【香港派对】超声波:《艺术世界ArtReview China》×马丁·戈雅生意
艺术世界 ArtReview China
犁鼻器(V33N0) LimboLimbs
宀 CLUB (Mihn)
4F, 279Des Voeux Rd Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
2023.3.21 21:00-late
By Invitation Only
HeidiHaha(DJ set)
DJ Healthy (DJ set)
LimboLimbs(DJ set)
GG龙虾(live set)
Visual Artists
位于杭州的艺术家独立机构“马丁·戈雅生意 MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS”联合《艺术世界 ArtReview China》将于3月21日,香港巴塞尔艺术展期间共同举办一场视听派对。本次演出以“超声波”为主题,旨在再度建立与世界的联系,回应现实,重视人与人之间的真正“重聚”,用类型音乐和Z世代艺术的全新现场形式展示中国最年轻一代的艺术家和音乐人的特出才华与创造力趋势,向世界传递一种充满活力的、立体的全新波段。
懒栏 LazyBackHome
MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS, an independent artist organisation in Hangzhou, in collaboration with ArtReview China, will co-host an audio-visual party on March 21st during the Art Basel Hong Kong. This event, themed “Ultra Sound", aims to re-establish connections with the world, respond to reality, emphasise "reunions" between people, and showcase the outstanding talent and creative trends of China's youngest generation of artists and musicians through a new live format of genre music and Gen Z art. It aims to transmit a vibrant and three-dimensional new wave to the world.
Cattin Tsai
Ultra Sound,超声波,可以清晰地显示各脏器及周围器官的各种断面像,图像富于实体感,接近于解剖的真实结构。
Ultra Sound, is a technology that can clearly display various cross-sectional images of organs and surrounding tissues, with images that are rich in solid feeling and approach the true structure of anatomy.
During a routine ultrasound examination, the "mother" felt an unusually strong fetal movement and the fetus in her womb was captured in an image - a new star of the super era about to emerge. Through the image, the fetus conveys this message to us:
it is a baby nurtured by both "the future" and the "mother", about to bring back consciousness and inspiration of the next century to the present, and will be born on March 21st to bring the sound of the super era that links the past and the future to the world.
这场回归国际视野的现场行动,马丁·戈雅生意与《艺术世界 ArtReview China》共同启动夜间一幕,演出由马丁·戈雅生意建立的新生代厂牌“犁鼻器V33N0”联合主理人LimboLimbs策划,同时她也将在现场带来高能量DJ set,演出阵容还包括备受瞩目的唱作人GG龙虾的香港首演,以及来自香港的HeidiHaha与DJ Healthy提供本地支持,视觉则交给年轻一代的数字艺术家CATTIN TSAI,懒栏LazyBackHome ,PAPAPEPIA,抑子,祝金坤,HeidiHaha的基于游戏平台,虚拟现实呈现的多向输出,以及长期置身青年、街头、美国西海岸文化中的艺术家尤阿达(¥ouada)灵感乍现的现场即兴涂鸦留念。
This live event marks a return to the international stage, a night co-hosted by MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS and ArtReview China. Curated by LimboLimbs, represents the emerging label V33N0 powered by MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS. The lineup includes Limbolimbs’s high-energy DJ set, Hong Kong debut of singer-songwriter GG LONGXIA, with local support from HK-based musicians HeidiHaha and DJ Healthy. Visual art will be presented by a group of young digital artists including CATTIN TSAI, LazyBackHome, PAPAPEPIA, Ezi, Zhu Jinkun and HeidiHaha, who will light up the night with their multidirectional output based on game platforms and virtual reality. The event will also feature on-site improvisational graffiti by artist ¥ouada, who has long been immersed in youth culture, street culture, and West Coast American culture.
本次派对的联合主办,《艺术世界 ArtReview China》为超媒体集团(Meta Media Group)旗下MMArt+艺术媒体出版矩阵的一员,这本全新定位的杂志由创刊于1949年的权威国际艺术评论杂志《ArtReview》与知名的中国艺术期刊《艺术世界》共同合作推出,于2022年末首发。
The co-organiser of this event is “ArtReview China," a member of the MMArt+ art media publishing matrix under the Meta Media Group. This new magazine is a collaborative effort between the authoritative international art review magazine "ArtReview," which was founded in 1949, and the well-known Chinese art periodical “Art World”. It was launched at the end of 2022 with new positioning.
马丁·戈雅生意 MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS 则由艺术家程然创办,七年来合作数百位跨领域创作者,曾于2018、2019年连续在香港主办艺术派对,分别联合麦勒画廊,大田秀则画廊并邀请包括独立策展人陈立以及艺术家及音乐人Jasper Fung, ChillChill,Alex Wang,月台小组参与视觉,声音和行为表演。机构的联合创始人/实验影像艺术家程然也与音乐人Shao也受·M+视觉艺术博物馆的邀请在2019年的香港巴塞尔呈现了六十分钟的电影配乐演出《奇异之轨》。
面对世界的不可知更迭,保持希望和期待,《艺术世界 ArtReview China》与马丁·戈雅生意共邀所有届时在香港的艺术家/策展人/机构/美术馆及所有的艺术从业者在这个具有意义的时代转折点,于一个工业大厦的舞池中,在一段新生的超声波中,重聚。
MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS was founded by the artist Cheng Ran and has collaborated with hundreds of cross-disciplinary creators over the past seven years. In 2018 and 2019, it hosted art parties in Hong Kong in partnership with the Galerie Urs Meile and Ota Fine Arts, respectively. These events featured visual, sound, and performance art by independent curator Chen Li, as well as artists and musicians Jasper Fung, ChillChill, Alex Wang, and the artist group Yue Tai. Cheng Ran, the co-founder of the organisation and an experimental video artist, was also invited by the M+ Visual Art Museum to present a 60-minute film and music performance called “Miraculous Trajectories" at Art Basel in Hong Kong in 2019, alongside musician Shao.
奇异之轨 2019 程然×邵彦棚
In the face of the ever-changing world, keeping hope and expectations alive, "ArtReview China" and MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS invite all artists, curators, organisations, art galleries, and professionals in the art industry in Hong Kong to come together at this meaningful turning point in a dance floor in an industrial building, amid a new-born ultrasound, to reunite.
21:00-22:30 HeidiHaha
22:30-00:00 DJ Healthy
00:00 speicial visual show
00:10-00:50 GG龙虾(live)
00:50-late LimboLimbs
01:00 speicial visual show
HeidiHaha 是香港的一位数字艺术家,从事 2D/3D 动画、音乐和插图创作。她的作品主题是对人性的探索,审视自己的恐惧、欲望、悲伤等情绪。她的实践通常以实验为基础,因为她对事故深感兴趣,并旨在创造受“错误/意外”启发的世界。
HeidiHaha is a digital artist based in Hong Kong, who works with 2D/3D animations, music, and illustrations.
The themes of her works fall under the explorations of human nature, looking into her own emotions such as fears, desires and sadness etc
Her practise is often experiment-based as she is deeply intrigued by accidents and aim to create worlds inspired by “mistakes/accidents”.
@DJ Healthy
DJ Healthy 本名 Leonardo Lakerson,同时也是香港街头品牌 OKOKOK 的创始人与设计师。DJ Healthy 曾与 LA 品牌 Pleasures 以及 United Airwaves 开启合作企划,创意灵感来源于 DIY 美学、80 年代黑帮电影以及虚拟文化。无论是从 XXX 演出还是 Chung King Mansion 的 Pop-up 派对,其都让乐迷大饱耳福,将 Road Rap、Grime、Jersey Club 音乐元素极致融合。
DJ Healthy is a versatile and dynamic DJ who has been making waves in the music industry with his unique blend of fast-paced beats and electrifying energy. With a passion for music and a talent for mixing. With years of experience performing at clubs, festivals, and events, DJ Healthy has developed a reputation for his high-energy. His music style is a mix of different genre of music including Jungle, Industrial, Techno and Reggaeton, He is known for his ability to create a seamless, energetic experience for his audience.
In addition to his performances in clubs and festivals, DJ Healthy has also toured extensively across Asia, performing in cities such as Bangkok, Hong Kong, Japan, Shanghai and Korea. DJ Healthy is a dynamic and exciting DJ who brings energy and excitement to every performance.
现居杭州的唱作人/制作人/ DJ/音乐厂牌主理人。这位发迹于朋克乐队的不羁 男孩也是如今中国独立音乐领域不可多得的全能宝藏,除了有独立作词作曲和超强 现场把控能力,成熟的制作水准和广阔的视野让他的作品逐步与当下全球独立音乐看齐。
GG自2016年进入电子音乐领域,曾登陆 Boiler Room、NTS Radio、Macao Milano (Radio)、Internet Public Radio、Avyss、Dummy Mag 等多个海外媒体。在以 GG Lobster 的名义经营 FunctionLab(厂牌)的3年后,他转型为一位创作型歌手,主打Hyperpop、digicore、EDM等曲风,并在2022年1月发行首张唱作专辑《54088》。
GG LONG XIA aka. GG Lobster, a singer-songwriter / producer / DJ / label manager who based in Hangzhou China, he's also a influential blogger who promoting subculture and indie music in China mainland. He started his music career as a punk vocalist, and gradually becoming a rare all-round treasure in the indie scene in China.
Since GG started Electronic music in 2016, he has appeared in Boiler Room, NTS Radio, Macao Milano (Radio), Internet Public Radio, Avyss, Dummy Mag and many other global platforms. After managing FunctionLab (a Post-club label) under the name "GG Lobster" for 3 years, he transformed into a singer-songwriter and mainly focused on the genres such as Hyperpop, digicore, EDM... and released his debut album 54088 in Jan 2022.
LimboLimbs 对于音乐的概念是自我的,却并不私人化,她喜欢带给大家趣味性和幽默感,通过音乐讲述荒诞故事是她的心灵寄托。
A prolific producer on homegrown label Eating Music, LimboLimbs wanders between different styles, and currently loves breakbeats—high-speed beats as fast as her speech; suffers from not able to hear sounds under bpm160; just released her first EP "It's a fact. No!" this year. " ; a calculated girl who starts the set with DnB; catches everything what DJs at the same tonight talk behind her back.
Visual Artists
CATTIN TSAI迄今为止的视觉语言多以生物与植物相结合,异化再进化。因对未知的好奇,始终没停止过探索,对于本我的探知也逐渐上升中。擅长将脑海里的泛生物艺术与商业揉碎并重构,近期与Vogue+合作创作了INFINI+虚拟人物及Metaocean虚拟海洋。同时与众多艺人、品牌杂志及创意机构有持续性合作。
Most of CATTIN TSAI’s visual languages are based on the combination of creatures and plants, alienation and evolution. Because of her curiosity about the unknown, she has never stopped exploring. The detection of the inner self is also gradually growing. She is good at smashing and then reconstructing pan-biological art and the commercial side in her mind. Recently, she has cooperated with Vogue+ to create INFINI+, a virtual character and the virtual ocean Metaocean. At the same time, she has continued work with many artists, brands, magazines, and creative agencies.
生于1998年,她的创作始终源于对人性本质的窥视欲望,对网络社会中始的“失控的 人性”和社会状态感到兴奋和好奇。对于人性的探索将其创作目光带入神秘学世界,将 造神行为、后真相时代与拟态环境等媒体传播学所形成的新环境及与宗教符号相呼 应,从集体潜意识视⻆寻找属于新网络社会中人的“神性”。艺术家试图通过构建一种 “泛神秘”的神话系统去描绘后网络社会下个体与权威间的主从关系。
近期三人展“谁说真实未必虚幻”,曾展览于东京大田秀则画廊、Ars Electronica “Yami-Ichi”,威尼斯军械库,曾合作过蔡徐坤、VOGUE+、APENFT基金会、摩登 天空、⻢丁·戈雅生意等艺人组织。代表作“The Ship of fools”,作品曾被知名藏家 收藏。
Born in 1998, her works always stemmed from the desire to peek at the essence of human nature. She is excited and curious about the "out-of- control human nature" and social status in the Internet society. The exploration of human nature brings his creative vision into the world of mysticism. She combines the new environment formed by media communication such as apotheosis, post-truth era and pseudo-environment with religious symbols, and seeks divinity in humans of the Neo-internet society from the perspective of the collective unconscious. The artist tries to describe the master-slave relationship between individuals and authorities in the post-internet society by constructing a "pan-mystical" myth system.
The recent three-person exhibition “It is all TURE, MAN”. Her works have also been exhibited at OTA FINE ARTS in Tokyo, Ars Electronica "Yami-Ichi", and the Arsenale. She has collaborated with celebrities and organisations including KUN, VOGUE+, APENFT Foundation, Modern Sky Records, Martin Goya Business and etc. Representative work includes "The Ship of fools”. Her works have been supported by well-known art collectors.
2010年毕业于中国美术学院 壁画系本科
2015年毕业于意大利米兰 国立布雷拉美术学院 绘画系 硕士
PAPAPEPIA作为杭州最新一代活跃的艺术家,以PVC为材料创作雕塑和绘画,作品常以可穿戴雕塑的形式进行跨界合作。合作过的画廊和艺术机构有马丁·戈雅生意、大田秀泽画廊等,同时也是马丁戈雅生意 THEfART项目空间门脸猫头的设计者。PAPAPEPIA的艺术创作基于探索原始、单一语言与视听触觉之间的神秘联系。以声音图像感知复合体”A”(发音 啊)序列作为创作母体,试图以一种非线性逻辑对其重新定义。
BA Mural Painting, China Academy of Art, 2010
MA Painting, Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, 2015
Now living in Hangzhou
PAPAPEPIA is a younger-generation artist base in Hangzhou. Lots of his works are paintings and wearable sculptures using PVC as the main medium. He has worked with art organizations and galleries such as MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS, OTA FINE ARTS and etc. He has also designed the cat head installation of THEfART, an art space program by MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS. PAPAPEPIA’s works are inspired by the connection of original exploration, single language and audio-visual. He is trying to redefine “A” (pronounced as ah) in a non-linear way combining sounds, images and senses.
Ezi (Zhang Yi), was born in 1996. He works with a variety of media in his artwork, including mixed media painting, printmaking (stone and wood carving and printing), and new media (programming, CG). He takes various experiences of the world and himself as reproducible experiences and considers the reproduction of these experiences as a synesthetic process. By exploring the possibilities of his multiple and cross-media creations, he continuously improves the sustainability and connectivity between his works.
在不断的信息浸润与数据刺痛中,短暂抛开混乱的网络与现实,他延伸出了“zhujinkun.org”和“Zhu Jinkun”为名的D/VJ身份,并成为主理人投入了马丁·戈雅生意成立的跨媒体厂牌V33N0,与不同的场景、文化产生全新的链接。
Graduated from the School of Cross-Media Art at the China Academy of Art. He focuses on the complex network society and exposes the halo under the authority of new media and technology, using these phenomena to respond to or subvert reality. In the global internet context, the boundaries of identity, community, and culture have already been blurred and fragmented, and the conflicts and contradictions born from the opening of this knot play out between reality and fiction. The artist conducts alternative experiments on the captured alienation and strangeness, and uses computers as a means to re-topologize and map the obscured truth, outputting it back to the network society.
His creative forms involve images, installations, sound, and more. He often uses playful and ironic means to dissolve overly serious propositions, and lightly summarizes the disregard and indulgence of people to things in technology and new media, the non-realistic network contract, and the technological politics of judgment through reverse methods.
Amidst the constant infiltration of information and the prickling of data, he briefly sets aside the chaotic network and reality, extending his identity as D/VJ under the name "zhujinkun.org" and "Zhu Jinkun," and becoming the main organizer for the cross-media label V33N0 established by MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS forming new connections with different scenes and cultures.
尤阿达 ¥ouada
Born in Fujian province, China in 1987, ¥ouada graduated from the China Academy of Art in 2011, and currently lives and works in Hangzhou.
Familiar images in daily life, nostalgic cartoon characters, fashion brands, video games or TV programs are the elements that often appear in ¥ouada’s paintings and installations. He is interested in using forced co-branding to place himself in youth, street and other cultures.
《艺术世界 ArtReview China》关注艺术的多元样态,以及艺术与其他学科或理论的碰撞。杂志承袭 ArtReview 的内容体例,把“当代”定位为过往与未来的交汇之处,结合采访、速览、专题文章和评论为时下议题提供平易诙谐的解读,藉此成为在中国探讨与思辨当代艺术、为世界艺术提供中国视角的关键平台。
ArtReview China focuses on the diverse forms of art and the collision of art with other disciplines or theories. The magazine inherits the content and style of ArtReview, positioning "contemporary" as the intersection of the past and the future, and combining interviews, previews, feature articles, and reviews to provide accessible and humorous interpretations of current topics. Through this, it has become a crucial platform for exploring and contemplating contemporary art in China and providing a Chinese perspective on the world of art.
马丁·戈雅生意(MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS)是诞生于后南宋王朝的神秘物种,聚集在黑夜的炫彩幻觉,群猫的藏身之所。Martin Goya是一只黑猫,它的命名源于好莱坞电影《SPY》(2015)中FBI探员以宠物名字结合住址为自己杜撰假名的桥段。
马丁·戈雅生意(MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS)由艺术家程然创办于2017年,作为推动多元青年文化的先锋平台,脱离了固有的艺术体系模式,致力于推动和支持本土青年艺术家的多样性实践和探索。马戈生也与前卫观念、潮流时尚紧密相连,专于以自身独特气质塑造极具引导性的超前视觉文化场景。
MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS is a mysterious creature born in the Post-Southern Song Dynasty. It is the fantastic illusion of gathering in the dark, a hidden place for cats. MARTIN GOYA is a black cat. The name is derived from the scene in the Hollywood movie “SPY” (2015) that an FBI agent fabricated a pseudonym for himself by combining a pet's name with a home address.
MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS was founded by artist Cheng Ran in 2017, as a pioneering platform that advocates for alternative youth culture. Setting itself apart from existing art systems, it is committed to promoting and supporting the diverse practice and exploration of emerging local artists. Martin Goya Business closely aligns with today’s trends and avant-garde fashion, shaping and leading a new visual and cultural scene with its unique vibe.
MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS has become one of the most different Chinese local organisations/crew since established. MGB has curated over 80 events and exhibitions across the world including cities like Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Paris, Sydney and New York. Collaborated with over 400 creators including artists, curators, writers, designers musicians and actors. By working collectively with art museums, art agencies, music labels, and fashion media, MGB is growing slowly with Hangzhou as a starting point.
犁鼻器V33N0是马丁·戈雅生意 (MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS) 旗下厂牌,由Zhu Jinkun,Taoph以及Limbolimbs担任联合主理人。犁鼻器是一对特殊的化学感受器,只有在猫咪等动物、人类胎儿和新生儿中,还有明显存在。
V33N0 is the label powered by MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS, run by Zhu Jinkun, Taoph, and Limbolimbs. V33N0 (VNO) is a pair of specialised chemical receptors that exist only in animals such as cats, human fetuses, and newborns.
V33N0 aims to use instinctive perception to sense similar pheromones and roam from the virtual space of THEfART. It is good at using digital and offline parties to invade clubs, galleries, museums and other venues with musicians and artists. Its 14-hour online party series "Digital Jungle" has been exhibited in Venice, New York, Sydney, and they have also curated and presented several offline events in Hangzhou, Shanghai and etc. V33N0 will continue to invite interdisciplinary and cross-media creatures to present parties, exhibitions, and more unknowns.
宀 CLUB ( Mihn )
宀是一个位于香港正中心的音乐场所,专注于通过精心挑选的电子音乐表演和文化活动将人们聚集在一起。这个可容纳 100 人的场地将汇集一批国际领先的表演者,同时培养本地和地区人才。宀是中文部首 40,根据国家/地区的不同发音。它没有字面意思,但可以比作屋顶或庇护所。
"宀" is a club located in the centre of Hong Kong, dedicated to bringing people together through carefully curated electronic music performances and cultural events. This venue, which can accommodate 100 people, will feature a group of leading international performers while also nurturing local and regional talent. "宀" is composed of the number 40 Chinese radical "宀" which means "roof" or "shelter", which is pronounced differently depending on the country/region. It does not have a literal meaning but can be compared to a roof or a shelter.