
趣谈 | 超好听!老外唱英文版《凉凉》,让你的耳朵怀孕~

2017-05-31 译·世界



Breeze growing cold, fading into night

Searching high and low,running out of light

Can't let go, try as you might

Casting away, moments from before

Love is an ocean, you said it's desert on the shore

I'll show you once more

Thoughts of you are like a river

Comforting chilling my soul

Caught in a stream of matters

You're swept along growing cold

Heartbreak full of pleasant memories

Joy turning into pain

Love can not be easily forgotten

Past lives weren't lived in vain

Past lives weren't lived in vain

Deep down I know I have lived this all

Or wandering alone, for seeking what I saw

Time goes, must stand tall

Any time or place,together apart

Always it remains a place for you reserved my heart

And these outstretched arms

Thoughts of you are like a river

Comforting chilling my soul

Caught in a stream of matters

You're swept along growing cold

Heartbreak full of pleasant memories

Joy turning into pain

Love can not be easily forgotten

Past lives weren't lived in vain


Present past and future

Good bad mix into grey

Even if it takes till forever

I must try and find a way

Frozen paths lie before me

Waiting for warmth of spring

I have loved you in each and every lifetime 

You're my everything

Let me hold you eternally



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