
《纽约时报》十佳儿童绘本 | 亲子推荐

LensforKids 2021-10-02

去年11月,《纽约时报》特刊公布了2019年度十佳儿童绘本(New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Books)。从1952年开始,纽约时报每年都会召集一个由三名专家组成的评审小组,对当年在美国出版的全部儿童绘本进行评审,艺术价值是评选的唯一标准。


Small in the City  《城市里的小人》

by Sydney Smith



“And, if the city is too loud and scary, a small cat can always just go back home, where it's safe and quiet.” 如果城市太吵太喧嚣,小猫你也可以直接回家的,家里安全又宁静。

“Sydney Smith知道孩子是终极的观察者,在《城市里的小人》中,他向我们展示了孩子是如何探索一座城市的——这座城市无疑是多伦多——他对城市中每个角落与缝隙都了如指掌。如果我们能够找到他们,并且足够幸运,会发现庇护所、善良与希望一直都在。Smith呈现了一座城市优雅的冬季景色,同时又十分宜人舒适。”

Sydney Smith knows that children are the ultimate observers. In “Small in the City,” he shows us how a young child navigates a city — it’s unmistakably Toronto — with deep knowledge of all its nooks and crannies. If we can find them and are lucky, there is shelter, kindness and hope. Smith renders an elegant urban winterscape precisely, yet with an astonishing looseness.

— Jillian Tamaki


Another  《另一个》

by Christian Robinson




“在一个没有语言的世界里, Christian Robinson的《另一个》中有平衡的颜色、形状和质感,小主人公和她的猫咪进行了一次意志坚决又计划周详的旅行:从床上前往一个充满可能性的游乐场里。暖色调的画面和主人公乐观的表情,鼓励着小读者们和书中的主人公一起踏上神秘的冒险之旅,穿过另一个宇宙中充满光亮的隧道,爬上埃舍尔式的楼梯,思考探索者的双重身份。这是一本经典的科幻绘本。”

In a world without words, Christian Robinson’s “Another” provides the perfect balance of color, shape and texture to take the protagonist and her cat companion on a determined and thoughtful voyage from her bed to a funhouse of possibility. The warmth of the color palette and her optimistic expression encourage young readers through a mysterious adventure to an alternate universe of light-filled passages, Escher-like stair climbing, and a contemplation of the explorer’s dual self. This is a science fiction picture book classic.

— Jessica Cline


Lost Cousins  《迷失的表亲》

by B.B. Cronin



“好的绘本会让你从一个全新的角度来看待世界,但B.B. Cronin的《迷失的表亲》却突破了极限。这是一部为孩子们打造的迷幻艺术杰作,有趣的是,它用了大量令人瞠目的荧光色,画面显得紧凑又激进。当然,‘观看‘是本书的主题,这也是作者Cronin的“寻找与发现”(Seek & Find)系列的第四部。”

All great picture books make you see the world in a new way, but B.B. Cronin’s “The Lost Cousins” really pushes the envelope. It’s a tour de force work of psychedelia for kids, playfully dense and almost radical in its juxtapositions of eye-popping fluorescent colors. Of course, seeing is very much the subject of this book, the fourth in Cronin’s Seek & Find series.

— Bruce Handy


A Million Dots 《一百万个点》

by Sven Volker 



“Sven Volker的《一百万个点》 有趣、机智、令人愉悦而又大开眼界,而其实它是一本关于乘法的视觉探索。是的,就像数学一样。这本书简单而生动,但整体效果又让人印象深刻——两个(树)可以那么快速地变成256个(斑点)。沃尔克创作了一本平易近人的数学入门书,同时也让数学变得美丽而迷人。”

Sven Volker’s “A Million Dots” delighted us for its playful, clever and, frankly, kind of mind-blowing visual exploration of multiplication. Yes, as in math. This book is simple and graphic, but the overall effect is impressive — how quickly two (trees) begets 256 (freckles). Volker has created an approachable introduction to numeracy, but also rendered math beautiful and entrancing.

— Jillian Tamaki


Just Because 《只是因为》

作者 Mac Barnett
插画师 Isabelle Arsenault



在这本书中,不想睡觉的女孩也问了爸爸许多天马行空的问题,爸爸用丰富的想象力和创造力进行一一解答。 而对于孩子的最后一个问题“为什么要睡觉“,爸爸是这样回答的:”Because there are some things we can only see with our eyes closed.”(因为有些东西我们只有在闭上眼睛之后才能看得见)

“Isabelle Arsenault为《只是因为》创作的大量插画将想象与文学完美地融合在一起——评委们觉得这正好符合孩子们的想象力。套用一句老电影广告:花时间阅读这本设计精美的图书之后,你会相信鱼儿会唱蓝调,树木可以点燃树叶。”

Isabelle Arsenault’s richly graphic illustrations for “Just Because” perfectly meld the fanciful and the literal — just the way a child’s imagination does, the judges felt. To paraphrase an old movie ad: After spending time with this beautifully designed book, you will believe that fish sing the blues and trees set their leaves on fire.

— Bruce Handy


Child of Glass《玻璃之子》

by Beatrice Alemagna




“概念与形式在Beatrice Alemagna的《玻璃之子》中得以呈现,她用透明的胶片配以传统的书页讲述了一个脆弱而坚强的女孩的故事。她的绘画层次鲜明质感丰富,在内部和外部世界间创造了强烈的流动感,翻动书页时就像在见证瞬间的转变。”

Concept and form are mirrored in Beatrice Alemagna’s “Child of Glass,” as she uses both transparencies and traditional pages to tell the story of a fragile yet resilient girl. Alemagna’s layered and highly textured drawings create a powerful sense of fluidity between the interior and exterior worlds. To turn the pages of this book is to witness transformation in real time.

— Jillian Tamaki


The Farmer 《农夫》

by Ximo Abadia




“Ximo Abadia用色彩填充了《农夫》的书页。斜斜排列着的红色斜线映衬着黄色,蓝色的水滴与填充,盛水的容器倒映着村庄的地形。农夫红色的灯笼裤和他的动物朋友们为他劳作的严肃与景色的力量增添了趣味性。我们选择这本书,是因为艰苦的劳动、残酷的阳光和寻找水源的情景在书中通过大胆贯穿全书的简单设计被呈现了出来,同时也描绘并赞扬了自立和坚韧的品质。”

Ximo Abadia has saturated the pages of “The Farmer” with color. Rows and dots of red slash against yellow, blue drips and fills, while water vessels mirror the village topography. The farmer’s red balloon pants and animal friends add playfulness to the seriousness of his task and the potency of the landscape. We chose this book for how hard work, brutal sun and the search for water are rendered through spare designs that boldly stretch across the pages, depicting and encouraging self-reliance and determination.

— Jessica Cline


The Boring Book 《好无聊啊好无聊》

by 吉竹伸介





“《好无聊啊好无聊》一点也不无聊:吉竹伸介用一种大胆的设计理念和看似简单的作画风格,在原本死气沉沉、单调乏味的场景中寻找智慧。评审们十分欣赏吉竹伸介在滑稽的视觉节奏上表现出的查尔斯·舒尔茨(Charles Schulz)式的天赋。”

“The Boring Book” is anything but: Shinsuke Yoshitake uses a bold design sense and a deceptively simple drawing style to find wit in scenes supposedly showing lethargy, tedium and ennui. The judges were particularly taken with his Charles Schulz-like gift for droll visual pacing.

— Bruce Handy


Monkey on the Run 《奔跑的猴子》

by Leo Timmers



“警告!Leo Timmers的《奔跑的猴子》可能会引起蹦蹦跳跳和大笑——以及深入的学习。这是一个交通乐园,汽车爱好者和动物爱好者都能在这里得到满足,在读书的时候,我们也将与小猴子一起比赛,他从爸爸的香蕉摩托车上跳了下来,加入了大街上的队伍里。评委们被这本书吸引了因为书中的插图既令人兴奋也能引人深思。小猴子滑稽的样子给我们前进的动力,但插画中的细节又让我们不断停下进行更仔细地观察。驼鹿的舌头竟然因为舔了冰淇淋而变成蓝色的了!有只鸡失去了它的方向盘!”

Warning, Leo Timmers’s “Monkey on the Run” may encourage bouncing and giggles — and thoughtful study, too. It is a playground of transportation that will satisfy the vehicle lover as well as the animal lover, as we race along with a little monkey who has jumped from his papa’s banana-shaped motorcycle to travel the parade ahead on the road. The judges were drawn to this book because the illustrations are both exciting and contemplative. The silly antics of the little monkey provide forward momentum, but the details in each illustration kept calling us back for a more thorough examination. The moose’s tongue is blue from licking gelato! The chicken has lost his steering wheel!

— Jessica Cline


I Miss My Grandpa 《爷爷,我想念你》

by 金晓婧





Jin Xiaojing’s child protagonist tries to imagine her grandfather, whom she has never met, based on family resemblances. How do you capture a likeness of someone you’ve never seen? The jury thought the use of illustration in “I Miss My Grandpa” was particularly strong — a variety of visual styles are skillfully dispatched to deftly explore the idea of ancestry and absence. What makes us unique also binds us together.
— Jillian Tamaki




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