赛项目在杭落地。Fishburners has been selected as the official incubator partner of the 2021 competition. As Australian No.1 startup community. We will help 15-20 startups to landed in Hangzhou within the competition.
飞仕伯乐CEO Michael Wang代表大赛官方合作海内外知名孵化器在华机构,上台亮相并获得此次创客天下的合作伙伴奖杯。Michael Wang, CEO of Fishburners China, received the trophy of partnership in the ceremony.
发布仪式中,2个来自飞仕伯乐Fishburners被投项目:S·M·E智能健康监控和Frethan飞神科技得到此次创客大赛组委会的高度认可,在大赛发布仪式中崭露头角。同时仪式将被浙江卫视经济频道转播,得到官方媒体的曝光与支持。SME and Frethan, 2 of Fishburners invested company were pitch in the ceremony and get highly recognizing from the competition committee. Zhejiang television station economic life channel will broadcast this pitching online.
据悉,此次参与行业覆盖医药健康、人工智能、高端装备、新一代信息技术、新能源/新材料/节能环保等领域。The industry area of this competition covers medical, AI, next-gen hardware, information technology, energy tech, materials tech and environmental protection etc.
此次创客大赛的发布仪式,飞仕伯乐Fishburners作为官方指定合作伙伴携手创客进行现场发布,与海内外的创业人才共享了一场视觉盛宴。我们希望未来会有更多的创业者在杭落地生根,发展壮大。As an official partner, Fishburners China joined the launch ceremony with entrepreneurs and startups, enjoyed this vivid event with other guests from local and overseas. We hope more great startups to land in Hangzhou with Fishburners China.Apply the competition here