
看巴黎 2024 奥运会宣传片有感

孟庆伟Justin 孟庆伟英文写作 2022-01-07

下面的英文是我在 YouTube Paris 2024 申奥委员会官方频道的视频下写的留言。太喜欢这个巴黎 2024 奥运会宣传片了,忍不住看了又看,记录下自己的观看感受,和你分享。

Love and greetings from China. I watched this on TV and loved it so much that I searched it on YouTube and watched it again and again. Each country has its own defining culture, and the Olympics are a great vehicle for the host country to showcase it. 

The French have done an extraordinary job. The choice of Marseillaise comes as no surprise, but the rendering is epic, elegant, and evocative. The aerial filming, the selection of musical instruments (especially flute at the beginning, marimba and timpani in the middle, and saxophone at the end), the indoor (not least at Musée du Louvre) and outdoor settings: everything is just perfect. 

The most immensely surprising and gratifying moment comes when the camera moves skyward and when viewers think the show's over, Thomas Pesquet appears, playing saxophone from outer space. No doubt this last scene of serenity and timelessness will live in the memories of many. 

Bravo to all the performers. Looking forward to the Paris 2024 Olympics!

孟庆伟 Justin

个人微 ID:justinqmeng


初中英语 70 分(满分 100)

两次获雅思写作 8 分,口语 8 分

题图:La Marseillaise s’empare de Paris 截图


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