

孟庆伟Justin 孟庆伟英文写作 2021-02-10

熟悉这个公众号的朋友应该知道我上个月做了“小词大用”音频课,目前有 500 多人购买收听,反馈也不错。今天我亲自上阵,让新老朋友感受一下这些词的“实战效果”。

我随机找了交通拥堵这个话题来写,目标是写一篇逻辑自洽的短文,全部用上“小词大用”第一辑中的 12 个词。

下面这篇我刚刚花 20 分钟写的:

No urban challenge has perhaps bugged cities in so many countries for so long than traffic congestion. It has long characterized international cities from Beijing to Bangkok, from London to Los Angeles. That Angelenos on average waste 119 hours a year stuck in gridlock is alarming. While megacities like Beijing and Los Angeles boast countless perks unfound in smaller cities, they are hard-pressed to address the increasingly pressing traffic problem.

Singapore seems to provide an alternative out of the urban mess. It has in recent years upgraded its public transport system, enabling more buses and new trains to transport people as well as goods. Cycling is also getting more desirable for young professionals presumably because a few bike-sharing schemes provide a reliable fleet of two-wheelers. Thanks to the combination of improvements, Singapore has seen the average commute time drop. After all, the time saved amounts to productivity enhanced, which can easily translate into GDP. 

If the Singaporean story can serve as a source of inspiration, it will only be a matter of time when we see more cities shift from traffic snarls to fast-flowing arteries. 

这三段话共 189 个字,加起来 10 句话,加粗的单词是“小词大用”第一辑的 12 个小词。相信大家阅读这几段英文没太大压力,不过更重要的是,这些词你认识,但是真的能用出来吗?

”小词大用“第一辑 12 词


其实,这 12 个单词正好涵盖了 12 个小类:表因果、表关联、表可能、表拥有、表等同/相似、描述现象、描述变化 、描述特点、表正向、表负向、提出问题、总结/讨论解决方案。

如果我们可以掌握这些词,在口语和写作中就会自信很多。不管是四六级考试写作、考研英语写作、托福雅思口语和写作,还是写英文邮件、做英文 presentation,都可以用得上。

“小词大用”第一辑原价 99 元,限时优惠价 39 元,用一杯星巴克的价格就可以学习口语和写作中的必备小词。如果你想感受下音频课的风格,欢迎免费试听第一个小词。


P.S. 顺便预告一下这周六北京的线下活动。我会以一篇 600 字的原汁原味《经济学人》文章为例,通过具体例子和练习同观众分享怎样从词、句、段不同维度消化《经济学人》,提升英文写作。

2020 年现象级英语社群的小伙伴可以免费参加,还可以免费邀请两名好友同行。名额有限,报满即止。欢迎扫下面海报上的二维码报名

孟庆伟 Justin

个人微信 ID:justinqmeng


《经济学人》11 年研究者

雅思写作 8 分,口语 8 分





