关注 | 厉害了少年!16岁TFBOYS王源联合国全英文发言(双语视频+全文)
TFBOYS-王源 亮相联合国
当地时间1月31日,TFBOYS组合成员王源作为中国青年代表,受邀赴纽约联合国总部出席联合国经社理事会2017青年论坛(ECOSOC Youth Forum 2017),并代表中国年轻一代用英文发言,就优质教育等问题阐述看法。首次亮相联合国的王源一袭黑色西装大方得体,用英文演讲也毫不怯场。厉害了,我们的中国少年!赶快来一起感受下吧↓↓↓
Dear excellences, friends and colleagues. First, I would like to thank all speakers and panelists for the enlightening speeches.
My name is Roy Wang. I am a young singer and actor from China, the country that hosts 278 million young people, the second largest youth population in the world. Until yesterday, I only saw the UN building on TV, so this is the very first time that I am honored to participate in the Youth Forum to raise my voice.
I am grateful for this unique opportunity. I was fortunate to work with United Nation’s China Subgroup on Youth to advocate for the “Imagine 2030” campaign, which aims at encouraging the young generation in China to reflect and think about the world we want to see in 2030, the year the sustainable development goals are expected to be achieved. This campaign meaningfully engaged a large number of young people, including millions of left-behind children and other marginalized young people, and provided them with an opportunity to express their views and share their imagination to inspire our world.
I submitted a cartoon drawing project. My passion for 2030 is that every young person can access good quality education, girls have the same potential to achieve amazing things as boys. With the support from many young people across the country, the campaign which has been running for a few months since October, 2016 recorded over 500 million views online inspired by the campaign. Understanding SDGs has become a fashion among the young people.
Dear excellences, friends and colleagues, taking this opportunity both as a leader and a young person myself, I want to reassure you of Chinese young people’s motivation to advance and realize SDGs wherever you are. I truly believe that our youth power can influence the world we live in and hope that our determination can make a difference.
Thank you very much.
I would like to give the floor to a very young Chinese youth delegate that is with us today, a young celebrity in China, who championed the youth engagement in the SDGs through "Imagine 2030" and several campaigns together with the UN.
Wang Yuan, you have the floor.
这个词也是常用词,比如我们在举办奥运会时,东道国的英文是host country;举办展览会的英文也是host the exhibition;许多问题英文也可以用host,英文是a host of problems。
My name is Roy Wang. I am a young singer and actor from China, the country that hosts 278 million young people, as the second largest youth population in the world.
此处host是拥有的意思,可以替换为is home to,或者简单说成has也没问题。
This campaign meaningfully engaged a large number of young people, including millions of left-behind children and other marginalized young people
这里left-behind children意思是留守儿童;看到这个词,有人可能会想到 left-over,经常用的表达为 left-over food,意思是剩饭。