

365天陪你学 英语口语 2024-05-18







The Mean Chef


Once there was a chef, who was mean to his cooks. He was mean to the people who came in to eat. He charged too much for meals. Many people were not able to afford the cheapest bean dish. When his metal oven broke, he did not have it fixed. So everything baked in it burned. The only light was from candles, and the whole place was a mess. Sometimes, he didn't pay his waiters. Since they had no funds, they had many debts.


The chef behaved this way all the time. He monitored the cooks and yelled if they did not do things his way.


One day, the cooks decided that they were tired of the abuse and that they would not be passive anymore. Everyone opposed the chef. At first, they thought about suing him. Instead, they tied up the chef with rope. Now, they controlled the restaurant! They decreased the price of food. They used the best ingredients and made large quantities of food. They turned on the lights. The restaurant was converted into a happy place. For the first time, many people came to eat.


The chef realized that the restaurant's problems were his fault. The chef learned an important lesson. The new, generous chef insisted on giving the customers a free meal.



abuse v.虐待

afford v.买得起

bake v.烤

bean n.豆

candle n.蜡烛

convert v.转换,转变

debt n.债务

decrease v.减少

fault n.过失

fund n.资金

generous adj.大方的

ingredient n.成分

insist v.坚持,强调

mess n.混乱

metal n.金属

monitor v.监视

oppose v.反对

passive adj.消极的

quantity n.数量

sue v.控告


The Cat and the Fox


One day, a cat hiked on a mountain. When he reached the peak, he met a fox. They began talking about how they get away from their enemies.


"I am very smart. I have billions of ideas. I can carve a tiny hole in a tree, and then climb in, the fox said. He added, "I have a lot of friends. If I am in trouble, I can call them to lend their help. I can escape an entire army if I have to!"


Then, the fox asked, "What are your potential plans?" The cat said, "I have only one plan." The fox said, "I hope you have good fortune, then! Do you want me to be your tutor? I can teach you many things." The cat said, "I guarantee that my plan works every time. We can quit talking about it."


Soon, they saw a group of wolves. It was an emergency. The cat quickly used her plan. She ran up a tree. The fox could not decide which plan to use. "What should my initial move be? Should I consult my friends?" The fox felt intense anxiety. All he could do was spin in a circle. The wolves caught the fox. The cat was full of pride. This is proof that having a good plan is better than having many bad plans.



anxiety n.焦虑

army n.军队

billion n.十亿

carve v.雕刻,切开

consult v.请教

emergency n.紧急情况

fortune n.运气

guarantee 保证

hike v.远足

initial adj.最初的

intense adj.强烈的

lend v.出借

peak n.山峰

potential adj.潜在的

pride n.自豪

proof n.证据

quit v.放弃

spin v.旋转

tiny adj.微小的

tutor n.导师


The Good Student


Sue left her dormitory early that morning. She had even washed her uniform the night before. She wanted to look nice for the day.


Sue was committed to learning, and she had a talent for getting good grades. In fact, Sue didn't sleep much. She composed a paper and found the perfect thesis about the importance of greenhouses. She also studied for her physics test. Sue was already tired.


During the test, she calculated her answers. Soon, she felt sick. Her face got hot, and her vision began to blur. She was blind for a moment. The teacher saw Sue's apparent sickness. He wanted to send her to the nurse. But she wouldn't go. Sue still had a portion of the test to finish.


After that, Sue went to the nurse. After seeing the secretary, she waited. A few minutes later, the nurse came in with a glass of juice and told Sue they needed to chat. "It is obvious that you have exhausted yourself," the nurse said. "If you keep working so hard, it could have severe results."


My parents tell me that all the time. I guess I shouldn't ignore them, Sue said.


You have to remind yourself it is OK to rest, the nurse said.


When Sue got back to her room, she went right to bed. She made sure she got enough rest every night after that.



apparent adj.显然的

blind adj.瞎的

calculate v.计算

chat v.交谈

commit v.承认

compose v.构成

dormitory n.宿舍

exhaust v.使精疲力竭

greenhouse n.温室

ignore v.忽视

obvious adj.明显的

physics n.物理

portion n.部分

remind v.提醒

secretary n.秘书

severe adj.严峻的

talent n.才能

thesis n.论文,论点

uniform n.制服

vision n.视力


The Lucky Knife


I've devoted my life to studying past generations. Last year, I had a unique chance to work with my uncle. Our job was to find old treasures for a school's history foundation. He also hired a crew of students. They signed a contract to work with him. He was the boss. The place was strange, though. I dined on many things that I had never tasted before. They had an unusual flavor.


We had been there about a month and hadn't found anything. One day, I began to dig in the soil. The ground's layers got wetter. Soon I was digging in the mud. My shovel began to get very heavy. It felt like it had doubled in weight because the ground had absorbed a lot of water.


Finally, I saw something in the mud. It was an old knife! The handle felt smooth in my hand. I elevated it so I could see it better. There was writing on it.


It says it will bring good luck, my uncle said with a smile. "Why don't you keep it?"


I put it in my tent. The next day, we found many more things. There were pots, jewelry and weapons. My uncle donated all of the things to a special committee. Many newspapers wrote stories about it. It seemed the knife really did bring good luck!



absorb v.吸收

boss n.老板

committee n.委员会

contract n.合同

crew n.队

devote v.致力于

dig v.挖掘

dine v.进餐

donate v.捐赠

double adj.两倍的

elevate v.举起

flavor n.味道

foundation n.基金会

generation n.一代人

handle n.把手

layer n.层

mud n.泥巴

smooth a.平滑的

soil n.土壤

unique adj.独特的


Prince Sam


Sam's mother cooked at the royal palace. One day, he went to work with her. She emphasized that he should stay in the kitchen. But Sam was bored. Thus, he decided to look around.


He went around a corner. It shocked him to see a boy who had a strong likeness to him. Sam soon recovered. The other boy stared at him. Then he spoke. "Come with me."


He needed to be rational. But he couldn't deny that he wanted to go. So he followed the boy to a chamber. "I am Prince Bertram," the boy said.


Sam felt shy talking to a prince. "I'm Sam."


“Trade places with me.” The prince said.


We can't. My mother will kill me. Moreover, I don't know anything about being a prince.


No one will find out, the prince interrupted. "We look the same, and even our gestures are the same. It will only last for a week."


Sam said OK. Soon, Sam's perspective on being a prince changed. He spent most of his day signing royal documents. At night, the prince's chamber was cold. He thought he was going to freeze or get sick with a fever or the flu. He was happy when the week ended. So was the prince.


I didn't know how to do anything, the prince said. "I've always relied on my servants to do everything for me."


I think I like being a regular person, Sam said. "Being a prince isn't fun." So, they both returned to their normal positions and enjoyed their lives more than before.



chamber n.房间

deny v.否认

document n.文件

emphasize v.强调

fever n.发烧

flu n.流感

freeze v.冻住

gesture n.手势

interrupt if.打断

last v.持续

likeness n.相似

moreover adv.而且

perspective n.观点

rational adj.合理的

recover v.恢复

rely v.依靠

shock v.使震惊

shy adj.害羞的

stare v.盯着看

thus adv.因此


Failing to Pass an Exam


Sun Shan was a popular person in Song Dynasty. Everybody liked him very much because he was not only knowledgeable but also humorous. One day, Sun Shan went to take the imperial exam with a fellow villager’s son. Finally, Sun Shan passed the exam. So he returned to his hometown happily. After Sun Shan returned home, the fellow villager asked him whether his son had also passed.Sun Shan said: “Sun Shan was the last on the list. And your son came after Sun Shan.”
 故事梗概 :宋朝时候,有个名叫孙山的才子,人聪明也很诙谐,别人都称他是“滑稽才子”。有一次,他和同乡的儿子一同去赶考。考试完毕,等到张榜公布的那一天,孙山紧张地站在那儿仔细地寻找自己的名字,终于在最后看到了自己的大名,他喜出望外的大声嚷嚷:“我中啦!我中啦!”然后,连夜赶回家里报喜讯。那位同乡见孙山回来,而他的儿子却没有一同回家,便赶到孙山家里来问情况。同乡人问:“我儿子考中了吗?”孙山幽默地回答道:“解名尽处是孙山,贤郎更在孙山外。”
 重点词汇 knowledgeable 博学多识的humorous风趣幽默的the imperial exam科举考试villager同乡,老乡come after紧跟


An Amazing Singing


The king of Chu had been a king for three years, but he never managed the state affairs. A minister was worried so he said to the king: “ I have a puzzle. Could you help me to solve it?” The king said: “ What is it?” The minister answered: “ There is a bird living in the South Mountains. It never sings or flies. Why?” 
The king smiled: “ In order to make its wings stronger, it never flies. And for knowing the situations, it never sings. Although it does not fly, it will fly straight into the sky afterwards; Even if it doesn’t sing, its singing must be surprising once it does. Don’t worry, I know what you mean.” 
After half a year, the king of Chu managed the state affairs. He abolished the unreasonable laws and made new laws. He fired the incompetent ministers and asked the learned people for help.
The State of Chu became better and better. And the king became a leader of all the countries.

1. manage:管理

2. state affairs:国务,国事

3. minister:大臣

4. puzzle:迷惑

5. in order to:为了

6. situation:情况,形势

7. abolish:废除

8. unreasonable:不合理的

9. dismiss:罢免,开除

10. incompetent:无能力的,不胜任的

11. learned:有学问的

12. ask for help:寻求帮助


Sun Quan persuaded to learn

When Lv Meng was young, he was so poor that he had no chance to read books. 
Later, Lv Meng followed the Sun Quan, and joined the army. In his opinion, he thought he could win if he was brave enough. 
One day, Sun Quan told Lv Meng: “You should pay more attention to reading books.”
After hearing this, Lv Meng laughed and said: “But, as you know, I am too busy to read books.” 
Sun Quan said seriously: “Reading books is helpful for you. I am busy, too, and I must read books if I have any time.”
Lv Meng adopted the Sun Quan’s advice and made up his mind to read. 
Once, Lu Su came over and discussed the issue with Lv Meng and was shocked by Lv Meng. 
Lu Su said: “Now, you are totally different and not the man before at all!” 
Lv Meng laughed: “Now, you should look at me with new eyes!”

  一天,孙权对吕蒙说:“你应该注意多读书。“听到这个,吕蒙笑笑说:“但是,我太忙了没有时间读书。” 孙权严肃地说;“读书对你大有益处!我也很忙,但我一有时间就必须读书。”吕蒙听取了孙权的建议并决心读书。一次,当鲁肃来和吕蒙一起议事,被吕蒙震惊到了。鲁肃说:“你现在完全不同了,不再是吴下时的没有才学的阿蒙了!” 吕蒙笑道:“士别三日,当刮目相看。”

have no chance 没有机会in one’s opinion 在某人看来brave 勇敢的pay more attention 更加关注seriously 严肃地adopt 采取,听取make up one’s mind to 下定决心做某事


Becoming Young

Liu An liked finding the way to live forever since he was a youth. So he was asking around about the elixir of life. 
One day, eight old men told him that they had the medicine and wanted to give it to him. Liu An was so happy to hear that and invited them to his palace.
 But when he saw the eight old men, he was unhappy and said: “You are such old men. 
How can I believe that you can make me stay young and live forever?” The old men laughed: “Do you think we are too old? Then, look at us carefully.”
After saying this, they became eight children.








elixir of life:长生不老药



In the State of Chu, there was a man whose family was very poor. The man never worked hard but to think about getting rich overnight.One day, he read in a book that the mantis would hide its body under a leaf when it was going to catch a cicada and no one could find it. He wanted a leaf like this.Thereupon, he ran into the woods to look for such a leaf. Finally he found the leaf and was ready to get it. But he was in such a big hurry that, out of carelessness, the leaf dropped to the ground. So he had to put all the leaves into a basket and carry them home.As soon as he got home, he held up one leaf after another in turn to cover his eye, and asked his wife: “Can you see me?” At first, his wife always answered: “Yes, I can.” After a while, she became impatient and when his husband asked her again, she said: “No, I can’t see you now!” Hearing this, he became excited and ran out to the street. Holding the leaf in his hand, he grabbed the goods in a shop. But he was caught in the end.
 重点词汇 mantis 螳螂cicada 蝉thereupon于是out of carelessness因为粗心impatient 不耐烦的grab抢夺


01 The Lion and the Rabbit 狮子和兔子02 The Laboratory 实验室03 The Report 报告04 The Dog‘s Bell 狗的铃铛05 The Jackal And The Sun Child  豺狼与太阳宝宝06 The Friendly Ghost善良的 鬼魂07 The Best Prince 最好的王子 08 How the Sun and the Moon Were Made 太阳和月亮的由来09 Adams County's Gold 亚当斯县的黄金10 The Big Race 一场盛大的比赛11 A Magical Book 神奇的书12 The Crazy Artist 疯狂的艺术家13 Princess Rose and the Creature 罗斯公主与怪物14 The First Peacock 第一只孔雀15 The Starfish 海星16 The Race for Water 关于水的比赛17 The Little Red Chicken 红色的小鸡18 Shipwrecked 海难19 The Seven Cities of Gold 七座金城20 Katy 凯蒂21 A Better Reward 更好的奖励22 The Camp 夏令营23 A Strong Friendship 坚固的友谊24 Joe's Pond 乔的池塘25 Archie and His Donkey 阿奇和他的驴26 The Spider and the Bird 蜘蛛和小鸟27 The Party 派对28 How the World Got Light 世界之光的来源29 Cats and Secrets 猫与秘密30 The Twelve Months 十二个月31 The Dragon龙

32 The Battle of Thermopylae 温泉关战役

33 The Deer and His Image鹿和它的长相

34 May 29,19531953年5月29日

35 The Frog Prince青蛙王子

36 A Beautiful Bird 一只漂亮的小鸟

37 Tricky Turtle 狡猾的乌龟

38 The Tale of Bartelby O'Boyle 巴特尔比·奥博伊尔传说

39 Blackbeard 黑胡子海盗

40 Dinosaur Drawings恐龙画







编辑 | Yoyo







