
【2019香港仲裁周】The Use of Time Limits in International Arbitration

The Use of Time Limits in International Arbitration: Help or Hinderance?

Date: 21 October 2019

Time: 13:30-16:00

Venue: Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, 38/F Two Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong 


The duration and associated expense of arbitration have become matters of increasing concern for users in recent years. Time limits provide a viable means to curb unduly long proceedings, but are not without their risks. This seminar will take the form of a panel discussion on the use of time limits imposed by: (1) contract, (2) procedural rules, and (3) national legislation. The panel will explain the operation and implications of time limits in arbitration, with a focus on jurisdictions in the Asia Pacific region. The panel will discuss how users, counsel and arbitrators can use time limits to their advantage to improve efficiency and to achieve their strategic objectives, including practical guidance on clause drafting, setting and policing procedural schedules, and remedial measures if a time limit appears unachievable. 


13:30 - 14:00   Registration
14:00 - 16:00   Seminar

  • Andrew Aglionby (Independent Arbitrator, Arbitration Chambers)

  • Craig Celniker (Head of International Arbitration, Morrison & Foerster)

  • The Honourable Mr. Justice Coleman (Hong Kong Court of First Instance)

  • Rishab Gupta (Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas)

  • Christopher Moger, QC (Independent Arbitrator, 4 Pump Court)

  • Wesley Pang (Managing Counsel, HKIAC)

  • Moderator: Sarah Thomas (Partner, Morrison & Foerster)

For more information and registration, please click "阅读原文".




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