

孟庆伟Justin 孟庆伟英文写作 2021-02-10

去年“小词大用”第一辑音频课推出后,为了让读者感受小词的实战效果,我写了篇英文短文,全部用上了第一辑 12 个词。

前不久推出了“小词大用”第二辑,里面还是有 12 个小词,同样高频、地道、好用。下面我想再通过一篇短文来展示这些小词的灵活性。

这次我选了过去一个月很多人生活中的主题:新型冠状病毒肺炎,尽可能在较短的篇幅中用上 12 个小词,并且逻辑通顺。

Here we go:

As every Chinese family joyfully awaited the Spring Festival, a silently deadly threat loomed: an outbreak of disease caused by a new virus known as SARS-CoV-2 was wreaking havoc and causing global alarm. Home to 11m people, Wuhan is the unfortunate epicenter of the virus, whose residents are most susceptible to contagion. As of today, nearly 20,000 people have been infected in Wuhan, constituting over half of all the confirmed cases in Hubei province.

China soon turned into a de facto battlefield. Travel restrictions were imposed on Wuhan and nearby cities. Local doctors and nurses worked around the clock to diagnose patients and save lives. But this hardly sufficed. More manpower, money, and medical resources were needed. Volunteer medical teams conducive to the combat flew in from other provinces to support overwhelmed local doctors. Donations of money, masks, and protective gear poured in. 

It is widely believed that the outbreak would be much less severe, were it not for the initial cover-up on the part of local government, which soon translated into widespread contagion. Also held accountable was the Red Cross Society of Hubei. It was ill-prepared, understaffed, poorly-managed; its trademark inertia was frowned upon by the majority of Chinese. 

In much of the country, life has been upended. What used to be taken for granted, such as visiting friends, sipping a Latte at your favorite coffee shop, or going to the movie theater, has become a luxury. 

With the daily number of confirmed cases being brought down, however, people are hopeful that the epidemic will come to an end soon and that a sound policy will be the springboard for economic recovery. We shall prevail!  

这五段话共 270 多个字,加粗的单词是“小词大用”第二辑的 12 个小词。相信大家阅读这几段英文没太大压力,不过更重要的是,这些词你认识,但是真的能用出来吗?


其实,这 12 个单词正好涵盖了 12 个小类:表因果、表关联、表可能、表拥有、表等同/相似、描述现象、描述变化 、描述特点、表正向、表负向、提出问题、总结/讨论解决方案。

如果我们可以掌握这些词,在口语和写作中就会自信很多。不管是四六级考试写作、考研英语写作、托福雅思口语和写作,还是写英文邮件、做英文 presentation,都可以用得上。

“小词大用”第一辑原价 99 元,限时优惠价 39 元,用一杯星巴克的价格就可以学习口语和写作中的必备小词。如果你想感受下音频课的风格,欢迎免费试听第一个小词。

P.S. 2020 年现象级英语社群会员可以免费学习“小词大用”第一辑和第二辑。

P.P.S. 课程福利:购买“小词大用”第二辑可以自动获得 2020 年现象级英语社群 300 元优惠券



孟庆伟 Justin

个人微信 ID:justinqmeng


《经济学人》11 年研究者

雅思写作 8 分,口语 8 分





