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热点 | 中国体育虐待儿童?每日邮报,连外国小伙伴都忍不了你了

2016-08-16 译世界 译·世界

英国每日邮报日前(8月13日)在Facebook上发了一条关于中国儿童在体操房受到非人训练的帖子。标题为“中国如何用残酷的方式讲孩子训练成未来的奥运之星”(How China brutally trains children to be future Olympic stars)。


但是,仔细一看并不难发现,这篇帖子的内容,从图片到标题几乎是照搬每日邮报记者Matt Blake在2012年8月发表的题为“折磨还是训练?残酷的中国体操房里,国家未来的奥运明星惨遭毒打” (Torture or training? Inside the brutal Chinese gymnasium where the country's future Olympic stars are beaten into shape)那篇报道。



据报道,美国人类学家、中国体育研究专家包苏珊教授(Dr. Brownell)在《北京奥运:奥运对中国意味着什么》(Beijing’s Games: What The Olympics Means to China)一书里分析了西方媒体对于中国奥运的“冷战式报道”,在这些报道中,就包括这样的谬论:这个由国家支持的体育系统其实是生产呆板的体育机器人的血汗工厂,造成的结果是中国运动员文化水平普遍欠缺。另外一个经常被西方媒体拿来攻击中国体育的例子是中国运动员从小就被送去寄宿制的体校接受严酷的训练,这简直是虐待儿童。

Dr. Brownell

《北京奥运:奥运对中国意味着什么》(Beijing’s Games: What The Olympics Means to China



Rachel Dixon: I can’t speak for China but 25(ish) years back I went to Russia had the same reputation as China for dubious training methods as suggested by the above article. Yep the training was hard and yes we were push to our limit but what I did see was an amazing relationship between the Russian coaches and their gymnasts-it was based on trust, respect and an overall care for their gymnast’s wellbeing. I hope that this is the case in China.

Rachel Dixon:中国我不好说,但是25年前我作为受训运动员去过俄罗斯并在那里接受为期6个星期的体操训练。那时候俄罗斯也据说用的是跟上文提到类似的饱受争议的训练方法。真实的情况是,训练的确很辛苦,而且我们确实一遍遍被推向体能的极限。但是我看到的还有那些运动员和他们的教练之间深刻的关联——那种建立在相互信任,彼此尊重,还有教练队运动员整体身心状态的关心基础之上的息息相关。我希望在中国情况也是一样。

Tim Conkel: This is so dumb. I’m not claiming to know everything that goes on in gymnastics, let alone how things are in China. But I’ve seen all these things happen to U.S. children in gymnastics for years. Lol Kids cry. And they cry for literally 10000000 reasons.

Tim Conkel: 太愚蠢了。不是说我自己对体操房里的一切都了若指掌,这肯定不是中国体操房里的真实情况。我倒是看了好几年美国孩子在体操房里的样子。哈哈,小孩都哭,而且他们哭的缘由能找出来10000000不重样的。

Hanxue Huang: Artist gymnastics is hard as you can see in Olympic performance. I was trained in China. We were sent to another city to become better. We cried a lot and we did train hours every day. However, if you want to be the star that is the normal process to be successful. It’s your choice to challenge yourself to become a professional gymnastic. No one force you to stay.

Hanxue Huang: 艺术体操和大家在奥运会上见到的一样难。我曾经在中国受训,我们被带到另一个城市磨练技能。我们常掉眼泪,每天训练很多个小时。但是如果你想成为运动场上的明星,这就是成功的必经之路。可是你自己选择了要变成职业的体操运动员并且自愿去挑战你的极限,没人逼你留下。

Alvis Mun Yew Loo: So, other countries train their Olympic stars at 5 stars hotel with babysitters and athlete can win without exercises, pains, and tears?

Get sick of this so-called main stream media.

Alvis Mun Yew Loo:所以,别的国家都在五星级酒店带着保姆训练奥运会选手,然后那些运动员不用练习不用经历一点伤痛不掉一滴眼泪就能赢喽?


David James Turvey: Jackie Chan had a similarlife, I read in his autobiography. If you couldn’t do the splits in his opera school then they literally pushed their weight down on you until you could.

When you think of the life Jackie Chan has now after all the hard work. Those days seem relevant somehow.

Not saying that this is good. Just saying that there’s more to this. Jackie Chan is one example.

David James Turvey:成龙也有类似的经历啊。我看过他的自传。如果你在表演学校的时候做不了劈叉,他们就是会字面意义上的把你压到能劈下去为止。



Jill Martin: Omg please. This is a lie. The same thing happens in the US. Kids are “recruited” in elementary school because gyms go to open houses. Kids train 10 hours a day because they are world class elites, not 5 years old. They get to that level around 13 or 14. It is their job. Also, EVERY kid cries in gymnastics, it happens.

Jill Martin:我的天,谢谢了。这瞎话说的。美国也一样好吗。小孩都是从小学“招”来的,那些训练馆都会去学校的开放日。那些孩子每天训练十个小时因为他们都是世界级的精英,不是5岁的小朋友。他们到十三、四岁就达到很高的水平,这个就是他们的工作。另外,每!个!孩!子!都在体操房哭鼻子,常事儿。

Ryan Jackson: Ethnocentrism is to judge one culture’s standards by your own cultural standards. Idk why these kids are crying, idk if this is an acceptable practice in China, idk their views on it, it may be an honor to the family, it may not be, but I’m sure we have plenty of things done here in the west that disgust other cultures around the world as well.

Ryan Jackson: 民族中心主义就是以自己的文化标准来评断别的文化。我不知道为什么那些孩子在哭,我不知道是否这种类型的训练在中国可以被接受,我不知道中国对此的看法,也许这种艰苦的训练对家庭来说始终荣耀。也可能不是。但我无比确定西方也在做一大堆被别的文化所不齿的事儿。

Manley Beasley: Asians are awesome. The majority of this is probably complete bull. Sadly, my country is convinced that it has everything “all figured out.” We’re not the “best country in the world”, guys. It’s time to figure that out. Putting down other countries doesn’t make us any better.

Plus, Asians are better at everything. I mean, what the heck.

Manley Beasley:亚洲人棒棒哒。这篇玩意儿大部分都是扯淡的。真悲剧我自己的国家觉得自己“早就看穿了一切”。同志们,我们不是“全世界最好的国家”。现在就是时候睁开眼睛看清楚这点了。抹黑别人也不能让我们变得更好。


Harry Rigby: That’s so rude of you to say this is clearly showing everything wrongs with their training and not including the good parts… China are doing well so leave it.

Harry Rigby: 你们只讲训练过程哪儿都不是,一点好的地方都不提非常无礼。中国发展挺好的,让它静静。

Roberto Sulfaro: Maybe if kids in Australia had a bit more discipline in every bloody facet of their lives we wouldn’t be a bunch of whinging, stupid, weak and political correct hippies. Toughen up sunshine.

Roberto Sulfaro: 要是澳大利亚的孩子能在生活各方面都稍微有点纪律,我们就不会是一帮就会抱怨又傻又弱还政治正确的嬉皮士了。汉子点,阳光宝宝。



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