









1. 符合条件的青年学者请下载并填写《扬州大学第九届国际青年学者论坛报名表》,扫描二维码下载表格:

2. 报名表请发至邮箱rscrcb@yzu.edu.cn。报名截止时间为2022年11月30日。

3. 学校将通过网络面试(交流)后分批向受邀学者发送正式邀请函(最迟为12月10日)。

4. 受邀学者收到邀请函3天内填写回执并确认是否参会。











☛ 特别说明:因考虑疫情影响因素,本届论坛最终组织方式视疫情防控要求和报名人员情况确定,拟采用“线上+线下”相结合的形式,请学者报名时特别注明是否来扬州参加线下论坛。对于参加线上论坛并做学术交流的海内外青年学者,如需进行深入交流,择期学校为其提供1次来校实地考察机会,并按照论坛标准报销往返差旅费和住宿费。




1. 岗位:事业编制、教授、博士生导师(每年3个以上博硕士生招生指标,博士后招聘不限额)。

2. 薪酬:根据协商聘期任务可享受不低于60万元(人民币,税前)的年薪,另加业绩绩效的待遇,上不封顶(不含国家补贴);同时,除国家奖励(津贴)外,江苏省和学校还将给予相应的配套奖金。

3. 住房:学校提供购房补贴、安家费150万元,引进三年内提供校内周转房一套或提供相应的租房补贴。

4. 经费:除享受国家政策补贴外,学校提供不低于300万元的科研启动经费和单台套100万以上的仪器购置补助,也可根据需要另行提供大型仪器设备费。

5. 人才工程:依托我校申报并入选国家级人才工程项目,根据相关政策,可优先推荐江苏省和扬州市相关人才项目,形成待遇叠加效应。

6. 其他:提供所需科研用房,自主组建科研团队;协助解决配偶工作及子女入学,提供附属医院便捷就医条件。


1. 江苏特聘教授:事业编制、教授。除享受学校相应的待遇外,三年内省级财政给予每人每年不低于12万元的岗位津贴(免税),并提供100-200万元(特别优秀的提供400万元)的科研经费,优先解决科研用房和团队建设,协助解决配偶工作及子女入学。

2. 双创计划:除享受学校相应的待遇外,入选双创人才的,三年内省级财政给予50-500万元的创新创业资金资助;入选双创团队的,三年内省级财政给予300-1000万元的人才经费资助;入选双创博士的,两年内省财政给予15万元的生活资助(免税)。


1. 拔尖人才:根据协商聘期任务可享受人民币100-220万待遇+业绩绩效,上不封顶。优先解决科研用房和团队建设,协助解决配偶工作及子女入学。

2. 海内外优秀博士:根据协商聘期任务可享受人民币50-55万待遇+副教授工资+业绩绩效,上不封顶。

3. 博士后:根据协商聘期任务可享受人民币25-30万待遇+业绩绩效,上不封顶。


☛ 电  话:+86-514-87971833

☛ Email:rscrcb@yzu.edu.cn


☛ 联系人:

毕瑜林 15161885726

许伟伟 15052502259

雷   贺 15152818126

☛ 地  址:中国扬州市大学南路88号扬州大学人力资源处(党委教师工作部)
















Welcome to the 9th Yangzhou University International Young Scholars Forum


1. Introduction to the Forum

Initiated in 2017, Yangzhou University International Young Scholars Forum aims to establish a platform for talented young scholars from around the world to promote academic communications and demonstrate research achievements. Eight such forums had been held successfully and more than 1,000 outstanding young scholars from over 21 countries participated in the previous forums. The Forum plays a key role in exchanges and cooperation between Yangzhou University and talented young scholars from around the world. 

The 9th Yangzhou University International Young Scholars Forum will be held by Yangzhou University on 24-26 December 2022. Due to the impact of the COVID-19, participants can attend the forum in person or online. While triggering collision of thoughts and enhancing academic communications, the Forum helps young scholars with different academic backgrounds to feel the spirit of exploration embodied in YZU’s motto of “hard work and self-reliance” and its ethos of “seeking truth, seeking reality, seeking innovation and seeking refinement”, thus facilitating potential cooperation and employment.

2. Applicants

The eligible applicants will be top talents (aged below 40, with outstanding academic achievements in their fields) with a doctorate from well-known universities (preferably Top 200 universities in the world or more than three years of overseas experience) or those who are assistant professors (or equivalent positions) in well-known universities (research institutes).

3. Application Procedure

1). Download and fill in the Application Form for the 9th Yangzhou University International Young Scholars Forum (Scan QR code). 

2). Submit your application by sending the filled Application Form to rscrcb@yzu.edu.cn latest by 30 November 2022. 

3). Receive a formal invitation latest by 10 December 2022 after an online interview.

4). Fill in the receipt and confirm the attendance within three days upon receiving the formal invitation.

4. Forum Program

24 December 2022 (Saturday): Registration; 

25 December 2022 (Sunday): Opening Ceremony, Plenary Session, Parallel Sessions; 

26 December 2022 (Monday): Communications of scholars in different fields, informal discussion, and face-to-face communications. Departure.

5. Transportation and Accommodation

Invited scholars are supposed to book their own tickets and will get reimbursed by the University for the travelling expenses according to the standard of economy class (maximum amount: RMB 15,000 yuan per capita for participants traveling from North America or Europe, RMB 10,000 yuan per capita for participants traveling from Asian countries, RMB 5,000 yuan per capita for participants traveling from Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan). 

During the Forum, accommodation and pick-up services will be arranged by the University. 

Special Notes: Due to the impact of the COVID-19, the Forum will be arranged according to relevant regulations and requirements for prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic. Participation in the Forum can be in person or online. Applicants shall clarify whether they prefer to travel to Yangzhou to attend the Forum in person in the Application Form. For scholars from home and abroad attending the Forum online and conducting online academic exchanges, for the purpose of further communications, the University will provide them an opportunity to pay an onsite visit to the University after the Forum (when appropriate), and the transportation and accommodation will be reimbursed according to the standards mentioned above.

6. Remuneration

6.1 Recipients of major national young talent projects recommended by Yangzhou University

6.1.1 Position

Posts budgeted in public institution, professor, doctoral supervisor (eligible to enroll at least three postgraduate students per year while no limit set on the quota for postdoctoral research fellow recruitment). 

6.1.2 Salary

According to the negotiated tasks during the employment, annual salary will be no less than RMB 600,000 yuan (before tax) plus performance bonuses (excluding national subsidies) which has no upper limit. Additionally, besides national rewards (subsidies), matching bonuses will be granted by the People’s government of Jiangsu and Yangzhou University.

6.1.3 Housing

The University will provide a total of RMB 1.5 million yuan as house purchase subsidy and resettlement allowance. Within the first three years of employment, the University will provide an on-campus apartment as temporary housing, or an equivalent rental subsidies.

6.1.4 Funding

Besides national subsidies and funding, the University will provide a research start-up fund of no less than RMB 3 million yuan and more than RMB 1 million yuan as equipment purchase (one single set) subsidy. Furthermore, the University will also provide additional funding to meet the needs of large-scale equipment.

6.1.5 Talent Projects

To create the synergistic effects of talent policies, recipients of major national talent projects recommended by Yangzhou University will be given priority to applying for talent projects of Jiangsu Province and Yangzhou.

6.1.6 Other Benefits

Necessary research workspace and autonomy to establish research teams will be provided. The University will assist in finding a job for the spouse, the registration at kindergarten and primary school for younger children and admission to secondary school for older children. Convenient access to affiliated hospitals will be granted.

6.2 Recipients of talent projects of Jiangsu Province

6.2.1 Distinguished Professor of Jiangsu

A recipient of Distinguished Professor of Jiangsu will be employed in posts budgeted in public institution as well as professor of the University. Besides the University’s relevant remuneration, an annual post allowance of no less than RMB 120,000 yuan (in three years; tax free) and a research fund of RMB 1-2 million yuan (up to RMB 4 million yuan for exceptionally excellent candidates) will be provided by the provincial government of Jiangsu. The University will give priority in lab space and research team building, and will assist in finding a job for the spouse, the registration at kindergarten and primary school for younger children and admission to secondary school for older children.

6.2.2 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talents of Jiangsu Province

Besides the University’s relevant remuneration, a start-up fund of RMB 0.5-5 million yuan will be provided (in three years) to recipients of individual grants of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talents of Jiangsu Province by the provincial government of Jiangsu, a start-up fund of RMB 3-10 million yuan (in three years) to recipients of team grants of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talents of Jiangsu Province, and living support of RMB 150,000 yuan (tax-free) to recipients of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Doctors of Jiangsu Province in two years.

6.3 Successful candidates recruited by Yangzhou University

6.3.1 Outstanding Talents

According to the negotiated tasks during the employment, RMB 1-2.2 million yuan plus performance bonuses (with no upper limit) may be provided. The University will provide priority in lab space and research team building, and will assist in finding a job for the spouse, the registration at kindergarten and primary school for younger children and admission to secondary school for older children.

6.3.2 Excellent Ph.D. Holders

According to the negotiated tasks during the employment, RMB 500,000-550,000 yuan + salary equivalent to associate professor + performance bonuses (with no upper limit) may be provided.

6.3.3 Postdoctoral Research Fellows

According to the negotiated tasks during the employment, RMB 250,000-300,000 yuan plus performance bonuses (with no upper limit) may be provided.

7. Contact Information

Tel: +86-514-87971833

Email: rscrcb@yzu.edu.cn

 (Format for E-mail subject: Current university/institution – applicant’s name - YZU college - research field) 

Contacts: BI Yulin (+86-15161885726), XU Weiwei (+86-15052502259), LEI He (+86-15152818126) 

Address: Human Resources Office  of Yangzhou University, 88 South Daxue Road, Yangzhou, China.

8. Introduction to the University

Located in Yangzhou (one of the first-batch National Famous Historical and Cultural Cities in China), Yangzhou University (YZU) is co-sponsored by the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province and the Ministry of Education of China. YZU is also a key provincial comprehensive university of Jiangsu Province, and one of the first higher education institutions authorized to grant both master’s and doctoral degrees in China, as well as a pioneer in college and university merging.

YZU has a complete range of disciplines, covering 12 disciplines of philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management science and art. It also has 21 doctoral degree programs and 53 master’s degree programs in the first-level disciplines and 20 postdoctoral research centers. Meanwhile, 41 YZU undergraduate programs have been listed as national first-class undergraduate programs as well as 6 state-level characteristic majors. Additionally, it has more than 50 national teaching (innovation) teams, training bases, experiment centers, innovation experimental zones, and high-quality (shared) courses. Currently, there are over 30,700 full-time undergraduate students and more than 16,200 postgraduate students on YZU campuses.

Among the 2,700 full-time faculty members, there are two academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering and two foreign academicians, and over 90 recipients of national talent projects. It has 3 national key disciplines, 7 provincial leading disciplines and 10 provincial key disciplines for the “14th Five-Year Plan” period. YZU’s 11 disciplines, namely chemistry, plant and animal sciences, engineering, agricultural sciences, clinical medicine, material science, computer science, biology and biochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology, environment/ecology, microbiology have entered ESI’s top 1% among worldwide universities and research institutes. It has one Joint International Laboratory, one Research Center for Regional and Cross-nation Studies of the Ministry of Education of China, 25 key laboratories of ministerial or provincial level, 54 Engineering Technology Research Centers, public Technology Service Centers, and Research Institutes (Bases), 2 provincial-level collaborative Innovation Centers, one national demonstration organization of technology transfer, and one national entrepreneurship training base for science and technology commissioners. YZU undertakes over 3,700 research projects and its annual research funding totals RMB 820 million. To date, YZU’s 17 research achievements have won second prizes of the State Science and Technology Award of China.

Yangzhou University welcomes global young talents!



