
Foreign Passenger Lost & Returned $108,000

Tallal Tahir GBA Community 2023-05-16

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Yang Lihui, a taxi driver from Guangzhou, has made himself an overnight sensation in China for his act of honesty.

On March 1, 2023, Yang picked up a foreign passenger and, to his surprise, after the passenger left, he found a paper bag filled with a whopping 108,000 $ (730,000yuan) on the rear seat of his taxi.

Rather than keeping the money, Yang immediately reported the discovery to the authorities, who were able to track down the rightful owner - the international traveler who admitted to carrying the cash.

Despite the passenger's attempt to reward him with 10,000 yuan for his integrity, Yang refused the money, saying, "It's what I have got to do. Anyone who loses that much money will go insane. I won't abuse that opportunity."

Yang's selfless act has not only restored faith in humanity but has also brought attention to the importance of honesty and integrity.

Kudos to you, Yang Lihui, for being a shining example of goodness and decency in a world that needs it more than ever.

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