讲座实录 | 欧美亚货币体系演进历程
4月2日上午10点,现任法国巴黎高等师范学院教授、法国国家科学中心董事会成员、研究部主任、高级研究员德佩罗教授(Georges Depeyrot)做客大金融思想沙龙,于明德主楼801会议室举行了以“欧美亚货币史”为主题的讲座,讲述了世界从金银复本位制向单一金本位制转化的货币历史。财政金融学院何平教授主持了本次讲座。
德佩罗教授的讲座主要包含欧洲货币体系演进过程、金矿与银矿的开发及其影响、以白银危机(1860-1914)为研究对象的国际项目(DAMIN Program)以及上海与海上贸易四个部分。在序言部分中,德佩罗教授利用丰富的图片资料及模拟视频对西欧货币体系的演变进行了生动而透彻的解读。之后,他以19世纪中叶美国西部的淘金热为例说明了金矿开发的历程及其对环境和经济带来的影响,并介绍了当时由金银组成的货币体系。
Georges Depeyrot
Minutes of Macro-Finance Salon (No. 117): Europe, Asia, USA; Gold and Silver
The minutes are based on the speech by Georges Depeyrot at the Macro-Finance Salon (No. 117) held on April 2, 2019. Georges Depeyrot is professor of Supreme Normal University of Paris, board member, senior researcher and research director of National Center for Scientific Research in France.
New Mines and the Following Consequences
— the gold rush in California (started from 1848) brought tremendous improvements to the American economy and resulted in huge environmental destruction and human loss (mining disasters) at the same time.
The DAMIN Program on Silver Crisis (1860-1914)
(1) Historical Background
— With the development on steam, navigation and electronic technology, many silver mines were exploited in Europe and forged into currency.
— The monetary system at that time was based on gold and silver linked by an old and stable relationship (1g of gold= 15.5g of silver)
(2) Subject of the Program
— the consequences of the arrival of silver on the market
(3) Aim of the Program
— analyze the dynamism of monetary and financial systems and find out the reason for the silver crisis
(4) Findings
— The silver crisis resulted from the discovery of silver mines, the improvement on minting technique, the increasingly prosperous global economy and the mobility of currency.
Further Explanation: Shanghai, the international port and its currency crisis
— Shanghai had been the international port in the late 19th century
— the flow of gold and silver in the economic ecosystem around the Pacific Ocean
gold: from China (Shanghai) and countries in northern Asia to America
silver: from America and European countries to China (Shanghai)
— the flow of gold and silver in global economic ecosystem
gold: from China (Shanghai), India, Australia and South Africa to Britain and other European countries
silver: from Britain to India and China (Shanghai)
— A currency invented by one country could circulate freely in another country.
— A flood of money could destroy the monetary system.
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嘉宾简介丨Georges Depeyrot
1977年于法国图卢兹大学(Toulouse University)获博士学位。现任法国巴黎高等师范学院教授。法国国家科学中心董事会成员、研究部主任、高级研究员。先后任ANR DAMIN Silver monetary depreciation and international relations 、Coins and the defense of the Roman and Byzantine borders (with Romania and Georgia)、International program of scientific cooperation "Coinage, economy and history" (with Romania) 等科研项目的项目主任。在线杂志OMNI编辑委员会委员(Member of the editorial board of The online journal OMNI)。美国钱币学会访问学者。在经济史、货币史、钱币学方面著述众多,具有广泛的国际影响。担任以各种语言出版和发表古代到20世纪货币史和钱币学(Monetary history and Numismatics)专著和论文的在线钱币网络机构Moneta(www.moneta.be)的学术主管。
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整理 周润丰
审校 田雯
监制 朱霜霜
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