

启研学社 三农大数据 2022-12-31



《澳洲农业与资源经济学》(《Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics》)2020年正式发表了57篇文章,其中有20篇研究中国的文章,占比达到⅓,原因是2020年第一期为中国农村改革四十年特刊。





Agricultural and rural development in China during the past four decades: an introduction
Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle, Xinkai Zhu, Shiji Zhao, Yu Sheng
The past four decades have witnessed unprecedented economic growth and rapidly rising food demand in China. This paper provides an introduction to readers with useful information summarising the development of China’s agricultural sector and the transformation of its rural economy over the 40 years of economic reform. It is, however, impossible to cover all aspects of this recent and rich history in a single journal special issue. Nevertheless, we are of the view that these papers address the most fundamentally important and insightful topics including: land reform and rural development; technology progress and productivity growth; changing food consumption patterns; rural education and human capital accumulation; and poverty alleviation.
Key words: agricultural production, rural development in China, 40 years of reform.
Aggregate and distributional impacts of China’s household responsibility system
John Gibson
It is 40 years since China started to abandon collective farming, with initial rural reforms in 1978 that culminated in adoption of the household responsibility system (HRS). Existing studies of impacts of these reforms do not consider nonrandom spread of the HRS, spillovers from early adopters, or distributional effects. In this paper, the synthetic control method and spatial autoregressive panel models with autoregressive errors are used to estimate impacts of the HRS that account for these features. The HRS had a significant positive effect on grain output and food supply in China, while also helping to reduce regional inequality.
Key words: China, household responsibility system, regional inequality, spatial spillovers, synthetic controls.
Property rights reform to support China’s rural - urban integration: household-level evidence from the Chengdu experiment
Klaus Deininger, Songqing Jin, Shouying Liu, Fang Xia
In 2008, as part of a national experiment, Chengdu prefecture implemented ambitious property rights reforms including complete registration of all land together with measures to ease transferability and eliminate migration restrictions. Results from a difference-in-difference analysis of the National Statistics Bureau’s regular household survey suggest that the reforms increased consumption and income, in particular for less wealthy and less educated households, with estimated benefits well above the cost of implementation. Local labour supply increased with the young shifting towards agriculture and the old towards off-farm employment. The reforms also contributed to higher agricultural yields and profits through three channels, namely: (i) greater rental market activity that transferred land to more productive producers; (ii) substitution of purchased inputs for labour; and (iii) a shift out of grains towards vegetables, corn, and oilseeds all of which offer higher levels of profitability. All of these findings are consistent with the notion that, without reforms, imperfections in factor markets undermined investment and functioning of land and labour markets, preventing highvalue peri-urban land from being used most effectively and reducing job creation.
Key words: China, productivity, property rights, time use.
The evolution of the wage gap between rural migrants and the urban labour force in Chinese cities
Dandan Zhang
An increasing earning gap between rural migrants and urban residents has recently aroused public concern about rising urban poverty asscociated with migration of rural people into Chinese cities. To address the issue, this paper explores the possibility of wage assimilation for rural migrants towards their urban counterparts and its determinants between 1999 and 2009, by applying an economic assimilation model to analyse a repeated cross-sectional data for seven Chinese cites at the individual level. The results show that rural migrants’ earnings do not assimilate to their urban counterparts, although the situation improves gradually over time. This implies that institutional and policy barriers impede the assimilation process of rural migrants, which supports the call for further labour market reforms.
Key words: institutional barriers, rural-to-urban migration, wage assimilation.
Measuring agricultural total factor productivity in China: pattern and drivers over the period of 1978-2016
Yu Sheng, Xiaohui Tian, Weiqing Qiao, Chao Peng
The Chinese agricultural sector has experienced a substantial increase in total output since dramatic reforms were introduced in 1978. This paper uses the index method to measure agricultural total factor productivity (TFP) for China’s crop and livestock industries, based on the gross output model from 1978 to 2016. We construct production accounts for the industries using input-output relationships for the 26 main agricultural commodities and commodity groups, which account for over 90 percent of the total agricultural inputs and outputs. The results show that China’s agricultural TFP grew at a rate of approximately 2.4 per cent a year before 2009, which is comparable to the main OECD countries and is double the world average. TFP growth accounts for approximately 40 per cent of output growth, suggesting that input growth was the main driver of output growth in the past. However, average productivity growth slowed down after 2009 though it has gradually recovered since 2012. The slowdown reflects the emerging challenges to existing farm production practices in Chinese agriculture, suggesting the need for further institutional reform.
Key words: agricultural TFP, China, index method, institutional reform.
Four decades of China’s agricultural extension reform and its impact on agents’ time allocation
Jinyang Cai, Yao Jia, Ruifa Hu, Chao Zhang
The Chinese Government has initiated a series of agricultural reforms since the 1970s to encourage agents to provide more services to farmers. In 2006, a new round of agricultural reforms was extended nationwide; however, the effectiveness of these reforms has not been examined. Based on a comparison of survey data sets before and after the reforms, we found that overall they significantly increased the time agents spend on agricultural extension services, although their effectiveness differs among three major components of the reforms. While the financial assurance reform had little impact on agents’ time allocation, the administrative reform actually reduced the time allocation to agricultural extension. However, we found strong evidence that the ‘three rights’ management reform (comprising the rights of personnel, financial and asset management) successfully increased agents’ time allocation to agricultural extension services. We also found that institutional incentives and the Government’s investment did not increase the time agents spent on agricultural extension. The lack of incentives is a problem that needs to be addressed in future reforms. We found that professional agents spent more time providing extension services than their non-professional counterparts. We suggest that local Governments should avoid recruiting nonprofessional agents into agricultural extension stations.
Key words: administrative reform, agent, agricultural extension, China, ‘three rights’ Reform.
Forty years of irrigation development and reform in China

Jinxia Wang, Yunyun Zhu, Tianhe Sun, Jikun Huang, Lijuan Zhang, Baozhu Guan, Qiuqiong Huang

This study reviews 40 years of irrigation development in China including the transformation of the institutional and incentive structures in irrigation management. After rural reforms in the 1970s, irrigation investments slowed until the late 1990s. In North China, farmers became major investors in groundwater irrigation, leading to property rights’ transfer of tube wells from collective to private ownership. Despite positive effects in cropping patterns, farmer income and development of groundwater markets, privatisation has accelerated groundwater table deterioration. Since the middle of 1990s, Water User Associations have replaced village collective management of surface irrigation. This approach was adopted by most provinces by early 2001 with mixed results; only institutions with water-saving incentives realised efficient irrigation. The Government is reforming water price policies to provide water-saving incentives to farmers while not hurting their income. While China has focused on water rights and markets, and despite regulations and pilot projects, full implementation of water rights has been slow. Research reveals greater policy scope for expanding irrigation technologies that generate real water saving to rural areas. Given pressure associated with water scarcity and concern for food security, further effective reforms in irrigation and policy incentives are expected. The Government has also initiated some pilot projects to resolve increasing water scarcity problems through adjusting agricultural production activities.
Key words: China, incentive mechanisms, institutional innovation, irrigation development, irrigation technologies.
Meat demand in China: to include or not to include meat away from home?
Junfei Bai, James L. Seale Jr, Thomas I. Wahl
This study examines meat consumption in China, the world’s largest meat consumer and producer, by considering both meat consumed at home and away from home based upon a diary-based household survey. The results indicate that income growth leads to beef, poultry, other meat and pork away from home consumption to grow more than proportionally to total meat consumption. We also find that meats consumed away from home grow faster than at home counterparts due to higher income elasticities, suggesting that ignoring meat away from home could significantly underestimate current and future meat consumption.
Key words: demand analysis, consumer demand, China.
Incentivising teachers? Evaluating the incentive effect of China’s teacher performance‐based compensation reform in rural China

Jian Zhang, Songqing Jin, Wei Si

In this paper, we evaluate the incentive role of a teacher performance-based compensation reform in rural China. Using the value-added model widely adopted in the education literature, we first estimated the teacher effects on student academic scores with panel data of a large number of students and teachers from rural and urban schools in one county in a south-western province of China. The estimated teachers’ value-add was then allowed us to examine the effectiveness of the 2009 teachers’ compensation reform. We find that despite the strong intent of the performance-based compensation reform to improve student’s academic performance, teachers’ compensations are not closely tied to teachers’ value-add to student academic achievement. This suggests that the performance-based compensation reform is not able to provide strong incentives for teachers to raise students’ test scores and points towards the possible problems with the design and/or implementation of the reform.
Key words: China, performance-based compensation reform, teachers, value-added model.
The returns to education in rural China: Some new estimates

Chengfang Liu, Ye Li, Shaoping Li, Renfu Luo, Linxiu Zhang, Scott Rozelle, Spencer Hagist, Jack Hou

We estimate the rates of return to education in rural China using primary survey data collected in 2016. Estimated average returns to education are 3.1 per cent. However, careful statistical analysis is required when estimating the returns to education. The paper demonstrates that when employment interruptions are accounted for, the measured returns to education rise. Our results also confirm that mismeasurement of the wage rate by using an hourly wage rate (versus daily or monthly earnings) raises the estimation of rates of return to education. Finally, our results suggest that the return to education is nonlinear in education levels but only when it reaches the tertiary level.
Key words: experience, mismeasurement, off-farm employment, return to education, rural China.
China’s poverty alleviation over the last 40 years: successes and challenges

Mingyue Liu, Xiaolong Feng, Sangui Wang, Huanguang Qiu

Over the past 40 years, China has made significant progress towards its poverty alleviation goals. The rural population under the current poverty line has decreased by 739.9 million. China has contributed to more than 70 per cent of world poverty reduction. To better promote the new anti-poverty strategy and to serve as a reference for poverty alleviation in other developing countries, this paper summarises the main experiences of China’s poverty alleviation over the past 40 years and then discusses the challenges associated with implementing the targeted poverty alleviation policy in the new era. China’s experience with poverty alleviation includes developmentoriented poverty alleviation, improving self-development capabilities of the poor population, encouraging multiple subjects to participate in poverty alleviation and focusing on innovation and ways to improve poverty alleviation. Although China’s poverty alleviation initiatives have achieved significant successes, there are still several challenges that should be of concern in the coming years, such as the diminishing marginal effect of financial inputs on poverty alleviation, the resulting negative incentives for the poor to improve their internal motivations and the insufficient participation of markets and social forces in poverty alleviation. Given these challenges, this paper provides suggestions for anti-poverty policies beyond 2020.
Key words: challenges, China, poverty alleviation, targeted anti-poverty strategy.


Do Chinese farmers benefit from farmland leasing choices? Evidence from a nationwide survey

Baoling Zou, Ashok K. Mishra, Biliang Luo

Using China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), this study investigates factors associated with the choice of farmland leasing strategies and the impact of leasing options on farm performance. Particular attention is given to off-farm employment and farm subsidies. Additionally, the study applies a selectivity-based approach to assess the relationship between farmland leasing choices and farm businesses’ performance. Off-farm employment, older and educated operators, large farms and old-age pension plans increase the likelihood of leasing out farmland. Part-time off-farm employment, grain subsidies and mechanised farms increase the likelihood of leasing in farmland. Finally, the selectivity correction terms in the value of crop production are significantly negative in the choices of farmland leasing, indicating the presence of sample selection effects. Accounting for selectivity is essential to ensure unbiased and consistent estimates.
Key words: farmland leasing, value of crop production, selectivity correction, Bourguignon-Fournier-Gurgand method.


Optimal financing and operation strategy of fresh agricultural supply chain

Bo Yan, Gaodi Liu, Zhenyu Zhang, Chang Yan

Increased market demand and expanded scales of production of fresh agricultural products by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have highlighted the challenge of funding sufficient infrastructure. Additional costs to improve the freshness of produce makes the optimal financial and operational policies different for these enterprises. On the basis of the characteristics of the fresh agricultural supply chain, this paper analyses the financing strategies adopted by SMEs and obtains optimal operational and financing strategies for SMEs in six different situations. The analysis shows that the optimal level of financing by SMEs is not only affected by the financing rate, but also negatively related to the freshness effort cost coefficient, and is positively related to the sensitivity coefficient of market freshness. Moreover, although the cost of improving the freshness level of the producte is only borne by the SME, the supply chain cannot maximise profit from the optimal financial strategies of SMEs. Shouldering the fresh effort cost also lessens the optimal financing requirement of the SME compared with that of the entire supply chain. The difference is affected by the fresh effort cost coefficient.
Key words: fresh agricultural product, supply chain management, joint production, financing decision.
Willingness to accept compensation for land fallowing: results from a survey of village representatives in Northern China

Alec Zuo, Jinxia Wang, Qiuqiong Huang

Economic instruments have been increasingly adopted by governments around the world to address water scarcity problems because of their potential to achieve environmental outcomes in more cost-effective ways. This is the first study to estimate the willingness to accept compensation for land fallowing in rural China. Using survey data collected from village representatives in Northern China (mainly village leaders, party secretaries and village accountants), our results suggest that in groundwater irrigated sample villages, at least 28 per cent of respondents have a compensation expectation lower than the standard level of 500 yuan/mu/year for one season of fallowing set by the Government. Water scarcity measures such as irrigation supply reliability and depth-to-groundwater within a village are found to have statistically significant effects on the likelihood of fallowing land in groundwater irrigated villages.
Key words: contingent valuation method, land fallowing, Northern China, willingness to accept.
Land size and productivity in the livestock sector: evidence from pastoral areas in China

Fang Xia, Lingling Hou, Songqing Jin, Dongqing Li

This article explores the relationship between land size and productivity in the livestock sector. Household panel data from pastoral areas in northwestern China were analysed. Results suggest an inverse relationship (IR) between land size and the number of livestock per ha. IR can be largely explained by labour input intensity, which is negatively correlated with land size. We find that household’s labour demand is not separable from household’s labour supply and households’ decisions to rent land and hire labour for grazing are significantly related to the labour–land endowment ratio. These findings are consistent with the Chayanovian explanation that labour input intensity varies with farm size due to unobserved interhousehold variation in shadow wage rates. In addition, participation in the labour market does not significantly influence the IR for the employer, while the practice of land renting reduces, but does not eliminate, the IR for the lease. These findings point towards the potential for using factor markets to optimise pasture-based livestock production scale, and the need to promote the factor market development to achieve efficiency in resource use.
Key words: China, grassland, inverse relationship, labour market, land rental market, livestock


Internet Use, Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Rural Incomes: Evidence from China

Wanglin Ma, Xiaobing Wang

Relatively little is known about the association between Internet use and environmentally-friendly agricultural innovation adoption. To fill this void, this study examines the impact of Internet use on the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices (SAPs) and their heterogeneous effects on farm income and household income. Unlike previous studies that analyse the dichotomous decision of agricultural innovation adoption, this study captures the number of SAPs adopted. We apply both endogenous-treatment Poisson regression model and unconditional quantile regression model to analyse unique farm-level data collected from China. The empirical results show that Internet use exerts a positive and statistically significant impact on the number of SAPs adopted, and the joint effects of Internet use and SAP adoption on farm income and household income are heterogeneous. In particular, we show that Internet use has a larger impact at the upper tail of household income but it has no significant impact on farm income. SAP adoption is negatively associated with farm income and household income across the selected quantiles.
Key words: Internet use, Sustainable agricultural practices, Impact evaluation, Unconditional quantile regression, Rural incomes, China.

Effects of local and national advertising across brands: the case of yogurt in China

Bo Chen, Wuyang Hu, Qingjie Zhou

This study examines Chinese consumer’s demand for yogurt and evaluates the effect of advertising on yogurt demand in four first-tier cities in China. An almost ideal demand system augmented with advertising is estimated, and advertising on local media channels is distinguished from that on national media channels. The main findings are that Chinese demand for yogurt is generally elastic, yet local brands tend to have smallest own-price elasticities. More importantly, while local advertising has generally a positive effect on yogurt demand, national advertising is found to decrease demand in Beijing and Guangzhou. This may be due to households’ distinct media preference across cities, as well as advertising cannibalisation within brand. Lastly, advertising one yogurt brand may function similarly as generic advertising in promoting demand for yogurt with other brands. Corresponding marketing implications are drawn for yogurt manufacturers and marketers.
Key words: advertising, demand system, local, national, yogurt.
Farm machinery use and maize yields in China: an analysis accounting for selection bias and heterogeneity
Xiaoshi Zhou, Wanglin Ma, Gucheng Li, Huanguang Qiu
Crop production in developing and emerging countries is increasingly dependent on the usage of farm machinery. However, it remains unclear whether low-productive and high-productive farmers benefit equally from farm machinery use. To address the research gap, this study examines the potential heterogeneous effects of farm machinery use on maize yields, using an unconditional quantile regression model and survey data from China. We employ a control function approach to address the selection bias issue associated with farm machinery use. The empirical results show that the use of farm machinery significant increases maize yields for all the selected quantiles (except for the 80th quantile); the low-productive farmers tend to benefit more from farm machinery use relative to their high-productive counterparts; and farm machinery use reduces the inequality and variability of maize yields.
Key words: farm machinery use, maize yield, UQR model, control function approach, China.
Agricultural subsidies retard urbanization in China

Kaixing Huang, Wenshou Yan, Jikun Huang

Although agricultural subsidies are usually seen in high-income countries with small agricultural labour forces, China started to heavily subsidise agriculture when its percapita income was very low and more than half of its population was working in agriculture. A concern is that these abnormal agricultural subsidies may have significantly retarded China’s urbanisation process by reducing rural–urban migration. Based on a panel of county-level data from 1,878 Chinese counties, we found that agricultural subsidies reduced China’s yearly outflow of agricultural labour by 0.68 million people (with a 95 per cent confidence interval of 0.67–0.69) – about 5.7 per cent of the annual rural–urban migration observed during the sample period. We concluded that abnormal agricultural subsidies are a significant cause of China’s widely observed under-urbanisation.
Key words: agricultural subsidies, rural, urban migration, urbanisation.
The effect of price support policies on food security and farmers’ income in China

Jiarong Qian, Shoichi Ito, Zhijun Zhao

The current price support policies in China have positive impacts on grain prices and production costs. These policies mediate the impacts on grain supply and demand, and, in turn, affect food security and farmer income. This paper simulates and empirically establishes the effect of price support policies on food security and farmers’ net incomes through a partial equilibrium model that considers the policy impact mechanism. The results indicate that a 10 per cent support price increase in 2012 may result in (1) an increase of 1.38 and 6.19 percentage points in self-sufficiency rates for rice and wheat, respectively, in the current year and (2) a respective increase of 28.6 and − 18.5 yuan/mu in net income for rice and wheat production in the year. Given the significant growth in grain support prices since 2008, the price support policies have produced a tremendous impact in terms of enhancing grain self-sufficiency, while playing a crucial role in China’s food security strategies. However, due to the increased production costs associated with policy implementation, the income effect of the price support policies is rather small and even negative for wheat production. Hence, increasing farmers’ incomes should rely on other effective measures, such as providing income subsidies.
Key words: food security, farmers’ income, partial equilibrium, price support, simulation.







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