





To Learn Chinese, 

First Learn Chinese Characters



Chinese, similar to any other language including English, French or Japanese, consists of spoken and written components. Without doubt, learning Chinese characters is necessary to the learning of Chinese language. However, our conception of their relationship should not stop here at a shallow level without further examination.


Why is this a shallow conception? Because if we merely conclude the relationship between Chinese characters and spoken Chinese as one between “written words” and “spoken language” in a very common sense, we will fail to understand its uniqueness. In the theory of general linguistics, there is a clear division between language and words. The theory states that spoken language and written words are two separate concepts without connection, and thus holding the view that “language is the sign of ideas, and words are the sign of language, so written words are only a secondary sign of sign”. However, the relation between spoken Chinese and Chinese characters is not so simplistic, and Chinese characters cannot be regarded as “the secondary sign” of spoken Chinese.


How do we understand their relation then? Usually, people can give diverse interpretations. One is that Chinese characters have existed for thousands of years, and are closely connected to Chinese history, culture and society, serving as the most important instrument for maintaining social interactions. Another interpretation is Chinese characters are a record of the thoughts and ideas as well as the knowledge system of the Chinese people. Without them and all Chinese literature, the accumulated culture of the Chinese nation would not have been so comprehensive nor profound. A third explanation is that the configuration and connotation of Chinese characters reflect the aesthetic customs of the Chinese people. Chinese characters and the thinking habits of the Chinese people are intertwined with each other.


The above three interpretations all make logical sense, but is far from an adequate explanation, as there is a deeper and firmer connection between Chinese characters and spoken language: they adapt to and supplement each other and together constitute the best instrument of learning, expressing and communicating for the Chinese people. Therefore, it is especially important for Chinese language learners to understand this inherent and inseparable connection. With such understanding they can be more actively involved in the learning of Chinese characters and better find the inherent regularity of Chinese characters. The complementary relationship can be observed in the following aspects:



汉字的基本存在形式就是方形, 一个一个字独立存在,互不关连,“汉字是方块字”是给人最初的第一印象。汉字是“ 形音义” 的综合体, 汉字方块形的读音单位就是“音节”。“一字一音”,指的就是一个方块字形对应着一个“ 音节”。如“ 方块字形” 四个字, 读音上就表现为“fāng”“kuài”“z씓xíng”四个音节。在方块字形与音节二者的对应中,字形的作用会显得特别强势。若一个汉字对应两个音节,这两个音节会被压缩成一个音节。如“诸”原来是两个字两个音,即“之于”和“zhīyú”。如“甭”原来也是两个字两个音,即“不用”和“bùyòng”。两个音节的压缩就是取前一个字的声母,与后一个字的韵母,合起来成一个音节,如“zhīyú”成了“zhū,“bùyòng”成了“béng”。


Each square glyph of Chinese characters corresponds to a single syllable in spoken Chinese.

The basic form of Chinese characters is square glyph, and each character exists independently. It is the first impression to people that “Chinese characters

are in the shape of square”. Chinese characters are a combination of “shape, sound and meaning”, and the pronunciation unit of these square-shaped Chinese characters is a “syllable”. “One character, one syllable” means that one square-shaped character corresponds to a “syllable”. For example, the four characters of “方块字形” (meaning “square-shaped glyph”) are pronounced as four syllables “fāng” “kuài” “” and “xíng”. The dominance of glyph can be seen in this strict correspondence between the four characters and four syllables. If one Chinese character corresponds to two syllables, the two syllables will be compressed into one. For example, the character “诸”(pronounced as “zhū”, meaning “as to”) was originally two characters with two syllables, namely “之于” and “zhīyú”; the character “甭” (pronounced as “béng”, meaning “do not”) was originally two characters with two syllables, namely “不用” and “bùyòng”. The compression of syllables is to take the initial consonant of the first character, and the final consonant of the second character to form into a new syllable, such as “zhīyú” becomes “zhū”, “bùyòng” becomes “béng”.



汉字的数量多,古代第一部字典《说文解字》收了9,353字,后来的字典发展到几万个汉字,现代通用的汉字也有8,000 多个。单就数量上看,这么多的汉字似乎是一个缺点,但关联到汉字所发挥的作用来看,数量这么多的汉字却是有着特别功能的。因为汉语语音的音节数量少,加上声调的不同也只有1,000 多个。汉语中的单音节词多,而音节少,势必造成一个音节表多个词,造成单音同音词多。单音同音词多了就会带来表意的不清晰,如“zhāng”这个音,表达的意义就有“张”“章”“漳”“樟”等。


A large number of Chinese characters are represented by a small number of syllables in spoken Chinese.

There is a large number of Chinese characters. The first dictionary in Chinese ancient times, 说文解字Shuowen Jiezi, contains 9,353 character entries, and later dictionaries increased the number to tens of thousands. There are more than 8,000 Chinese characters commonly used in modern times. In terms of quantity alone, so many Chinese characters seem to be a disadvantage. However, such a large number of Chinese characters have certain functions. The number of syllables in Chinese is relatively

small: altogether over 1,000 with differentiated tones included. At the same time, there are a large number of monosyllabic characters in Chinese, which will inevitably result in one syllable representing multiple characters, namely homophones. These homophones will further lead to unclear meanings, such as the sound of“zhāng” may refer to homophones including “张”“章”“漳”“樟”, etc.












The glyph of Chinese characters can directly reflect the meaning.

The smallest part of Chinese characters is the stroke, but the stroke is only the basic unit that constitutes the glyph. In fact, Chinese characters are the basic unit in use, and each square-shaped character directly express its meaning with its glyph. Such as :


the sun



the moon

 representing a standing tree


representing bamboo leaves


representing the shape of a mouse’s head, claws and tail


representing the shape of the head, wings, claws and tail of a bird when viewed from the side

Therefore, the glyph of Chinese characters have semantic functions.





The radical (the component of Chinese characters) indicates the meaning category of a Chinese character.

The third aspect mentioned above is about pictograms. In fact, there are not many real pictograms in Chinese characters, but these few real ones are the foundation of Chinese characters. In compound ideographs and phono-semantic compound characters that have been reproduced later, the semantic function of Chinese characters is assumed by the radicals. The specific meaning (referring to specific people, things, etc.) originally expressed has become a generic meaning referring to a meaning category of a series of Chinese characters. For example, characters containing the radical “⺮” (meaning “bamboo”) indicates meanings related to bamboo. For example, “竿gān” refers to poles made of bamboo, “简jiăn” refers to a writing board made of bamboo in ancient times, “策” refers to compiled slips made of bamboo, “笤tiáo” refers to the tool made of bamboo for sweeping and dusting the dust, “笞chī” refers to the whip stick or board made of bamboo, and “筛shāi” refers to the utensils with holes made of bamboo. To clarify, after mastering the radicals with semantic functions, you can quickly grasp the basic meaning of Chinese characters.





The meaning indicated by a character affects or determines the evolution of a series of extended meanings from this monosyllabic word.

For example, the monosyllabic word “穿” is composed of two parts, “穴xué”(meaning “hole”) and “牙” (meaning“teeth”). The dictionary 说文解字Shuowen Jiezi explains that its original meaning is “through”, which later extends to relevant meanings including“to break through”, “to go through” and “through”. Then, these meanings further lead to the creation of a series of disyllabic words including“打穿dăchuān” (meaning “breaking though”),“穿越chuānyuè” (meaning“going through”), “穿透chuāntòu” (meaning “splitting through” )“, 拆穿chāichuān” ,“ 戳穿chuōchuān” (both meaning “exposing sth. intentionally covered by sb. ”), “穿梭chuānsuō” (meaning “moving through”),“穿堂风chuāntángfēng” (meaning “a draught”), “点穿 diănchuān” (meaning“ pointing out sth. clearly”),“ 洞穿dòngchuān” (meaning “knowing sth. very clearly”), “水滴石穿shuĭdī shíchuān” (an idiom, meaning “constant drops of water can wear the stone”) and “百步穿杨băibùchuānyáng” (an idiom, meaning “an excellent archer can pierce a willow leaf with an arrow from the distance of a hundred paces”).


The above are merely several main aspects of the connection between Chinese characters and Chinese spoken language. They are mainly discussed from the perspective of the connection between Chinese characters and Chinese words. If it is expanded to the phonetic perspective, semantic perspective, and even the grammar perspective, there will be far more to study and explore. Moreover, from the above five aspects, we can already see the close relationship between Chinese characters and Chinese language, which is inseparable, coherent, integrated and interactive. The relation between the two is not a simple one-to- one adaptation or correspondence, but a complementary interaction in multiple aspects. So, can we still say that Chinese characters have nothing to do with Chinese and regard the learning of Chinese characters as optional for the study of Chinese language?


Regarding the name of Chinese characters, people have adopted different ones from different aspects, such as the “square-shaped characters” and “pictograms” mentioned above; “morphine characters” and “logographic writing”; even “phonetic writing” and “mark words”. In fact, all present certain features and functions of Chinese characters. Chinese characters are a vital component of Chinese language. Therefore, the learning of Chinese characters is a must for the learning of Chinese language.



Su Xinchu is the Dean of the School of Humanities and Communication in Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College, a professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature in Xiamen University, the Director of Education and Textbook Divison of the National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center, and the Deputy Director of the Academic Committee of the Lexicographical Society of China.














作者:苏新春 Su Xinchun

翻译:庄驰原 Zhuang Chiyuan

图文排版 | 贾舒清(实习)


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