中国迎来了加入WTO的第十五周年。IMI研究员、中国人民大学法学院副教授胡天龙在China daily发表文章指出,按照入世协议,中国应当在这一天获得完全市场经济地位,然而美国、欧盟、日本等世界主要市场经济体均表示继续不承认中国为市场经济国家。这一做法不仅对渐弱的国际贸易产生消极影响,而且会对世界范围内反全球化的趋势推波助澜。作者最后提出警告:否定中国的市场经济,重提贸易保护主义,是不明智的行为。
China welcomed the 15th anniversary of its entry into the World Trade Organization on Dec 11. In accordance with Article 15 of the accession protocol signed in 2001, the surrogate country approach for calculating so-called dumping tariffs expired on Dec 11, 2016.
China should have received market economy status to better protect its companies and workers from the harm of anti-dumping regulations in other markets, such as the United States and the European Union.
But those major economies, joined by Japan, have failed to abide by the rules. This will not only have a negative impact on global trade but will also worsen the global financial situation and the anti-globalization trends in some parts of the world.
After joining the WTO, China has been improving its market system and level of marketization. It has also contributed a lot to the sustainable growth of the global economy. At present, it is working on further perfecting its market economy system and to shoulder more responsibility for global economic development. So it is unwise and unreasonable for the above-mentioned economies to continue to employ the tool of the surrogate approach for setting tariffs, which is based on conditions in third countries.
One one hand, China has always actively participated and integrated with the world trade system, and has consistently improved its market system and marketization level during exchanges with other economies. Through many global and regional cooperation mechanisms, such as APEC, G20 and AIIB, China has advocated win-win and inclusive development concepts, and it is shouldering more responsibility in the world.
On the other hand, China has always worked on building a market economy system to higher standards to provide a more diversified development path for world economic development. Through new economic concepts such as the Belt and Road Initiative, China has been working to push globalization.
It is important to clarify that there is no perfect market system in any country or region. The so-called "full market economy country" is also a concept with blurry standards. But whether in state-owned companies' reform or in building and improving multilayered capital market, China has always been open and responsive to its imperfections and keeps making progress - which I think is the essence of a market economy.
Undoubtedly, as an important player in the global market economy, China has proved that it is worthy of market economy status. And it has been patient, as it has waited for what was written in Article 15 to be carried out properly. It concerns not only China's development, but also the world's prosperity.
For other members of the WTO, respecting Article 15 and giving up the surrogate approach is not only their legal duty but also a reasonable judgment and a smart choice. For the European Union, which is now facing crises such as Brexit and other problems, it would be unwise of them to adopt protectionism.
编辑 魏宗 肖子琛
来源 China Daily
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