

语言与未来小编 语言与未来 2022-05-19

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日期:2019.10.262019.10.27 (星期六、星期日每天一场)





Workshop for Multilingualism


Over the past three or four decades, Multilingualism has grown into a vast field of inquiry. This workshop will look at it in the light of globalization. It begins with an overview of the multiplicity of human languages and their geographic distribution. It then presents a summary account of the complex history interlinking states and languages followed by a description of the world language system as it exists today. It offers explanations grounded in history and political philosophy for where, when and why multilingualism came to be regarded as a problem, and why it presents a serious challenge for linguistic theory today. Basic concepts such as ‘mother tongue’, ‘native speaker’, ‘speech community’, and ‘language’ are discussed with regard to what they mean to linguists, sociologists, educationalists, and innocent citizens.

Participants will be given assignments to work on in or after class. These will include presentations and deliberations of definitions of ‘multilingualism’, accounts of personal experience (language biographies), simple case studies.

The basic questions guiding the workshop are the following. Who or what is multilingual? Why do we want to know? How do we find out? Trying to answer these questions will help us to understand what multilingualism means for society and for language today.

Workshop for Language Policy and Language Planning


This workshop probes the origins and conceptual foundations of language policy. It will examine the contributions of several well-known intellectuals whose work had a decisive influence on regulating language behaviour in their own or another country. The purpose is to uncover the social, political and economic conditions underlying the desire to accomplish changes in the existing language situation and to expose the language ideology subscribed to by these experts. The scope of this review of language policy is international and spans several centuries. Documents by the said experts relating to language cultivation, language policy and language legislation will be reviewed on the basis of the simple policy formation model depicted in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1. A simplest model of language policy

By utilizing and systematising the experts’ knowledge in this way it will be possible:

-to uncover the political motivations of regulating language behaviour;

-to find out where notions of language regulation originated and how they radiated to other parts of the world;

-to understand at what historical junctures agencies tasked with controlling language behaviour were created;

-to reveal how these agencies interact with other institutions;

-to appreciate the differences between language policies in the past and today.


Florian Coulmas,德国著名语言学家,1977年获得德国比勒菲尔德大学普通语言学博士学位,1999年至今任职于德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学曾任东亚研究学院日本研究教授,现为高级教授。Coulmas教授曾在亚洲工作多年:1987-1999年任日本东京中央大学社会语言学教授,2004-2014年兼任东京日本研究所德语学院主任。他一共出版了20多部专著以及60多篇论文。近年来的重要著作有An Introduction to Multilingualism. Language in a Changing World(2018年牛津大学出版社出版)、Guardians of Language. Twenty Voices through History(2016年牛津大学出版社出版)。


学术讲座 | 王寅:融合为创新之通用法 —— 体认语言学为两股学术思潮结合之果

学术讲座 | 杨亦鸣:语言在人工智能中的核心作用


学者观点 | 郭书谏,沈骑:中国与国际期刊领域语言规划载文的比较研究(2002年-2017年)




美编 | 张大羽、赵耀

编审 | 赵耀

