The World From A Child's Perspective
Observation more than books and experiences more than persons, are the prime educators.
The first connections young students build in the world are through their natural tools - their senses. Watching, listening, smelling and touching. These are powerful methods of observation that little ones use to discover the fascinating world in their own ways.
Observation helps to recall details of an investigation and aids problem-solving. It is recognised as an important initial skill in kindergarten studying, as well as being an integral part of Canada (Alberta) Curriculum.
As educators, CIS respects students' inquisitiveness, their powerful and unconstrained imagination, and encourage them to illustrate their understanding via explorations in classrooms, in that to inspire possibilities of studying multiple languages, abstracting new ideas of scientific researches and applying their own observation outcomes to innovate the society.
Another month has gone by, so let's take a virtual tour in kindergarten classrooms at CIS through a glance at their academic highlights!
Pre-Kindergarten 2 幼儿园2岁班
Pre Kindergarten 2A
Pre-K 2A has now moved from body parts to our five senses. They learned about using different body parts to look, smell, hear, taste and touch. As usual, they learned the five senses through singing and dancing. The students also learned it through reading a book about the five senses with Elma, picking the five different senses materials on the table to match the right body parts.
This week, the little ones did a "IT'S ME" project by outlining and cutting a "me" with the help of our big reading buddies. Then they cut out their own eyes, ears, noses and mouths to stick on "me". After that, they used different materials to design clothes for "me". It was so extremely fun!
本周,同学们在我们阅读伙伴的帮助下,在纸皮上画轮廓并裁剪出了一个“我”,从而完成了“ IT'S ME”项目。他们剪出自己眼睛的形状,耳朵的形状,鼻子的形状和嘴巴的形状,贴在了“我”身上。之后,他们使用不同的材料为“我”设计衣服。真是太有趣了!
Pre Kindergarten 2B
Spring has been a wonderful time for the children to start their new term with their classmates. A lot of work was done at the beginning to keep the children on top of their organization skills. They learnt how to put away school bags. How to hold water bottles. How to play nicely with classmates. And most importantly how to share with new friends at school. Everybody did an awesome job at learning how to grow and become more independent during school time. It was such a joy seeing all the children begin their journey into childhood and being lovely friends to one another.
The students were able to learn different topics during their time here. They started with the different colours such as red, blue, yellow, green, purple and orange. The rainbow is a great way to learn these colours and the students adapted to class time very quickly. They also learned numbers 1-10 to help them count on their fingers. They did an impressive job counting out loud together and it’s great to see how well they progressed doing this.
The language arts lessons encouraged the students to speak more English in class. The vowel sounds ‘a e i o u’ were used to begin our journey of English. They watched a lot of Alphablocks videos to encourage more phonics skills being applied in school time. The students learned the different sounds before they can learn how to blend them together to make words such as cat and ten. These are called CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words.
The children enjoyed lots of outdoor activities such as playing on the slide, on the swing and importantly, with each other. They always have so much fun when playing outdoors with everybody. We were also able to do an egg hunt during our Easter week at school during which they had searched for and found lovely Easter Eggs.
They have more fun and games coming up as new instruments are introduced into the classroom. They have been able to play with drums and shakers, but soon they will be able to enjoy singing and playing with keyboards to encourage them to be more creative and musical during school time. The instruments will be a good stepping stone into their future if they choose to pick up an instrument such as the piano or ukulele. Glad that musical knowledge can help these young ones grow and adapt to the great musical world of learning. Great job Pre-K 2B!
同学们上英语课时,锻炼了说更多的英语。元音“ a e i o u”被用来开始他们的英语之旅。他们还观看了很多Alphablocks视频,以在学校应用更多的语音技能。孩子们将慢慢学习不同的声音,然后才能学习如何将它们融合在一起以制作诸如“猫”和“十”这样的单词。这些称为CVC(辅音元音辅音)词。
随着新乐器的在课堂上的引入,同学们在课堂上的欢乐就更多了。他们已经能够击打演奏鼓和振动器,然而不仅如此,很快他们将会学习唱歌和弹奏键盘的乐趣,这都是为了鼓励他们创造力的迸发和通过音乐了解世界。如果选择购买钢琴或四弦琴之类的乐器,这些乐器将是未来发展的良好垫脚石。很高兴音乐知识能够促进这些孩子们的成长并能运用伟大的音乐学习来从不同角度探索这个世界。Pre-K 2B你们很棒!
Pre-Kindergarten 3 幼儿园3岁班
Pre-Kindergarten 3A
Spring played a big role in connecting PK3A more to nature. The students were active participants in scavenger hunts and their love of learning stimulated their curiosity and attention to detail in natural environment settings.
PK3A students enjoyed their bee inquiry as well. They discussed that bees produce honey and looked at pictures of bees collecting nectar and pollen from flowers, and then taking it back to their hives to make honey. They then pretended to be bees through some fun fine motor activities. With safety tweezers we pinched pollen (pompoms) and took it back to the hive (the egg carton). We also collected nectar (yellow food colored water) using droppers to transfer the sweet flower juice to the honey comb. The students ended bee inquiry with honey tasting. Yummy!
Moreover, they learned lots about other insects and bugs as well as discussed, the differences between the two. PK3A learned that Insects have six legs, some have 2 antennae, and some have wings. They made a chart as a whole class and took turns sorting the insects from non-insects. This theme has allowed them to use all our senses to grasp these natural concepts. From practicing fine motor skills (cutting, pasting, coloring, grasping, pinching), to counting and practicing theme vocabulary, to taste testing and hands on scientific sensory theme related activities.
Pre-Kindergarten 3B
PK3B had so much fun with our Dinosaur theme this past month! Their fossil creation was a success with a lot of mess, which was the fun part. During a weekly meeting with our buddies, ingredients were distributed to all groups and the grade 3s helped our friends with forming the dough. Then they made fossils using their dinosaur stencils. Next, we placed the dough into the oven to bake and stay solid.
Pre-K3B friends decorated their finished dinosaur fossils with their regular Grade 3B buddies to decorate their group’s fossils. Each group chose their group color to paint their fossils so, that they could identify their fossils when they dug them out of the sand pit, while pretending to be paleontologists. They discovered Carnivores! During lessons it was explained to friends that there are different groups of carnivores with different characteristics. We also discussed how they are different from the herbivores. The students were all very intrigued by their discoveries.
They painted these fossils will be colored and eventually friends will get the opportunity to act like Paleontologists and dig up these fossils. Our dinosaur of this week is the Iguanodon, another herbivore friend that made a big impression on us! We discussed how all these herbivores are similar in eating greens, but yet so very different. We have also started our dinosaur related portraits this past month. During our one on one sessions, students are asked what they love about dinosaurs and how these different creatures are similar to observe what they love about them.
Pre-Kindergarten 3C
Pre-K 3C enjoys nature and learning under the sun! The nature theme has been more exciting to our little ones as we discovered outdoor activities. Outdoor play fosters children’s intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development. And by being outside and surrounded by nature, children experienced an ever-changing and free-flowing environment that stimulated all their senses. Interacting with the natural environment, allows them to learn by doing and experiment with ideas. Children learned how to take care of nature, discover smooth and rough tree barks, some are fruit trees and some are not, and leaves come in different shapes and sizes. They collected leaves, grass, rocks and twigs and made portraits. They had nature scavenger hunts where the children looked for the following objects on the sheet given. They worked together and had fun hunting around things.
As we learned and discovered nature, children were allowed to discover and learn about plants, trees, and flowers. They grew grass and green bean seeds and they were very excited each day to investigate how they grew. They also learned that plants need water and sunlight to grow. They are now able to identify the basic parts of flowers and trees. Nature has provided countless opportunities for hands-on learning experiences and discoveries for Pre-K 3C!
Pre-K -3C非常享受在大自然中学习!大自然的主题的学习使得孩子们更加的兴奋,因为有了更多的户外探索时间。户外活动的开展能够非常好的促进孩子们的智力、情感、社交能力和身体的发展。当孩子们置身于大自然中的时候,他们所有的感官都会被大自然所感染和刺激。与大自然“打交道”的过程,可以促进孩子们在实验和实践中学习。孩子们解到怎么去爱护大自然;认识了什么是粗糙的树皮和什么是光滑树皮;发现了有些树是果树而有些树却不是。同时,孩子还发现了不同大小和不同形状的树叶。他们收集了树叶、草、石头、小树枝等物品,并用这些东西来做肖像。我们也开展了一次自然寻物的游戏——孩子们需要看是否能在大自然中找到纸上的物体(例如:果树、小树枝、蝴蝶等)。如果找到,孩子们需要在对应的照片下打勾。在探寻的过程中,小朋友们互相商量、合作,很快就找到了对应的物品!
Pre-Kindergarten 4 幼儿园4岁班
During this unit about animals, students first explored Pet animals. They could say that pets are animals that can live with us in our homes. Students were able to identify which animals could be pets and which animals would not be appropriate to keep as pets. Students made their own playdough and created different animals with it. They were able to put three letters together to build words like P-E-T, C-A-T and D-O-G. PK4 students then inquired into Farm animals. During Literacy time they read the book "Can Hens Give Milk?" And learned which animals produces which food by playing a matching game. We did an experiment to see what will happen if we leave a chicken egg in vinegar. Students were surprised to find that the vinegar dissolved the eggshell and left the contents of the egg exposed. PK4 students enjoyed looking at and touching the egg after it was taken out of the vinegar. They noticed that the egg was white now instead of light brown, and that it felt soft and not hard like before.
Kindergarten 学前班
Kindergarten A
Kindergarten A students blasted off to space and learned about the mysterious wonders of the universe, including the moon, planets, and stars. They became curious about the origin of the world and so dove into the study of the dinosaurs, the fossils of which are some of the oldest known to man.
Students have completed their cycle through the uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet, investigating sounds and common digraphs. Throughout January and February, students have added to their collection of high-frequency (/popcorn) words.
By participating in written and oral surveys, students learned to apply comparative terms as well as infer from data gathered. Who was the first Chinese woman who landed on the moon? Where are dinosaurs from? Why do they no longer exist? Celebrating their 100th day at school and continuing to count the number of days thereafter have provided opportunities for students to decompose and add numbers. Using actual objects, students have learned to discriminate between objects using various attributes that may or may not be commonly shared, such as colour, use, and dimension.
As students continue to participate in Citizen Show and Share, they have learned to demonstrate respect for one another and appreciate the uniqueness of their peers. By taking turns and using the words “no” and “not yet”, students have learned to set boundaries, negotiate with each other, and resolve conflict on their own. Their classroom treaty continues to account for students’ behavioural choices. As they welcome new classmates, students have shown their caring and hospitable selves.
同学们已经完成了字母表中大写和小写字母的循环学习,研究了声音和常见的作图工具。在整个一月和二月里,学生们增加了他们的高频(/ popcorn)单词集合。
Kindergarten B
Digging up Dinosaurs in KB!
Our Inquiry of Focus:
For the past few weeks, KB students have been learning about dinosaurs. We began this exciting unit by making our own dinosaur fossils with our Grade 4 buddies in 4B. Students learned that fossils are evidence that dinosaurs once existed. This week we discussed the theories of how dinosaurs became extinct and the sequence of events that likely happened using pictures and actions. Many students have expressed their sadness for the dinosaurs and their sudden disappearance on Earth! Using sensory activities such as making craters with flour and kinetic sand to create dinosaur habitats encourages learning through play and experience which is something we continuously try to promote in our class.
Assessment for learning:
To demonstrate what we have learned regarding the different features of each unique dinosaur, students will create a Venn diagram comparing two dinosaurs of their choosing. This simple activity allows students to build research and presentation skills.
Literacy and Numeracy:
Students have learned all of the lowercase letters and their sounds as well as common digraphs such as th, ch, and sh. We are reviewing the sight words already learned to build a solid foundation of common words to use in the future. Our main focus has been on learning word families. Teaching students in this way encourages them to see the similarities between words and builds confidence as they begin to read. For numeracy we are learning how to add using manipulatives, tables and number lines. Providing multiple strategies allows students to think flexibly about problem solving and helps them recognize the many ways they can choose to solve them. We are also working on sorting dinosaurs based on a single attribute such as number of feet or whether the dinosaur has a long or short neck. Students have loved our sorting activities especially when they are encouraged to create their own ‘secret’ sorting rule which their friends need to determine!
We are excited to see where this unit takes us as it comes to a close and we move into our focus on animals!
学生已经学习了所有小写字母的写法和发音以及th, ch, sh等常见的字母组合的发音。现在正在复习已经学过的常见单词,为以后对常见单词的使用打下坚实的基础。他们的主要重点是学习单词族。以这种方式教学生,可以鼓励他们看到单词之间的相似之处,并在他们开始阅读时建立自信心。在算术方面,我们正在学习如何用各种教玩具、表格和数轴来做加法。提供多种策略可以让学生在解决问题时灵活思考,帮助他们认识到解决问题可以有多种方式。他们也在研究根据单个属性来对恐龙进行分类,比如脚的数量或者恐龙的脖子是长还是短。学生们非常喜欢分类活动,特别是当他们被鼓励创建由自己和小伙伴们共同商量决定的“秘密”分类规则!
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