
展览预告 | 从安东到丹东:鸭绿江上的木筏、断桥与过客

屿庐 Click Ten Gallery


From Antung to Dandong

——Rafts, Broken Bridges and Strangers on the Yalu River

展期:2022.3.13 - 6.5

Duration: March 13–June 5, 2022


Curator: LIANG Chen






(Dandong Origin)

HE Xiangyu/ Hong Xing/ JIA Aili/ LIANG Chen/ LIANG Rui/ TAN Zhenbang/ Stylus/ WANG Ningde/ YIN Jinan/ ZHANG Tuitui/ ZHAO Liang

Gazetteer-novel collective / Drawing Architecture Studio/ SUN Haiting/ ZHANG Shuo

主办: 十点睡觉艺术空间

Organizer: Click Ten Art Space


Co-organizer: Wind H Art Center


Add: No.31a Wanhongli, South Gate, 798 Art Zone, Chaoyang, Beijing







Article by LIANG Chen

During my school days at the Department of Architecture, I started to collect a wide range of architectural drawings and photographic albums of urban planning in Northeast China. As my research work progressed, I gradually discovered that my hometown Dandong, Liaoning Province is also a typical Chinese Northestern city consisted of three parts: the old city (or the old gathering place), railroad dependent territory (the Manchurian Railway dependent territory in South Manchuria and the Middle East Railway dependent territory in North Manchuria), and the trading port (the designated free trade zone for "aborigines" and "outsiders" as a result of the port opening for commerce). This was the beginning of my understanding of Dandong in a new way.

From the Sino-Korean Plateau to the Tan-Lu Fault Zone, from the volcanic activity of the Changbai Mountains to the formation of the Yalu River, from the construction of the Great Wall of Yan during the Warring States Period to the Liutiaobian site, where is the birthplace of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, from the log rafts going downstream to the "wood city" at the estuary for timber trade; from the Sino-Japanese naval war (1894-1895) to the Russo-Japanese war (1905-1906), from the first stop of the An-Feng Railway which was constructed by the Japanese colonialist in China in 1904 to the last stop after their defeat in China in 1945, from the Yalu River Bridge that was blown up by the American army in 1950 to the critical port to North Korea after Korean War, from the name changed from "Antung (Andong)" before 1965 to "Dandong" after 1965, from the Protectorate General to Pacify the East in the Tang Dynasty to the Red East of the socialist allies, from the pioneer of trade and silk handicrafts before the founding of China to the star city of light industry after the founding of country and the rising of the internet-famous tourist city, Dandong is the center of Northeast Asia and the largest border city in P.R. China. For thousands of years, the Yalu River has seen countless passers-by. There were Han Chinese, Manchus, and Koreans in raft business, and  Japanese and Russian soldiers ready to attack. There were Chinese who built the Tianhou Palace, the Temple of the God of Wealth, the Dragon King Temple and the City God Temple; Japanese who built Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples; and Danish missionaries who traveled from afar to build churches, hospitals and orphanages. There were Soviet and American troops on the eve of the Cold War, and also Chinese people's volunteer army from all over the country. The rich historical heritage has made Dandong an entry point into the intertwined space and time of the Northeast of China and a cosmopolitan border fortress of multi-cultural exchanges and conflicts.

With this exhibition, we hope to present fiction, poetry, painting, photography, video, installation and other media created based on Dandong by creators from different eras. It aims to present the internal view of Dandong-born creators and etic observations of "outsiders." The exhibitors include local research groups of cultural and historical archives in Dandong, creators-in-residence who have long been concerned with local culture, as well as Japanese writers born in Antung and Reuters journalists based in Dandong. The works contain detailed visual records of the Sino-North Korean border and imaginations of the national landscape of North Korea, private memories of Dandong by scholars from Chinese Korean ethnic community, and young directors' visions of Dandong's future. All their personal histories outline the historical space of Dandong (Antung). Therefore, this exhibition presents historical facts and archives, and more importantly, hopes to assemble, reconstruct and recreate local landscapes through the artists' unique perspectives. In addition, the exhibition miniaturizes the spatial geography of the Yalu River in the exhibition hall, trying to explore new possibilities of local studies and spatial narratives.

In recent years, the reform and opening up, nuclear tests and the phenomenon of defectors in North Korea have gained widespread attention in society. The story near the border may seem far away from us, but it precisely outlines the territory of our motherland and the spatial scope between countries. It is the borders that define things. This exhibition is also part of the Border Project based on interdisciplinary research in art, architecture, and anthropology. As an important phenomenon in the postmodern global cultural landscape, the disparity in time and space between contemporary art originated from the modern West and the local culture is gradually dissolving,  reconstructing the order and boundaries of global public culture by referencing each other. Therefore, the study of local knowledge has become necessary for understanding the specific context of contemporary knowledge generation and is an essential path for developing locally-based contemporary Chinese art in globalization. Border Project focuses on the vast local cultural resources in China, especially the borderlands at the forefront of knowledge generation and exchange. From the geographical borders, we attempt to take an interdisciplinary view to observe the boundary of culture, history, language, and social psychology, which is broader and more complex, and explore more possibilities for artistic innovation. 





LIANG Chen was born in Dandong, Liaoning, China, in 1987. He graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Architecture from Jilin Jianzhu University. From 2011 to 2015, as former associate and senior project architect at Vector Architects, Liang completed projects including Aranya Seashore Library (also known as "Lonely Library"). In 2017, Liang established his independent architecture and art studio Aleph-Liangchen. His representative architecture projects include Singer House, Erguna, China. His solo exhibitions include 1976/2020, DRC No.12, Beijing (2020); Liang Chen: Aleph, Luxelakes·A4 Art Museum, Chengdu, China(2019). As a curator, Liang's curatorial practices include Space Discipline, OCAT Shanghai, Shanghai (2020).

Liang focuses on the flow and temporal accumulation of a definite collection (a specific concept, object, space, etc.) over a long period, multiple periods and large scale in his dual practice of architecture and art. Since 2013, Liang began to observe his hometown Dandong, Liaoning, in the aforementioned way, which anchored the departure point and source for his work. Built on his research and project experience in Erguna, Dandong and Xinjiang, Liang initiated interdisciplinary research "Border Project" in art, architecture and anthropology, which focuses on geographical borders, namely the forefront of knowledge production and exchange, to further explore the broader borders of culture, history, language, and social milieu.

✦ 《从安东到丹东:鸭绿江上的木筏、断桥与过客》✦

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即日起 — 2022年3月12日




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Click Ten Gallery

