
What about Snoring? “我与你最近的距离,是隔着一个房间我还能听到你的打呼噜

Dr Yana WANG TianjinPlus 2022-01-17
What about Snoring?Your health and snoring…
What you need to know

“I woke up hearing the sound of thunder. I then realized that it was just you snoring”.
Do you snore when you sleep? Snoring is generally treated as a topic of humor in most conversations. Despite the humor, snoring is not a joke and may represent a serious health condition.
Snoring is a very common sleep phenomenon. Snoring is caused by turbulent air flows and can be very loud in some individuals. It usually occurs during inspiration, but can also occur during expiration. Habitual snoring is common, occurring in 44 percent of males and 28 percent of females who are between 30 and 60 years of age. Vibrations caused by the secretions from the pharynx mucous membrane can create abrupt and unusual noises. When the airflow of upper respiratory tract is passed from the nasopharyngeal cavity, leading to the epiglottis (including pharyngeal palatal arch, uvula, soft palate, palatal tonsil, etc.) a wide range of “snoring” can occur.

Generally speaking, snoring below 60DB is normal, and above 60DB is defined as potentially serious. Mild snoring does not cause obvious symptoms of hypoxia. It is important to recognize the health conditions associated with snoring so that objective testing can be performed and treatment initiated. Heavy people can experience obstructive sleep apnea and this can be dangerous. Snoring loudness more than 80DB is often seen with patients with apnea and hypoxia. These persons do not get a good rest from their sleep and they prevent others around them from resting. Disruption of the bed partner's sleep may also be a significant problem that can cause the bed partner to have daytime sleepiness and lead to significant marital dissatisfaction. Let us discuss "obstructive sleep apnea syndrome" further.

Clinically, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome can be divided into three types: central, obstructive and mixed. Of these, the “blocking type” with upper airway narrowing is the most common. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome can result from narrowing or blockage of any anatomical part of the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, the etiology of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome mostly revolves around the obstruction of the nasal cavity, nasopharyngeal cavity and throat.

Contributing factors for snoring include obesity which increases the burden on the respiratory and circulatory system. After falling asleep muscle tone is low, thus narrowing the pharynx, which leads to sleep apnea. As snoring can be a marker of pathologic upper airway narrowing, progression of snoring to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is of clinical importance. While rates of progression have not been well studied prospectively, the available evidence suggests that progression is very likely with weight gain.

Other nasal problems such as nasal septum deviation, nasal swelling, adenoid hypertrophy, throat problems (tonsils hypertrophy, soft palate hypertrophy), oral lesions, and other systemic lesions that can cause sleep apnea. Medical attention is needed to properly diagnose and find effective treatments.
Obstructive sleep apnea tends to occur at any age and can occur in both men and women. It can have a variety of symptoms. For adults, daytime symptoms such as drowsiness, fatigue, excessive sleepiness, headache, dizziness, memory loss, low work efficiency can be significant clues for obstructive sleep apnea. Nocturnal symptoms are usually noted as loud snoring and apnea, mouth breathing, sleep irregularities, night sweats, and even suffocation.

Without medical or surgical correction, long-term snoring can induce hypertension, heart disease, angina pectoris, and cardiac arrhythmias. These diseases can be serious and life-threatening.

Snoring adults may experience many minor health issues including complexion changes to a bitter yellow tone, rough skin texture, obesity, bad breath, bitter mouth, black eyes, and menstrual irregularities in women. For teenage children: sleep snoring and mouth breathing can lead to a "adenoidectomy face", inattention, affect the child's normal growth and study abilities.
People who are experiencing significant snoring should be seen for medical consultation. Having a comprehensive body check is needed. Receiving a specialized ENT specialist inspection is important. That evaluation should include sleep apnea monitoring. It is critical to assess whether there is sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome, determine the cause, and classify its severity. In order to provide healthy long term health benefits, severe cases may need surgery to thoroughly solve the problem.
Most cases of snoring with sleep apnea will not require surgery but can be treated with other medical interventions. Conservative therapies include smoking cessation, weight loss, alcohol avoidance several hours before bedtime, and sleeping in the lateral position. Other medications or devices may be needed but the good news is that effective treatment is available. Effective treatment will bring health benefits to the snorer and lots of relief to those who enjoy a much quieter night’s sleep.





Yana WANG      

MD, ENT Physician

Dr. Wang received her medical degree from Tianjin Medical University. She has worked as an attending otolaryngologist in the ENT department of Tianjin Public Security Hospital for 16 years before joining Tianjin United Family Hospital in 2019.
Dr. Wang has nearly 20 years of clinical ENT experience. She specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic tonsillitis, adenoid hypertrophy, vocal cord mass, allergic rhinitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal mass, otitis media, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children and adults, deafness and tinnitus and other related diseases. And she specializes in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of chronic tonsillitis in children and adults, adenoid hypertrophy in children, otitis media, nasal and sinus surgery under nasal endoscope, and snoring in adults and children. Dr. Wang has independently completed tens of thousands of large and medium-sized surgeries and has taught quality control work for many years.
Dr. Wang has published several papers in core journals and participated in the completion of a number of projects, among which she has won multiple awards in the Tianjin area for her medical, science and technology achievements. Dr. Wang served as the youth committee member of the laser branch of Tianjin Medical Association and the standing committee member of the youth physicians committee of Tianjin association of anti-aging.
王医生曾于核心期刊发表论文数篇,参与完成多项课题,其中获两项天津市科技成果奖。王医生曾获公安局个人三等功一次,获得天津市公安局嘉奖多次,并获得天津市优秀公安青年称号。王医生还任天津市医学会激光分会青年委员、天津市抗衰老学会中青年医师专委会 常委等相关职务。

MAGAZINE  2021 November Issue  
What about Snoring?Your health and snoring…
What you need to know




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