
视频 | 最纯正英音!Queen's Speech 2019来了【双语全文】

译·世界 2021-03-17

当地时间10月14日,英国女王伊丽莎白二世在英国议会上议院发表“女王演讲”(Queen's Speech),阐述约翰逊政府未来政务重点以及该政府希望议会批准的法律。这是她的第65次“女王演讲”。

议会开幕大典(State Opening of Parliament)是英国每年于上议院议事厅举行的仪典。在仪典中,两院议员会聚首一堂,恭听君主致辞,标志着新一届国会会期的正式开始。

议会开幕大典有着非常繁复的庆祝过程,皇室,上议院,下议院以及很多贵族富豪都会参与其中。还能在威斯敏斯特沿街看到皇室前往议会大厦的壮观马车队。      “我的政府的首要任务,一直是确保英国在10月31日脱离欧盟。”演讲一开始,英国女王就开门见山,“政府打算在自由贸易和友好合作的基础上同欧洲联盟建立新的伙伴关系。” 




My Lords and Members of the House of Commons.上议院和下议院的各位议员,
My Government’s priority has always been to secure the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union on 31 October. My Government intends to work towards a new partnership with the European Union, based on free trade and friendly cooperation.我国政府始终将确保英国于10月31日脱离欧洲联盟列为首要任务,打算在自由贸易和友好合作的基础上努力与欧洲联盟建立新的伙伴关系。
My Ministers will work to implement new regimes for fisheries, agriculture and trade, seizing the opportunities that arise from leaving the European Union . An immigration bill, ending free movement, will lay the foundation for a fair, modern and global immigration system.各位大臣将努力实施新的渔业,农业和贸易体制,抓住从脱离欧盟所产生的机遇。一项结束自由流动的移民法案将为建立公平,现代化和全球化的移民体系奠定基础。
My Government remains committed to ensuring that resident European citizens, who have built their lives in, and contributed so much to, the United Kingdom, have the right to remain. The bill will include measures that reinforce this commitment. Steps will be taken to provide certainty, stability and new opportunities for the financial services and legal sectors .我国政府仍然致力于确保在联合王国建立了自己的生活并作出巨大贡献的欧洲居民有权继续居住。该法案将包括加强这一承诺的措施,将会采取措施为金融服务和法律部门提供确定性,稳定性和新的机会。
My Government’s new economic plan will be underpinned by a responsible fiscal strategy, investing in economic growth while maintaining the sustainability of the public finances.Measures will be brought forward to support and strengthen the National Health Service, its workforce and resources, enabling it to deliver the highest quality care.我国政府的新经济计划将以负责任的财政战略为基础,在促进经济增长的同时保持公共财政的可持续性。将会采取行动来支持和加强国家卫生服务局,及其劳动力和资源,使其能够提供最优质的护理。
New laws will be taken forward to help implement the National Health Service’s Long Term Plan in England, and to establish an independent body to investigate serious healthcare incidents .新的法律将会出台以帮助在英国实施国家卫生局的长期计划,并建立一个独立的机构来调查严重的医疗事故。
My Government will bring forward proposals to reform adult social care in England to ensure dignity in old age. My Ministers will continue work to reform the Mental Health Act to improve respect for, and care of, those receiving treatment.我国政府将提出改革英格兰成人社会保健的建议,以确保老年人的尊严。大臣们将继续努力,改革《精神卫生法》,以增进对受治疗者的尊重和照顾。

My Government is committed to addressing violent crime, and to strengthening public confidence in the criminal justice system. New sentencing laws will see that the most serious offenders spend longer in custody to reflect better the severity of their crimes . Measures will be introduced to improve the justice system’s response to foreign national offenders . 我国政府致力于解决暴力犯罪问题,并加强公众对刑事司法系统的信心。新的刑法将让重刑犯会服更久的刑期,以更好地反映犯罪的严重性。政府将采取措施改善司法系统对外国国民罪犯的回应。
My Government will work to improve safety and security in prisons and to strengthen the rehabilitation of offenders. Proposals will be brought forward to ensure that victims receive the support they need and the justice they deserve. Laws will be introduced to ensure that the parole system recognises the pain to victims and their families caused by offenders refusing to disclose information relating to their crimes .我国政府将努力改善监狱的安全和保障,并加强罪犯的改造;将会提出建议,以确保受害者获得他们需要的支持和应有的正义;将出台法律,以确保假释制度承认罪犯拒绝披露与犯罪有关的信息给受害者及其家庭带来的痛苦。
A new duty will be placed on public sector bodies, ensuring they work together to address serious violence . Police officers will be provided with the protections they need to keep the population safe. They will also be awarded the power to arrest individuals who are wanted by trusted international partners .公共部门机构将会被赋予新的职责,以确保它们共同努力以应对严重的暴力行为。警务人员将获得保护人群安全所需的保护措施。他们还将被授予逮捕受信任的国际伙伴所通缉的个人的权力。
My Government will bring forward measures to protect individuals, families and their homes. Legislation will transform the approach of the justice system and other agencies to victims of domestic abuse, and minimise the impact of divorce, particularly on children. My Ministers will continue to develop proposals to improve internet safety, and will bring forward laws to implement new building safety standards.我国政府将提出保护个人,家庭及其房屋的措施。立法将改变司法系统和其他机构对家庭虐待受害者的态度,并最大程度地减少离婚的影响,特别是对儿童的影响。大臣们将继续提出改善互联网安全的提议,并将提出法律以实施新的建筑安全标准。
My Ministers will ensure that all young people have access to an excellent education, unlocking their full potential and preparing them for the world of work. My Government will take steps to make work fairer, introducing measures that will support those working hard. To help people plan for the future, measures will be brought forward to provide simpler oversight of pensions savings. To protect people’s savings for later life, new laws will provide greater powers to tackle irresponsible management of private pension schemes .大臣们将确保所有年轻人都能获得优质教育,释放他们的全部潜力,并为进入职场做好准备。我国政府将采取措施使工作更加公平,并采取措施支持那些努力工作的人。为了帮助人们规划未来,将会提出措施以简化对养老金储蓄的监督。为了保障人们今后的储蓄,新法律将提供更大的权力来解决对私人养老金计划不负责任的管理。

To ensure that the benefits of a prospering economy reach every corner of the United Kingdom, my Ministers will bring forward a National Infrastructure Strategy. This will set out a long-term vision to improve the nation’s digital, transport and energy infrastructure. New legislation will help accelerate the delivery of fast, reliable and secure broadband networks to millions of homes . An aviation bill will provide for the effective and efficient management of the United Kingdom’s airspace Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Aircraft Bill. Proposals on railway reform will be brought forward.为了确保繁荣发展的经济惠益到达联合王国的每个角落,我国部长们将提出一项《国家基础设施战略》。这将提出改善该国数字,交通和能源基础设施的长期愿景。新法规将有助于加快向数百万家庭提供快速,可靠和安全的宽带网络的交付。航空法案将为英国空域空中交通管理和无人飞机法案提供有效和高效的管理。将提出有关铁路改革的建议。
A white paper will be published to set out my Government’s ambitions for unleashing regional potential in England, and to enable decisions that affect local people to be made at a local level.一份白皮书将会发布,以阐明我国政府在释放英格兰地区潜力方面的雄心壮志,并使影响当地人民的决定能够在本地一级做出。
My Government is committed to establishing the United Kingdom as a world-leader in scientific capability and space technology. Increased investment in science will be complemented by the development of a new funding agency, a more open visa system, and an ambitious national space strategy.我国政府致力于建设联合王国,使其成为科学能力和空间技术的世界领导者。在科学方面的投资增加将通过发展新的资助机构,更开放的签证制度和雄心勃勃的国家太空战略来补充。
My Ministers remain committed to protecting and improving the environment for future generations. For the first time, environmental principles will be enshrined in law. Measures will be introduced to improve air and water quality, tackle plastic pollution and restore habitats so plants and wildlife can thrive.各位大臣继续致力于为子孙后代保护和改善环境。环境原则将首次载入法律。将采取措施改善空气和水的质量,解决塑料污染并恢复栖息地,使植物和野生动植物得以繁衍。 
Legislation will also create new legally-binding environmental improvement targets. A new, world-leading independent regulator will be established in statute to scrutinise environmental policy and law, investigate complaints and take enforcement action .立法机构还将制定新的具有法律约束力的环境改善目标。将在法规中建立一个新的,世界领先的独立监管机构,以审查环境政策和法律,调查投诉并采取执法行动。

Proposals will also be brought forward to promote and protect the welfare of animals, including banning imports from trophy hunting.提案仍将提出,以促进和保护动物福利,包括禁止从有奖狩猎中进口商品。
The integrity and prosperity of the union that binds the four nations of the United Kingdom is of the utmost importance to my Government. My Ministers will bring forward measures to support citizens across all the nations of the United Kingdom.对联合王国内四个国家具有约束力的联盟的完整性和繁荣对我国政府至关重要。大臣们将提出措施,支持联合王国内所有国家的公民。
My Government remains committed to working with all parties in Northern Ireland to support the return of devolved government and to address the legacy of the past.我国政府仍然致力于与北爱尔兰的所有各方合作,以支持权力下放的政府的回归并解决过去的遗留问题。
My Government will take steps to protect the integrity of democracy and the electoral system in the United Kingdom.我国政府将采取步骤,保护联合王国的民主和选举制度的完整性。
My Government will continue to invest in our gallant Armed Forces. My Ministers will honour the Armed Forces Covenant and the NATO commitment to spend at least two per cent of national income on defence.我国政府将继续投资于我们英勇的武装部队。我的部长们将遵守《武装部队盟约》和北约关于将至少国民收入的2%用于国防的承诺。
As the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, my Government will ensure that it continues to play a leading role in global affairs, defending its interests and promoting its values.随着联合王国离开欧洲联盟,我国政府将确保其在全球事务中继续发挥领导作用,捍卫其利益并促进其价值。

My Government will be at the forefront of efforts to solve the most complex international security issues. It will champion global free trade and work alongside international partners to solve the most pressing global challenges. It will prioritise tackling climate change and ensuring that all girls have access to twelve years of quality education.我国政府将站在解决最复杂的国际安全问题的最前沿。它将捍卫全球自由贸易,并与国际伙伴一道努力解决最紧迫的全球挑战。它将优先解决气候变化问题,并确保所有女孩都能接受十二年的优质教育。

Members of the House of Commons.


Estimates for the public services will be laid before you.


My Lords and Members of the House of Commons.


Other measures will be laid before you.


I pray that the blessing of Almighty God may rest upon your counsels.我祈求全能的上帝的祝福落在您的忠告上。



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