拾萬当代艺术中心(石家庄)荣幸宣布将于2022年11月5日-2023年2月5日推出艺术家群展“风景画”、古务运动将推出艺术家解群个展 — 橐龠永动机。Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art (Shijiazhuang) is delighted to announce the upcoming group exhibition 'Landscape Painting' , Easternization Movement will launch a solo exhibition of artists Xie Qun – Tuo Yue Perpetual Motion Machine from 5 Nov 2022 to 5 Feb 2023.
Online Guide | Group Exhibition: Landscape PaintingLive Broadcast: 15:00,5 Nov,2022(Saturday)Guided Guests: Jiao XueyanAttended via: Scan Yitiao‘s QR Code for Live Broadcasting拾萬当代艺术中心(石家庄)非常荣幸地带来由二十位艺术家组成的关于“风景画”的群展。风景画是一种被大众广为接受的绘画题材,它在欧洲主要从宗教绘画中脱离而来,大多描绘自然风光,如山川江河等,而在中国古代,风景画主要表现为山水画,大量的文人山水描绘的都是想象中的场景,且尤其重视笔墨形式语言的塑造。今天的语境中,已经没有对“风景画”明确的门类划分,对艺术的认识也早已围绕“人”而展开,更多地则是进行媒介分类。Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art (Shijiazhuang) is proud to present a group exhibition of twenty artists on 'Landscape Painting'. Landscape painting is a widely accepted theme in Europe, mainly from religious painting, depicting natural scenery, such as mountains and rivers. While in ancient China, landscape painting was mainly represented as Chinese traditional landscape painting, with a large number of literati depicting imaginary scenes, with particular emphasis on the formal language of brush and ink. In today's context, there is no longer a clear classification of 'landscape painting', and the understanding of art has long revolved around 'people', more often categorizing the medium.
Online Guide | Xie Qun: Tuo Yue Perpetual Motion MachineLive Broadcast: 14:00,5 Nov,2022(Saturday)Attended via: Scan Yitiao‘s QR Code for Live Broadcasting
拾萬北京|詹翀 “低气压”展览现场
观展 |詹翀的哈德罗和特拉斯特
Hunsand Space (Beijing) was established in Caochangdi Art District in 2014, relocated to the 798 Art Zone in 2018. At the end of 2021, Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art (Shijiazhuang) was opened in Shijiazhuang. As a professional gallery, Hunsand Space (Beijing) keeps vigilance in presenting art exhibitions with conventional way in white cubes, aiming to take the semantics and syntax from the language of contemporary art as a point of departure and expand them into a broader field. Through its vigorous programs of exhibitions and projects, Hunsand Space (Beijing) hopes to stimulate the neglected aspects in contemporary culture and brings the values of contemporary art into our lives. In addition to exhibiting contemporary art exhibitions, Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art (Shijiazhuang) as an art complex is dedicated to presenting public programs, lectures, art workshops, art merchandise, catering and many other activities and services. Relying on geographical differences, the Center's mission is to integrate artistic and audible practices into geographical and humanistic dimensions, by which to experience and pursue the differences and connections between being traditional and modern, local and international, on-site and territorial, personal and historical, spiritual and physical, bringing the ideas of contemporary art into more people's lives.
周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:30-18:30石家庄画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周一-周日 MON-SUN 10:00-19:00微信 | WeChat: hunsandspace