

译·世界 2023-12-12





共促人与自然和谐共生 共建地区发展合作高地

Promoting the Harmony of Humans and Nature and Jointly Advancing Cooperation on Regional Development


– Speech by H.E. Wang Yi at the Opening Ceremony of the Third Trans-Himalaya Forum for International Cooperation


Nyingchi, Xizang, October 5, 2023


Distinguished Guests,



Good morning!


Let me begin by congratulating the successful opening of the third China Xizang Trans-Himalaya Forum for International Cooperation. The theme of this forum, “Promoting the Harmony of Humans and Nature, Sharing the Fruits of Cooperation and Development,” is highly relevant. It helps build international consensus on advancing ecological conservation, and facilitate sustainable development in the trans-Himalaya region.




Sitting at the world’s highest altitude, the trans-Himalaya region boasts unique ecosystems, rich species and resources, diverse cultures and history, and enjoys broad space for cooperation. It is a land brimming with vigor and promise. Since the launch of this forum, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era, especially Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, China has engaged in extensive and in-depth cooperation with other countries in the trans-Himalaya region, and played an important role in bolstering the economic and social development and improving the governance of the eco-environment in the region.


We have continued to pool consensus for cooperation. We signed agreements on environmental protection cooperation with India, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. During Nepalese Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda’s visit to China last week, the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding on green and low-carbon development cooperation.


We have actively supported green development. We have carried out a number of collaborative projects in clean energy, water conservancy, sewage treatment, forest protection and climate response with other trans-Himalaya countries.


We have contributed to capacity building. We have helped regional countries train a large number of professionals in ecological and environmental protection, set up the Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Institute in Myanmar, and established the Desertification Prevention and Control Cooperation Center in Mongolia.




As transformation unseen in a century unfolds at a faster pace in our world, we are seeing the advent of an Asia century. Countries in the trans-Himalaya region are geographically connected, bonded by similar cultures and tied by a shared future. We have highly similar views on ecological conservation, and we are partners walking hand in hand toward the goal of achieving modernization. China will keep to the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness set forth by President Xi Jinping, and the policy of building friendships and partnerships in conducting neighborhood diplomacy. We will work with countries in the region to share the historical opportunities for development, build a community with a shared future with neighbors, and contribute our share to the prosperity, stability, green growth and environmental protection in the region and beyond.


We need to uphold mutual respect and mutual trust and jointly safeguard solidarity of the region. We need to respect each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, refrain from interfering in each other’s internal affairs, support each other on issues concerning our respective core interests, and resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, to jointly build the trans-Himalaya region into a family of solidarity.


We need to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and jointly build a commanding height of ecological civilization. The trans-Himalaya region is a source of Asian rivers and lakes and an ecological heartland of Asia. It is an important shield for global ecological security. We need to step up coordination on macro policy planning, deepen bilateral and multilateral cooperation on climate response, biodiversity protection, pollution control and disaster prevention and relief, and enhance the capacity of regional countries for environmental protection, to jointly build the trans-Himalaya region into a zone of ecological civilization.


We need to accelerate the green transition and boost the sustainable economic development in the region. Green and low-carbon development will be pursued in building the China-Pakistan, China-Myanmar, and BCIM economic corridors. We need to expand cooperation in such emerging industries as clean energy, electric vehicle, the digital economy and artificial intelligence, and facilitate the green and sustainable development of all participating countries, to jointly build the trans-Himalaya region into a belt of green development and cooperation.


We need to enhance connectivity and advance the process of regional integration. We need to promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, push for continued progress in the bilateral and multilateral priorities and key projects in railway, road, aviation, power grid and communications, better facilitate customs clearance at ports and cross-border transportation, strengthen the “institutional connectivity” of rules and standards and financial connectivity, to jointly build the trans-Himalaya region into a more convenient network of connectivity.


We need to intensify exchange and mutual learning and revitalize our ancient civilizations. The trans-Himalaya region is a cradle of human civilization. We need to make good use of this unique resource of the region, vigorously step up exchange and cooperation on culture and tourism, religion, and among the media, think tank, the youth and sister cities, draw on the wisdom of ancient philosophers to inspire solutions to the challenges facing humanity, to jointly build the trans-Himalaya region into a demonstration zone of people-to-people exchange.




China’s Xizang is known as the “Roof of the World”. It is a land of abundance with magnificent landscape and talented people. Ecological protection of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is essential for the Chinese nation to survive and thrive. It also bears on the climate and environment of the region and the world at large. President Xi Jinping has highlighted the imperative to firmly bear in mind that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and so are places covered with ice and snow. He underlined the need to protect the biodiversity in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, keep to the path of prioritizing ecological conservation and pursuing green development, and realize modernization that features harmony between humanity and nature.


Under the personal guidance of President Xi Jinping, the Chinese government has put high on its agenda and vigorously advanced ecological conservation in Xizang, and made all-out efforts to protect the fauna and flora, mountains and rivers on the snow-capped plateau. Today, Xizang has become one of the regions of best-quality environment in the world, with its ecological value being better harnessed, environmental benefits further highlighted, and local development green and thriving.


This year marks the beginning of China’s effort to build itself into a modern socialist country in all respects and advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through the Chinese path to modernization. On the new journey of Chinese modernization, we will continue to support Xizang in building itself into a national leader of ecological conservation by high standards and with high quality, and in deepening international exchange and cooperation in ecological protection, to safeguard the blue sky, clear water and clean land for the entire humanity. We also welcome all friends from the international community to Xizang, to see for yourselves its success story in green development, ecological conservation and ethnic unity, and see that Xizang is beautiful and prosperous and the people here are enjoying a happy life.




Let us uphold the philosophy of ecological conservation, follow the trend of green development, set our sights high and pool strength, to turn the trans-Himalaya region into a land of excellent ecological conservation and a highland of development, and keep our home planet clean and beautiful for future generations.


To conclude, I wish the forum a full success. Tashi Delek! Thank you!


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审核|肖英 / 万顷





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