The following article is from Gossamer 高势 Author Gossamer
针对老街区的微改造,最大化在地价值,活化公共空间的社区价值成为设计师探索的重要课题,GVL怡境国际集团作为城镇活化的参与者与探索者,在多个设计实践中,以创意设计激发社区活力和生命力。其中怡境国际旗下GVL Gossamer(高势)团队最近在社区活化的创意设计成果引起业界关注。
Drawing on the re-popularization of the cult classic 80s video game, a scene is set for a ‘digital to real-life’ bombardment of Tetris blocks falling onto the street-side lawn. The immediately recognizable theme in the form of over-sized 3D pixelated colored blocks presents an alternative to conventional playgrounds. TETROMINOES has become a new community catalyst landmark with local school children and their families, seeking to adopt the street space as an extension to their school’s limited play amenities. The installation further adds new experiential layers to the public domain and sets a vibrant backdrop for on-site restaurants, bus-stop commuters, and passers-by.
TETROMINOES is a bespoke artwork designed by Gossamer and fabricated by Nompoll, located on Yuyuan Road (Anxi Road intersection), Shanghai.
高势与怡境的混合实践模式将中国在建筑景观环境领域的创新与国际最佳实践的经验相结合,为设计合作与项目交付创造了一种革新模式。这种独特的运营模式由澳籍设计师Jack Qian、Alex Breedon、Nicola Balch与GVL(中国领先的本土设计机构)共同建立并为客户与合作伙伴提供了高端的精品服务和可拓展的交付能力,得到了来自本地与国际专家团队的广泛支持。