拾萬石家庄 | 展览现场 | 阎实:环宇服装店
展览现场|Exhibition View
阎实|Yan Shi
白衬衣 | White Shirt
白衬衣 | White Shirt(细节图)
阎实|Yan Shi
二二一 | Two Two One
阎实|Yan Shi
把重的东西放在地上还是挂在墙上 |
Place heavy things on the ground or hang them on the wall
阎实|Yan Shi
环宇电视 | Universe Television
阎实|Yan Shi
凯旋 | Triumph
阎实|Yan Shi
白衬衣 | White Shirt
售价 | Price:499 RMB
拾萬 |北京同期展览孙大量:灵与欲2023年5月26日-2023年7月2日相关链接:
拾萬 |杭州
Hunsand Space (Beijing) was established in Caochangdi Art District in 2014, relocated to the 798 Art Zone in 2018. At the end of 2021, Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art (Shijiazhuang) was opened in Shijiazhuang. In 2023, Hunsand Space (Hangzhou) was founded in Long Wu, Hangzhou. As a professional gallery, Hunsand Space (Beijing) keeps vigilance in presenting art exhibitions with conventional way in white cubes, aiming to take the semantics and syntax from the language of contemporary art as a point of departure and expand them into a broader field. Through its vigorous programs of exhibitions and projects, Hunsand Space (Beijing) hopes to stimulate the neglected aspects in contemporary culture and brings the values of contemporary art into our lives. In addition to exhibiting contemporary art exhibitions, Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art (Shijiazhuang) as an art complex is dedicated to presenting public programs, lectures, art workshops, art merchandise, catering and many other activities and services. Relying on geographical differences, the Center's mission is to integrate artistic and audible practices into geographical and humanistic dimensions, by which to experience and pursue the differences and connections between being traditional and modern, local and international, on-site and territorial, personal and historical, spiritual and physical, bringing the ideas of contemporary art into more people's lives.
北京画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:30-18:30
石家庄画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周一-周日 MON-SUN 10:00-19:00
杭州画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:30-18:00(冬季)11:00-19:00(春夏秋)