海外之声 | 央行数字货币:践行伟大构想
作者 | 阿古斯丁·卡斯滕斯,国际清算银行总经理
Central bank digital currencies: putting a big idea into practice
Agustín Carstens, General Manager, Bank for International Settlements
Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) discussion on Central Bank Digital Currencies
Basel, 31 March 2021
Source: BIS
Finally, I will discuss the possible impact on the international monetary system, where I feel that some clarifications are in order. Contrary to some of the hyperbole around international currency competition, central banks’ work on CBDCs is a global collaborative effort.
[i] See Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI), Fast payments – Enhancing the speed and availability of retail payments, November 2016; and M Bech, J Hancock and W Zhang, “Fast retail payment systems”, BIS Quarterly Review, March 2020, pp 28–9.CBDCs and fast payment systems: commonalities and differences
What is a CBDC and how does it compare with other payment options?
A CBDC is a digital payment instrument, denominated in the national unit of account, which is adirect liability of the central bank, like cash. It provides a new, digital form of central bank money – a safe,neutral and ultimate settlement medium that can extinguish all claims in a transaction.[i]
As you know, today’s payment system is a public-private partnership, working in two tiers. Onthe central bank balance sheet, you have cash and commercial bank deposits at the central bank(“reserves”) (Graph 1). The private sector provides commercial bank money, which users can accessthrough bank transfers, cheques, credit and debit cards, and automated teller machines (ATMs).
Between these two, you have constant clearing on the central bank’s balance sheet. Central bank money has several features. First, the central bank offers the ultimate means of settlement, thus helping to extinguish all obligations with finality and eliminating any residual risks involved in making payments. Second, by creating this settlement medium on demand (ie generating intraday settlement liquidity, typically on a collateralised basis), it oils the wheels of the payment system.[ii] Third, in times of stress, it can act as a lender of last resort. These features – finality, intraday liquidity and lender of last resort – are central banks’ key contributions to the payment system. They ensure its safety, trustworthiness and operational efficiency.
Another important feature of central bank money is neutrality. As a non-commercial party, the central bank holds a trusted role at the centre of the system.[iii]
Comparing CBDCs with these existing elements of the payment system, bank reserves can be seen as CBDCs for exclusive use by commercial banks. Financial institutions hold reserves at the central bank and use them for interbank settlement in the payment system. In Graph 2, these are shown in green, as they exist today. Financial institutions use central bank money as the ultimate settlement asset, since payments in central bank money are final and free of credit and liquidity risk. Settlement in central bank money is hence “ultimate”, and plays a fundamental role in the financial system.
CBDCs open up possibilities for other new types of central bank money. They can be for wholesale use – just among commercial banks – or retail use, for the general public. In either case, they can be offered through accounts at the central bank, where ownership depends on personal identification, or through cash-like digital tokens, where ownership depends on “holding” the token.
Since commercial banks’ reserves are already digitalised, they are, in effect, a form of CBDC. Nowadays, however, central banks are also exploring token-based wholesale CBDCs as a new way for financial institutions to directly access and pay in central bank money. I will not go into this today. But let me just note that the BIS Innovation Hub’s Project Helvetia showed it is feasible to integrate tokenised assets and central bank money.[iv]
Retail CBDCs grab more attention. These would give the general public a digital means to access central bank money. They could be a new form of “digital cash”, complementing physical cash.
To see what it would mean for consumers and merchants, take the example of a shopper buying $100 worth of groceries. Compare a retail CBDC payment with a typical transaction today, executed through a fast payments system (FPS) with net settlement in the central bank’s balance sheet.[v]
The customer’s payment provides final funds to the merchant immediately and at any time. Our consumer pays $100 and it arrives in real time in the shop’s account (Graph 3).[vi]
However, settlement between banks on the central bank balance sheet is typically not instantaneous for technological and operational reasons,[vii] even though the transaction between merchant and consumer is cleared instantly. This implies a loan: the merchant’s bank credits its account in real time, while the merchant’s bank has an account payable vis-à-vis the consumer’s bank (Graph 4). In an FPS with deferred settlement, credit exposures between banks accumulate during the delay[viii] but exposures are fully collateralised – an institutional safeguard designed or required by the central bank.[ix]
Only once the net of all retail fund transfers is settled on the central bank books are all claims extinguished. There is no further credit or liquidity risk (Graph 5).[x]
We see that even in commercial bank payment systems, central bank money is essential. Both central bank money and the institutional arrangements of the central bank provide finality and allow the functions of liquidity, credit and lender of last resort. This linking of systems and granting of liquidity and credit makes settlement at different points in time safer.
In contrast, the same transaction in a CBDC-based payment system would be much simpler, as a payment only involves transferring direct claims on the central bank from one user to another (Graph 6.) There is no credit risk: funds are not on the balance sheet of an intermediary, and transactions are settled directly in central bank money, on the central bank’s balance sheet, in real time.[xi] Payment is conducted fully in safe and neutral central bank money with immediate finality, without any credit granted between banks in the settlement process. Whether the CBDC is token- or account-based, the principle is the same.
CBDC architectures could differ in their operational setup and in how the private and public sectors work together to allow seamless payments.[xii] But direct settlement in central bank money is common to all – in fact, this is the quintessential feature of a CBDC-based payment system.[xiii]
Retail CBDCs, retail FPS and supporting 24/7 central bank payment systems (which could, but do not have to, include wholesale CBDCs) are part of a continuum of innovations that central banks are currently working on. From the user perspective, these solutions may look very similar (Table 1). What distinguishes a retail FPS from a retail CBDC is that the latter is a central bank liability offering the unique features of central bank money, and this could be a key difference.
Is this a major issue? Ordinarily it should not be, but it could be in some states of the world.
An individual’s decision between a CBDC or commercial bank money will depend primarily on the value added by commercial banks in terms of overall service, and their perceived safety. This is why there is regulation and supervision, and the complex clearing and settlement system provided by the central bank.
Still, in the extreme, history shows that we cannot rule out runs on commercial banks. This already has happened with wholesale central bank money, as when interbank markets froze during the Great Financial Crisis. Central banks resolved this by acting as lender of last resort. CBDCs thus need to strike a balance between reducing the exposure to bank run risk, and the need to enhance competition and improve societies’ experience with the payment system. I will come back to this.
Let me note here that cryptocurrencies and stablecoins are not backed by this central bank payment infrastructure, which is a major difference.
[i] See Group of Central Banks, Central bank digital currencies: foundational principles and core features, October 2020.
[ii] See C Borio, “On money, debt, trust and central banking”, BIS Working Papers, no 763, 2019.
[iii] See Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS), The role of central bank money in payment systems, August 2003.
[iv] Bank for International Settlements, SIX Group AG and Swiss National Bank, Project Helvetia: settling tokenised assets in central bank money, December 2020.
[v] In practice, FPS may have deferred or real-time settlement; see below.
[vi] Note that the credit exposures between banks arising from deferred settlement are generally covered by collateral.
[vii] For ease of exposition, I refer to “banks” in this speech. But commercial banks are not the only entities offering retail services for electronic payments, which are also offered by electronic money institutions, post office giro institutions and non-bank payment institutions.
[viii] For example, during weekends.
[ix] See CPMI-IOSCO, Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures, April 2012.
[x] Note that deposit insurance does not cover the outstanding credit exposures between banks in the event of default of a bank.
[xi] Note that the direct settlement in central bank money is the quintessential characteristic of a CBDC-based payment system. Alternative approaches have been suggested that envision private sector payment service providers issuing liabilities fully matched by funds held at the central bank. Such approaches have been labelled “synthetic CBDC”, which is a misnomer: as end users would not hold a claim on the central bank, these are not a CBDC by definition (see Group of Central Banks, Central bank digital currencies: foundational principles and core features, October 2020).
[xii] See R Auer and R Boehme, “The technology of retail central bank digital currency”, BIS Quarterly Review, March 2020, pp 85-100; and R Auer and R Boehme, “Central bank digital currency: the quest for minimally invasive technology”, BIS Working Papers, forthcoming. These studies differentiate between three CBDC architectures. “Direct” CBDC architectures are retail payment systems operated by the central bank. “Hybrid” CBDC architectures are intermediate solutions in which private sector intermediaries handle retail payments, but the central bank operates a backup infrastructure. And in “intermediated” CBDC architectures, the private sector operates all retail payment systems while the central bank maintains only a wholesale ledger.
[xiii] There are other ways to reduce settlement risk as well, such as requiring real-time settlement between banks. This would require 24/7 settlement operations by the central bank. This is sought as part of ongoing wholesale CBDC trials.
The user experience with a retail CBDC
If issued, what would CBDCs mean in practice for users?
Gaining access to a retail CBDC could look much like any private digital payment option today. A bank or payment service provider would open an account or “wallet” for the user. It would conduct know-your-customer (KYC) checks and ensure compliance with anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism requirements. It would address cases of payment fraud. This would depend on proper identification and rules on privacy of transaction data (Graph 7, left-hand panel).
Users would need to be able to pay using a variety of payment devices, such as prepaid CBDC devices or cards with offline capabilities, self-standing smartphone wallets and integration with bank or big tech apps (Graph 7, right-hand panel).[i]
Central bank design efforts aim to address both long-standing and emerging issues in payments. For a long time, payments have suffered from high fees for credit cards and cross-border payments, and a lack of universal access to digital payment tools. More recently, weaknesses have emerged in governance frameworks on big tech and other providers’ use of transaction data.[ii] The broad use of retail CBDCs could create more efficient payment systems and improve the welfare of the general public.[i] Just as is the case with making physical cash available to the entire economy, substantial efforts and collaboration between the private and public sectors is needed to achieve full convertibility of a CBDC. This is yet another reason why central banks are studying a wide array of designs.
[ii] See eg F Boissay, T Ehlers, L Gambacorta and H S Shin, “Big techs in finance: on the new nexus between data privacy and competition”, BIS Working Papers, forthcoming.The impact on the financial system
[ii] See eg U Bindseil, “Tiered CBDC and the financial system”, ECB Working Papers, no 2351, 2020.
The international dimension: working together
[iv] See A Kumar and E Rosenbach, “Could China’s digital currency unseat the dollar? American economic and geopolitical power is at sake”, Foreign Affairs, May 2020.
编辑 查王皓天
来源 BIS
编译 李松泽
责编 李锦璇、蒋旭
监制 朱霜霜
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