
拾萬北京 | 即将展出 | 林山:摇曳

拾萬空间 拾萬 Hunsand Space


Hunsand Space (Beijing) is honored to present Lin Shan's solo exhibition, "Swaying," on October 21, 2023. Lin Shan's paintings have always been closely connected to her surroundings, and she attempts to contemplate the "Lin Shan" (herself) and the "Shan Lin" (surroundings) from the perspective of an observer. This exhibition primarily showcases her work from the past two years.


展期:2023年10月21日 - 2023年11月30日






Artists:  Lin Shan

Duration:21 Oct. 2023 - 30 Nov. 2023

Opening:  4pm, 21 Oct. (Sat.), 2023

In the autumn of 2023, a modest apartment of over fifty square meters in Futian District, Shenzhen, serves as both a residence and a studio. Upon entering, there is a resting area of about six square meters, and the foldable bed can be stowed away in the wall cabinet. The separated inner room, typically a more private space, has been almost surrendered to creation. About thirty square meters are occupied by paintings. On the walls are small paintings, and the floor is covered with large ones. Lin Shan remarks that the trees in her paintings, which are as tall as a human, resemble those just outside her building and feel more genuine to her.

As individuals within the human community, we cannot detach ourselves from others and view ourselves in isolation. Lin Shan perceives the predicaments and challenges faced by modern people and reflects on her own situation. In 2021, landscape plants in the city and cultivated plants at home began to morph into various human postures in her brushwork, swaying with the wind and rain. While humans impose rules on others, they also face backlash. In the pursuit of control and the establishment of temporary senses of belonging, they lose the latitude of mutual freedom. Nectar serves as a reward for pollinators, while fruit is the recompense for seed dispersers. The surface thorns and internal venom are used to fend off predators. For the sake of survival, plants, like animals, employ their "animality" to utilize and defend against others. Humans, plants, animals—all share a strong commonality in the law of survival. In Lin Shan's artwork, humans and landscapes begin to merge into one, and the relationships between forms become clearer. "I am the other, and the other is me." Personified plants in the foreground, through the peephole of the middle ground, beckon towards the vast mountains and rivers in the background. Compared to her previous portrait paintings, she borrows the compositional methods of traditional portraiture but can hide traces within the mountains and forests. This allows viewers to constantly discover new perspectives while becoming observers themselves, just like her.

Lin Shan, Born in 1988, lives and works in Shenzhen, China. She graduated from the China Academy of Art majoring in Fresco in 2012, and apprenticed with Carlo Di Raco for her master degree from the Venice Academy of Fine Arts in Painting in 2015.

Lin Shan’s paintings depict the plants in her everyday life in an anthropomorphic way to express lust and the delicate relationship between people. The playful and lively shapes lead the viewer into a fantasy world with the relaxation and lightness she created. Most of the plants she painted were kept in captivity. She tried to replant the green belt plants or potted plants in the foreground of the picture into the wild in the background. However, this longing for wildness was finally fettered by the disciplines deposited in consciousness and body for many years.


拾萬北京 | “奇想之春”对谈:林山·彭可

林山 作品

LEAP 展览观 | 主人不在家——闯入林山的“客厅”

拾萬 | 石家庄




拾萬 | 杭州


2023年9月23日 - 2023年10月29日



拾萬杭州 | 它看 | 祝洵对谈

拾萬杭州 | 展览现场 | 祝洵:它看

拾萬杭州 | 即将展出 | 祝洵:它看

Hunsand Space (Beijing) was established in Caochangdi Art District in 2014, relocated to the 798 Art Zone in 2018. At the end of 2021, Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art (Shijiazhuang) was opened in Shijiazhuang. In 2023, Hunsand Space (Hangzhou) was founded in Long Wu, Hangzhou. As a professional gallery, Hunsand Space (Beijing) keeps vigilance in presenting art exhibitions with conventional way in white cubes, aiming to take the semantics and syntax from the language of contemporary art as a point of departure and expand them into a broader field. Through its vigorous programs of exhibitions and projects, Hunsand Space (Beijing) hopes to stimulate the neglected aspects in contemporary culture and brings the values of contemporary art into our lives.

北京画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:30-18:30
石家庄画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周一-周日 MON-SUN 10:00-19:00
杭州画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:30-18:00(冬季)11:00-19:00(春夏秋)


微信 | WeChat: hunsandspace
微博|Weibo: 拾萬空间
Instagram: hunsand_space

T:010-57623059 (北京)
T:0311-66600320 (石家庄)
W: www.hunsand.com
拾萬 Hunsand Space

