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Tips for Learning Basic Chinese Vocabulary
(本文转载自《孔子学院》中英文对照版 2022年第6期/总第76期)
2021年7月,《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》(以下简称《标准》)发布,其中1级词汇约500个,而之前的汉语水平考试(HSK)1级、2级、3级的词汇量分别是150 个、300个、600个。显然,新标准的词汇量要求较之前大大提高了。怎么掌握这些词汇,提高词汇的学习效率呢?这里和大家一起分享四个初级中文词汇学习小妙招。
In Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education (hereinafter referred to as The Standards) released in July 2021, Grade 1 vocabulary consists of about 500 words. In the previously implemented Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), however, there are only 150 words at Level 1,300 at Level 2, and 600 at Level 3.
Apparently, the vocabulary requirements of the new standards are much higher. How to master so many words and improve the efficiency of vocabulary learning. Here are four tips for learning basic Chinese vocabulary.
Tip1: Add up words to make new ones
俗话说“聪明人用笨办法”,最有用的学习方法就是多花时间、多背、多记、多说,增加深度学习。汉语词汇由汉字组成,虽然1级有500个词汇,但这500个词汇是由不到300个汉字组成的。在学习词汇时,记住组成词汇的汉字的意思很重要。比如,在初级500个词汇中,单字词有210个,双字词有257个,三字词有33个,但很多双字词都由词表中的两个单字组合而成,如“吃”和“饭”组成了“吃饭”,“好”和“吃”组成了 “好吃”。知道单字意思,再遇到“吃菜”“好用”这类词时,我们就能很快猜出新词的意思和用法。
As the Chinese saying goes, “Smart people work hard.” The most effective way of learning requires time, repetition, memorization and practice. This is how learning is consolidated.
As we all know, Chinese vocabulary is made up of Chinese characters. The 500 required words at Grade 1 are, in fact, composed of less than 300 Chinese characters. Therefore, when learning these words, it is important to first master the meanings of the characters that make them.
For example, among the 500 words at Grade1,210 are single-characterwords, 257 are double-character words, and 33 are triple-character words. Notice that many of the double-character words are composed of two single character words. For example, 吃 (eat) plus 饭 (rice) makes 吃饭 (eat rice), and 好(good) and 吃 (eat) forms 好吃(delicious). Therefore, when you have mastered the single-character words, you will be able to guess the meanings of more complicated ones, such as 吃菜 (eat vegetables) and 好用 (easy to use).
Tip 2: Follow one to get more
The vocabulary list of The Standards at Grade 1 is arranged according to the first letter of the pinyin of the first character of a word. A single Chinese character can appear in different words and for multiple times. The meaning and structure of these words can also be related. You can learn, review, and remember these related words together, such as 车 (car), 车票 (ticket) and 车站 (station), and 地 (ground), 地点 (location), 地方 (place) and 地图 (map).
Many commonly used Chinese characters, especially those listed in The Standards, appearvery frequently in word formation. Therefore, as long as you have mastered their glyphs, meanings, and phonemes, you probably will be able to figure out the new words that contain these characters by yourself. The more Chinese characters you know, the easier you will find vocabulary learningis, and your word bank will grow exponentially.
Tip 3: Personalize your Chinese
在电脑时代,我们可以尝试用一些新方法来学习词汇,比如用EXCEL整理要学的词汇,制作一本 属于自己的中文词典,这么做好处多多。
In the age of computers, you can take advantage of new tools and methodology. For example, you can use EXCEL to organize your own vocabulary list and make your own Chinese dictionary. This has many benefits.
一是通过打字可以加深对组成该词的汉字的发音和字形的认知。如果想获得更好的学习效果,还可以用这个词造句, 列举一些和自己生活有关的句子,这样更容易记这个词的用法和意义。如果平时想要用这个词,其用法就会很快浮现在我们的脑海中。这一方法可以有效地提高我们的汉语表达能力。
First, typing can help deepen your understanding of the pronunciation and glyphs of the characters of the word in question. If you want to get better learning results, you can use the word to make sentences that are relevant to your own life so as to help remember its usage and meanings. This will allow you to think of the word the moment you need it in your daily life and effectively improve your Chinese expression.
The second method is to take advantage of the search function of EXCEL so as to find related words. When learning double or triple-character words, many of us can only have a strong memory of the first Chinese character we encounter.
However, it is noteworthy that the characters in the vocabulary list do not necessarily appear as the first character of a word. Many of the characters in the Grade 1 list also appear as the second character of a double-character word or the second or third character of a triple-character word.
用这样的方式来复习词汇,一方面可以通过强化词与词、字与字之间的关系让我们慢慢形成对汉语词汇结构 的认识,另一方面,也有利于激活沉睡在我们脑海中的汉字和词汇,提高我们使用中文的水平。用不同的字进行搜索,就会出现不同的词汇集合,不同的集合中还可能出现同一词汇,我们有新发现的同时,还不知不觉加深了对词汇的印象,何乐而不为呢?
Using the search function of EXCEL can allow us to have a stronger sense about the connections between words and between characters so as to gradually develop a good understanding of the word-formation of Chinese. It also helps active the passive vocabulary, including characters and phrases, stored in our minds, which will comprehensibly improve our ability to use Chinese.
The search of different items will conjure a series of different vocabulary, within which you may find the reoccurrence of certain words. This process of discovery and rediscovery will enable us to deepen our impression of Chinese vocabulary. So why not give it a try?
Tip 4: Know the symbols and remember
the usage
It is important to understand the symbols in the vocabulary list. For example:
47 吃饭 chī//fàn
为什么“吃饭”这个词,两个字的拼音中间有“//”?1级词汇表中有35个这种符号词。“//”这个符号特别重要,提醒我们这 个词不仅可以合起来用,也可以在“//”的位置加入一些其他成分。不过需要注意的是,不同的词中可以加入的成分也不同。以“帮忙”为例,
What does the “//” mean in the pinyin of chīfàn?There are actually 35 words with such a symbol in the Grade 1 vocabulary. “//” is a particularly important symbol, being a reminder that the word in question can not only be used as a whole, but also have other ingredients added where the “//” is.
However, it should be noted that the added ingredients may vary. Take 帮忙 (help) as an example.
“Sorry, I was not there when you were sick, and I didn’t help.”
“Actually, you have helped me a lot.”
“The other day, you spent a whole day helping me.”
As the table below shows, in the Grade 1 vocabulary list, there are another 24 verbs that have this usage. It is worth noting that 放学 (dismiss the school), 没事儿 (have no issue), and 下课 (dismiss the class) are all instantaneous verbs, so 着, which indicates a continuous state, cannot be added in the middle of these words.
However, the usage of some other words, which also contain “//” in its pinyin, is different from that of the 25 words listed above, though they can also be used as a whole as well as separately. For example, in words like 得到 (get), 看见 (see), and 听见(hear), the first character indicates the action, while the second indicates the result of the action. Only ingredients such as 得, which indicates the accomplishment of the action, and 不, which indicates the failure of the action, can be added; thus, we can only say 得 得到 (can get) and 得不到 (cannot get), 看得见(can see) and 看不见 (cannot see), 听得见 (can hear) and 听不见 (cannot hear), and so on.
65得到 195看见 363听见
(get) (see) (hear)
Another example is verbs with 来 (come) or 去(go) such as 回来 (come back) and 回去 (go back). These words also cannot have words that indicate the state of a verb, such as 着 (in progress), 了 (competeness) and 过 (pastness), added to them; however, they can include 得, 不 and noun words, which enable the formation ofexpressions like 回得来 (can come back), 回不来 (cannot come back) and回家来 (can come home). There are six more words that follow this rule.
词汇表中拼音带“//”的词汇往往是和生活有关的常用词, 有时中间能加什么成分并没有规律,因此,我们要特别注意这些词的用法,多问问老师,多查查词典,学一个记一个。
In the vocabulary list, the words that have “//” within their pinyin are often words frequently used in daily life, and the addition of ingredients to these words does not necessarily follow a pattern. Therefore, we should pay special attention to the usage of these words, keep asking our teachers and checking dictionaries, and remember them one by one.
The above four tips are practical and easy to implement. A good start is half of the success. I sincerely hope that you can give it a try and lay a good foundation for your Chinese learning.
注:文中所举词汇均出自 2021 年 7 月 1 日实施的《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》(GF0025–2021) 初级 1 级词汇表。
Note: The vocabulary cited in this article is all from the Grade 1 vocabulary list of Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education (GF00252021) released on July 1, 2021.
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作者:何敏 He Min
翻译:杨祎辰 Yang Yichen
供图:朱浩晔 Zhu Haoye
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